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Join Date: May 2021
Old 06-10-2021 , 21:05   [L4D2] Jump Avoiding && Explosively Chi Escaping (with sm_cvar config)
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NEEDS left4dhooks

// allow jump avoiding?0: no, 1: yes
// -
// Default: "1"
avoid_enable "1"

// avoiding maxtimes.
// -
// Default: "4"
avoid_maxtimes "4"

// how long the avoid times regen once
// -
// Default: "8.0"
avoid_regen_cd "8.0"

// avoiding speed
// -
// Default: "160.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
avoid_speed "160.0"

// break chi cost
// -
// Default: "60"
break_cost "60"

// allow break chi escaping?0:no, 1:yes
// -
// Default: "1"
break_enable "1"

// anger maxpoint
// -
// Default: "100"
break_maxpoint "100"

// how long the infected will burn
// -
// Default: "30.0"
// Minimum: "1.000000"
fire_burn_long "30.0"


[1]Jump Avoiding

Survivals When jumping not forwarding, the jump will convert to an Avoiding, allows to quickly dash to avoid attack. it has a times-limit, and the avoid left-times automatic regen by time. DFT Avoding Max Times is 4, automatic regen once each 8.0 seconsds.

[2]Explosively Chi Escaping

Damage will convet to anger when got hurt. Max anger Point is 100. when you controlled by special infecteds and also already have 60 anger, you will automatic Explosively Chi Escaping and cost 60 anger. the infected will get a stagger and burn.

KNOW ISSUS : hurt from back with still get full damage anger. when got down by attack once such like tank's riot in expert, won't get any anger

1.3.1update: just changed code..nothing else
1.3reupload: bot won't get anger or break chi.

Last edited by sneaK; 06-17-2021 at 17:28. Reason: Restore to previous version.
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