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Old 08-17-2017 , 12:00   [TF2] Problems with adding myself as an admin
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EDIT: I realised I was using the steam ID for my other steam account and so it wasn't recognising me as an admin, never mind v~v

So I've just set up a dedicated server using sourcemod for TF2 and thrown in a few plugins for it to run, I've made a server before that ran sourcemod and I was easily able to make myself an admin in admins_simple.cfg. However, this time, regardless of whether I use admins.cfg or admins_simple.cfg I am completely incapable of actually making myself an admin, and I've tried using one, then the other, then both at the same time. Whenever I refresh the admin files or restart the server and then join after and use "sm_admin" the console reads "[SM] You do not have acess to this command." and I can't figure out why it's doing it.

Here is my admins.cfg:
 * Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name.
 * The name does not have to be unique.
 * Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom)
 *      "auth"          - REQUIRED - Auth method to use.  Built-in methods are:
 *                        "steam"  - Steam based authentication
 *                        "name"   - Name based authentication
 *                        "ip"	- IP based authentication
 *                        Anything else is treated as custom.
 *					 Note: Only one auth method is allowed per entry.
 *      "identity"      - REQUIRED - Identification string, for example, a steamid or name.
 *					 Note: Only one identity is allowed per entry.
 *      "password"      - Optional password to require.
 *      "group"         - Adds one group to the user's group table.
 *      "flags"         - Adds one or more flags to the user's permissions.
 *		"immunity"		- Sets the user's immunity level (0 = no immunity).
 *						  Immunity can be any value.  Admins with higher 
 *						  values cannot be targetted.  See sm_immunity_mode 
 *						  to tweak the rules.  Default value is 0.
 * Example:
		"auth"			"steam"
		"identity"		"STEAM_0:1:16"
		"flags"			"abcdef"
        "auth"            "steam"
        "identity"        "STEAM_0:1:8616"
        "immunity"        "99"
        "flags"           "z"
And here is my admins_simple.cfg:
// For each admin, you need three settings:
//  "identity"		"permissions"		"password"
// For the Identity, you can use a SteamID or Name.  To use an IP address, prepend a ! character.
// For the Permissions, you can use a flag string and an optional password.
//  Flag definitions are in "admin_levels.cfg"
//  You can combine flags into a string like this:
//  "abcdefgh"
//  If you want to specify a group instead of a flag, use an @ symbol.  Example:
//  "@Full Admins"
//	You can also specify immunity values.  Two examples:
//	"83:abcdefgh"			//Immunity is 83, flags are abcdefgh
//	"6:@Full Admins"		//Immunity is 6, group is "Full Admins"
//	Immunity values can be any number.  An admin cannot target an admin with 
//	a higher access value (see sm_immunity_mode to tweak the rules).  Default 
//  immunity value is 0 (no immunity).
//  Passwords are generally not needed unless you have name-based authentication.
//  In this case, admins must type this in their console:
//   setinfo "KEY" "PASSWORD"
//  Where KEY is the "PassInfoVar" setting in your core.cfg file, and "PASSWORD"
//  is their password.  With name based authentication, this must be done before
//  changing names or connecting.  Otherwise, SourceMod will automatically detect
//  the password being set.
// Examples: (do not put // in front of real lines, as // means 'comment')
//   "STEAM_0:1:16"		"bce"				//generic, kick, unban for this steam ID, no immunity
//   "!"		"99:z"				//all permissions for this ip, immunity value is 99
//   "BAILOPAN"			"abc"	"Gab3n"		//name BAILOPAN, password "Gab3n": gets reservation, generic, kick

"STEAM_0:1:8616" "99:z"

Last edited by Mephistopheles; 08-17-2017 at 12:12. Reason: Problem solved
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