Thread: spawn event
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Join Date: Mar 2021
Old 04-01-2021 , 14:42   spawn event
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hello, thanks for reading! ----I got this plugin made by OciXCrom (whom I thank so much) for variable movement speed, but I need to add some code to modify the custom set speed every single respawn (infinite round is sometimes used on the server). So far I've been using another plugin which automatically triggers the command every round, but I can't use it when I turn on respawn and infinite round.
I tried doing it myself but I don't really get how to stick to the respawn event... and how to set the variable

thank you in advance

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fun>
#include <hamsandwich>

#tryinclude <cromchat>

#if !defined _cromchat_included
    #error "" is missing in your "scripting/include" folder. Download it from: ""

#tryinclude <targetex>

#if !defined _targetex_included
    #error "" is missing in your "scripting/include" folder. Download it from: ""

#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32

#if !defined MAX_PLAYERS
const MAX_PLAYERS = 32

const Float:SPEED_DEFAULT = -120.9

new Float:g_fSpeed[MAX_PLAYERS + 1] = { SPEED_DEFAULT, ... }

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("Change Speed Command", "1.1", "OciXCrom")
    register_concmd("amx_speed", "Cmd_Speed", ADMIN_SLAY, "<player|group> <speed amount|reset>")
    RegisterHam(Ham_CS_Player_ResetMaxSpeed, "player", "OnResetMaxSpeed", 1)

public OnResetMaxSpeed(id)
    if(g_fSpeed[id] != SPEED_DEFAULT)
        set_user_maxspeed(id, g_fSpeed[id])

public client_putinserver(id)
    g_fSpeed[id] = SPEED_DEFAULT

public Cmd_Speed(id, iLevel, iCid)
    if(!cmd_access(id, iLevel, iCid, 3))
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new szArg[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], szTarget[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]
    read_argv(1, szArg, charsmax(szArg))

    new iPlayers[MAX_PLAYERS], iPnum = cmd_targetex(id, szArg, iPlayers, szTarget, charsmax(szTarget), TARGETEX_OBEY_IMM_SINGLE)

        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

    new szName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], szAmount[8]
    get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName))
    read_argv(2, szAmount, charsmax(szAmount))

    if(equali(szAmount, "reset"))
        for(new iPlayer, i; i < iPnum; i++)
            iPlayer = iPlayers[i]

            g_fSpeed[iPlayer] = SPEED_DEFAULT
            ExecuteHamB(Ham_CS_Player_ResetMaxSpeed, iPlayer)

        CC_LogMessage(0, _, "ADMIN &x03%s &x01reset speed for &x03%s", szName, szTarget)
        for(new iPlayer, i; i < iPnum; i++)
            iPlayer = iPlayers[i]

            g_fSpeed[iPlayer] = str_to_float(szAmount)
        CC_LogMessage(0, _, "ADMIN &x03%s &x01set &x04%s speed &x01on &x03%s", szName, szAmount, szTarget)

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