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Join Date: May 2021
Old 11-17-2022 , 18:57   [L4D2] Help fix the Game Crash when chainsaw on witch
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So i'm editing this plugin but only explode when witch die

It's work fine but i have a problem

When i chainsaw a witch, the game crash and it doesn't give any error log or nothing

Does anybody know why it will crash the game when i kill witch with chainsaw? Or it is just me? Can someone fix this?

/* Plugin Template generated by Pawn Studio */
#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required
#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
ConVar l4d_witch_death_explode_damage;
ConVar l4d_witch_death_explode_radius;
ConVar l4d_witch_death_explode_force;

public Plugin myinfo = 
	name = "Witch explode death",
	author = "Pan Xiaohai, tornasuk",
	description = "Allahu Akbar",
	version = "1.1.1",
	url = "<- URL ->"

public void OnPluginStart()
	l4d_witch_death_explode_damage = CreateConVar("l4d_witch_death_explode_damage", "100", "explode damage of rock");
	l4d_witch_death_explode_radius = CreateConVar("l4d_witch_death_explode_radius", "300", "explosion radius of rock");
	l4d_witch_death_explode_force = CreateConVar("l4d_witch_death_explode_force", "500", "explosion force of rock");

	AutoExecConfig(true, "l4d_witchexplodedeath");

	HookEvent("witch_killed", witch_killed);


public Action witch_killed(Event hEvent, const char[] strName, bool DontBroadcast)
	int witchid = hEvent.GetInt("witchid");

public void OnMapStart()
	PrecacheModel("models/props_junk/propanecanister001a.mdl", true);
	PrecacheModel("models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl", true);

void ExplodeStarWitch(int victim)
	int ent1 = 0;
	int ent2 = 0;
	float pos[3];
	GetEntPropVector(victim, Prop_Send, "m_vecOrigin", pos);	
	pos[2] += 50.0;

	ent1 = CreateEntityByName("prop_physics"); 
	DispatchKeyValue(ent1, "model", "models/props_junk/propanecanister001a.mdl"); 
	int flags = GetEntityFlags(ent1);
	SetEntityFlags(ent1, flags|FL_EDICT_DONTSEND);
	TeleportEntity(ent1, pos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
	SetEntityRenderMode(ent1, RENDER_TRANSALPHAADD);
	SetEntityRenderColor(ent1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	//AcceptEntityInput(ent1, "Ignite", -1, -1);
	AcceptEntityInput(ent1, "Break", -1, -1);
	SetEntProp(ent1, Prop_Send, "m_CollisionGroup", 1, 1);
	SetEntityMoveType(ent1, MOVETYPE_NONE);
	ent2 = CreateEntityByName("prop_physics"); 
	DispatchKeyValue(ent2, "model", "models/props_junk/gascan001a.mdl"); 
	int flagss = GetEntityFlags(ent2);
	SetEntityFlags(ent2, flagss|FL_EDICT_DONTSEND);
	TeleportEntity(ent2, pos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
	SetEntityRenderMode(ent2, RENDER_TRANSALPHAADD);
	SetEntityRenderColor(ent2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
	//AcceptEntityInput(ent2, "Ignite", -1, -1);
	AcceptEntityInput(ent2, "Break", -1, -1);
	SetEntProp(ent2, Prop_Send, "m_CollisionGroup", 1, 1);
	SetEntityMoveType(ent2, MOVETYPE_NONE);
	float damage = GetConVarFloat(l4d_witch_death_explode_damage);
	float radius = GetConVarFloat(l4d_witch_death_explode_radius);
	float pushforce = GetConVarFloat(l4d_witch_death_explode_force);
	int pointHurt = CreateEntityByName("point_hurt");   

	DispatchKeyValueFloat(pointHurt, "Damage", damage);        
	DispatchKeyValueFloat(pointHurt, "DamageRadius", radius);     
	DispatchKeyValue(pointHurt, "DamageDelay", "0.0");   
	TeleportEntity(pointHurt, pos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);  
	AcceptEntityInput(pointHurt, "Hurt", -1);    
	CreateTimer(0.1, DeletePointHurt, pointHurt); 

	int push = CreateEntityByName("point_push");         
	DispatchKeyValueFloat (push, "magnitude", pushforce);                     
	DispatchKeyValueFloat (push, "radius", radius*1.1);                     
	SetVariantString("spawnflags 24");                     
	AcceptEntityInput(push, "AddOutput");
	TeleportEntity(push, pos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);  
	AcceptEntityInput(push, "Enable", -1, -1);
	CreateTimer(1.0, DeletePushForce, push);

public Action DeletePushForce(Handle timer, any ent)
	if (IsValidEntity(ent))
		char classname[64];
		GetEdictClassname(ent, classname, sizeof(classname));
		if (StrEqual(classname, "point_push", false))
			AcceptEntityInput(ent, "Disable");
			AcceptEntityInput(ent, "Slay"); 

public Action DeletePointHurt(Handle timer, any ent)
	if (IsValidEntity(ent))
		char classname[64];
		GetEdictClassname(ent, classname, sizeof(classname));
		if (StrEqual(classname, "point_hurt", false))
			AcceptEntityInput(ent, "Slay"); 
You can rework entire and post on plugins forum, that would be really helpful

Last edited by ddd123; 11-18-2022 at 08:13.
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