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Join Date: Dec 2011
Old 09-03-2013 , 15:02   Re: Installing latest SourceBans from the Github
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by DJ Tsunami View Post
The installation tries to create the folders. If it fails, then of course you have to create them yourself and make them writable.
Weird because in the 1.4 sourcebans, the folders came with the ZIP file containing everything else.

Well I finished installation, now I've got a nice big error page for my index.php:


               Property "CAttributeCollection.enable_smtp" is not defined.    
         39      * Returns a property value or an event handler list by property or event name. 40      * This method overrides the parent implementation by returning 41      * a key value if the key exists in the collection. 42      * @param string $name the property name or the event name 43      * @return mixed the property value or the event handler list 44      * @throws CException if the property/event is not defined. 45      */ 46     public function __get($name) 47     { 48         if($this->contains($name)) 49             return $this->itemAt($name); 50         else 51             return parent::__get($name); 52     } 53  54     /** 55      * Sets value of a component property. 56      * This method overrides the parent implementation by adding a new key value 57      * to the collection. 58      * @param string $name the property name or event name 59      * @param mixed $value the property value or event handler 60      * @throws CException If the property is not defined or read-only. 61      */ 62     public function __set($name,$value) 63     { 
               Stack Trace

                                                                        #0                                                                                                                –
                                          /var/www/sourcebans/framework/collections/CAttributeCollection.php(51): CComponent->__get("enable_smtp")                
                  46     public function __get($name) 47     { 48         if($this->contains($name)) 49             return $this->itemAt($name); 50         else 51             return parent::__get($name); 52     } 53  54     /** 55      * Sets value of a component property. 56      * This method overrides the parent implementation by adding a new key value 
                                                                            #1                                                                                                                –
                                          /var/www/sourcebans/application/components/SourceBans.php(354): CAttributeCollection->__get("enable_smtp")                
                  349             Yii::app()->setTheme(Yii::app()->user->data->theme); 350         else if(!empty(SourceBans::app()->settings->theme)) 351             Yii::app()->setTheme(SourceBans::app()->settings->theme); 352          353         // Set mailer 354         if(SourceBans::app()->settings->enable_smtp) 355         { 356             Yii::app()->mailer->mailer   = 'smtp'; 357             Yii::app()->mailer->host     = SourceBans::app()->settings->smtp_host; 358             Yii::app()->mailer->port     = SourceBans::app()->settings->smtp_port; 359             Yii::app()->mailer->username = SourceBans::app()->settings->smtp_username; 
                                                                            #2                                                                                    unknown(0): SourceBans::onBeginRequest(CEvent)                
                                                                                              #3                                                                                                                –
                                          /var/www/sourcebans/framework/base/CComponent.php(559): call_user_func(array("SourceBans", "onBeginRequest"), CEvent)                
                  554                     if(is_array($handler)) 555                     { 556                         // an array: 0 - object, 1 - method name 557                         list($object,$method)=$handler; 558                         if(is_string($object))    // static method call 559                             call_user_func($handler,$event); 560                         elseif(method_exists($object,$method)) 561                             $object->$method($event); 562                         else 563                             throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Event "{class}.{event}" is attached with an invalid handler "{handler}".', 564                                 array('{class}'=>get_class($this), '{event}'=>$name, '{handler}'=>$handler[1]))); 
                                                                            #4                                                                                                                –
                                          /var/www/sourcebans/framework/base/CApplication.php(207): CComponent->raiseEvent("onBeginRequest", CEvent)                
                  202      * Raised right BEFORE the application processes the request. 203      * @param CEvent $event the event parameter 204      */ 205     public function onBeginRequest($event) 206     { 207         $this->raiseEvent('onBeginRequest',$event); 208     } 209  210     /** 211      * Raised right AFTER the application processes the request. 212      * @param CEvent $event the event parameter 
                                                                            #5                                                                                                                –
                                          /var/www/sourcebans/framework/base/CApplication.php(178): CApplication->onBeginRequest(CEvent)                
                  173      * Remember to call the parent implementation so that static application components are loaded. 174      */ 175     public function run() 176     { 177         if($this->hasEventHandler('onBeginRequest')) 178             $this->onBeginRequest(new CEvent($this)); 179         register_shutdown_function(array($this,'end'),0,false); 180         $this->processRequest(); 181         if($this->hasEventHandler('onEndRequest')) 182             $this->onEndRequest(new CEvent($this)); 183     } 
                                                                            #6                                                                                                                –
                                          /var/www/sourcebans/index.php(16): CApplication->run()                
                  11 defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true); 12 // specify how many levels of call stack should be shown in each log message 13 defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3); 14  15 require_once($yii); 16 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run(); 
               2013-09-03 20:01:08 Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Yii Framework/1.1.14
Index-test.php gives me a different error:


  	 		Property "CAttributeCollection.default_page" is not defined.	
 		39      * Returns a property value or an event handler list by property or event name. 40      * This method overrides the parent implementation by returning 41      * a key value if the key exists in the collection. 42      * @param string $name the property name or the event name 43      * @return mixed the property value or the event handler list 44      * @throws CException if the property/event is not defined. 45      */ 46     public function __get($name) 47     { 48         if($this->contains($name)) 49             return $this->itemAt($name); 50         else 51             return parent::__get($name); 52     } 53  54     /** 55      * Sets value of a component property. 56      * This method overrides the parent implementation by adding a new key value 57      * to the collection. 58      * @param string $name the property name or event name 59      * @param mixed $value the property value or event handler 60      * @throws CException If the property is not defined or read-only. 61      */ 62     public function __set($name,$value) 63     { 
  	 		Stack Trace

 				 						 			 				#0			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/collections/CAttributeCollection.php(51): CComponent->__get("default_page")				
  							 		 						 			 				#1			 			 				 											 						–
 										 /var/www/sourcebans/application/controllers/SiteController.php(75): CAttributeCollection->__get("default_page")				
  				70      * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked 71      * when an action is not explicitly requested by users. 72      */ 73     public function actionIndex() 74     { 75         $defaultAction = 'action' . ucfirst(SourceBans::app()->settings->default_page); 76          77         $this->$defaultAction(); 78     } 79  80     /** 
			 		 						 			 				#2			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/actions/CInlineAction.php(49): SiteController->actionIndex()				
  							 		 						 			 				#3			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/CController.php(308): CInlineAction->runWithParams(array())				
  							 		 						 			 				#4			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/filters/CFilterChain.php(133): CController->runAction(CInlineAction)				
  							 		 						 			 				#5			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/filters/CFilter.php(40): CFilterChain->run()				
  							 		 						 			 				#6			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/CController.php(1145): CFilter->filter(CFilterChain)				
  							 		 						 			 				#7			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/filters/CInlineFilter.php(58): CController->filterAccessControl(CFilterChain)				
  							 		 						 			 				#8			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/filters/CFilterChain.php(130): CInlineFilter->filter(CFilterChain)				
  							 		 						 			 				#9			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/CController.php(291): CFilterChain->run()				
  							 		 						 			 				#10			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/CController.php(265): CController->runActionWithFilters(CInlineAction, array("accessControl"))				
  							 		 						 			 				#11			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(282): CController->run("")				
  							 		 						 			 				#12			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(141): CWebApplication->runController("")				
  							 		 						 			 				#13			 			 				 											+
 						 										 /var/www/sourcebans/framework/base/CApplication.php(180): CWebApplication->processRequest()				
  							 		 						 			 				#14			 			 				 											 						–
 										 /var/www/sourcebans/index-test.php(15): CApplication->run()				
  				10  11 // remove the following line when in production mode 12 defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true); 13  14 require_once($yii); 15 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run(); 
  	 		2013-09-03 20:03:21 Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Yii Framework/1.1.14

Last edited by 404UserNotFound; 09-03-2013 at 15:04.
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