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Join Date: Jul 2008
Old 08-22-2008 , 21:43   Simple TK Manager v1.0d Updated 5/27/2011
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Simple TK Manager
By Lebson506th


This plugin is just a simple solution to an annoying problem: Team killers. All this plugin does is count how many times a person TKs and is not forgiven for the TK. When the TK limit is reached, it kicks or bans the player for a set amount of time. There is also a reflect damage ability where it will reflect all team damage back onto the attacker.

Note: Reflect damage does not block headshots and/or shots that kill the victim instantly. In these cases both the victim and the attacker will die.

Known Issues
  • Counter-Strike: Source is acting weird with this plugin resulting in reflect damage not working.
sm_stk_enabled (default: 1) - Enables(1) or disables(0) the plugin.

sm_stk_reflect (default: 1) - Enables(1) or disables(0) reflecting damage back onto a team attacker.

sm_stk_limit (default: 5) - Sets the number of TKs a player has to get before they are automatically kicked.

sm_stk_forgivemessage (default: 1) - Changes who the forgiven/not forgiven messages can be seen by.
  • 0 - Nobody
  • 1 - Everyone
  • 2 - People involved
  • 3 - Admin and people involved
  • 4 - Admins only
sm_stk_countmessage (default: 2) - Changes who the TK count message can be seen by.
  • 0 - Nobody
  • 1 - Everyone
  • 2 - People involved
  • 3 - Admin and people involved
  • 4 - Admins only
sm_stk_punishmessage (default: 1) - Changes who the punishment messages can be seen by.
  • 0 - Nobody
  • 1 - Everyone
  • 2 - People involved
  • 3 - Admin and people involved
  • 4 - Admins only
sm_stk_kickmessage (default: 1) - Show a message to everyone(1) or admin only (2) when a player is kicked for TKing. 0 to disable sm_stk_protecttime (default: 10) - Automatically slay any team attacker in spawn during this amount of seconds after spawn sm_stk_immunity (default: 7) - Manages admin immunity mode.
  • 0 - Disabled, no admin immunity.
  • 1 - Admin immune to reflect damage and spawn slaying.
  • 2 - Admin immune to being kicked for TKing.
  • 3 - Options 1 and 2
  • 4 - Admin immune to TK punishments
  • 5 - Options 1 and 4
  • 6 - Options 2 and 4
  • 7 - Options 1, 2 and 4
sm_stk_punishmode (default: 1) - Manages the TKer punishment modes on top of kick.
  • 0 - No additional punishment.
  • 1 - Let the victim choose.
  • 2 - Use sm_stk_punishment
sm_stk_punishment (default: 1) - Manages the TKer punishment if sm_stk_punishmode = 2.
  • 0 - Warn
  • 1 - Slay
  • 2 - Burn
  • 3 - Freeze
  • 4 - Beacon
  • 5 - Freeze Bomb
  • 6 - Fire Bomb
  • 7 - Time Bomb
  • 8 - Drug
  • 9 - Remove % Cash
  • 10 - Slap
sm_stk_allowslay (default: 1) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, allow slaying the attacker as a punishment. sm_stk_allowfreeze (default: 1) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, allow freezing the attacker as a punishment. sm_stk_allowbeacon (default: 1) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, allow putting a beacon on the attacker as a punishment. sm_stk_allowfreezebomb (defualt: 1) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, allow putting a freezebomb on the attacker as a punishment. sm_stk_allowfirebomb (deault: 1) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, allow putting a firebomb on the attacker as a punishment. sm_stk_allowtimebomb (default: 1) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, allow putting a timebomb on the attacker as a punishment. sm_stk_drugtime (default: 10) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, set the time a TKer is drugged as a punishment. 0.0 to disable. sm_stk_burntime (default: 10) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, set the time a TKer is burnt as a punishment. 0.0 to disable. sm_stk_slapdamage (default: 5) - If sm_stk_punishmode = 1, slap the TKer for this amount of damage as a punishment. 0 to disable. sm_stk_bantime (default: -1) - Manages how long a player is banned for once they reach the TK limit. (Less than 0 is a kick) sm_stk_removecash (default: 25) - Sets the percentage of cash the victim can remove from the attacker. 0 to disable. Only for CSS. sm_stk_logging (default: 2) - Sets the logging mode. 0 = No logging, 1 = Verbose logging, 2 = Only log TK Count and "Kicked" messages, 3 = Only log "Kicked" messages
Installation Instructions
  1. Copy simpletk.smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins
  2. Copy simpletk.phrases.txt to addons/sourcemod/translations
  3. Using RCON, do "sm plugins load simpletk"
  4. It will create it's own config file in moddir/cfg/sourcemod
Special Thanks To
  • Cain for suggesting this in the first place and being my primary tester.
  • Greyscale for trying to help the reflect portion work better.
  • FeuerSturm for helping me fix a couple initial bugs and for giving me a better way to slay in spawn.
  • Sgt-Mess for testing and reporting bugs, suggesting the punishments, punishment modes, for helping to test it all during the 0.7Beta-0.7Beta4 stage, for testing in insurgency exclusively, and for pointing out a documentation error on my part.
  • The members of the [506th PIR] that were my guinea pigs while I tested out this plugin.
  • The members of {CLR} for massive testing and bug squashing.
  • tObIwAnKeNoBi for translating the plugin into german.
  • WhiteWolf for helping me track down some memory issues.
  • doa for suggesting the spawn protection.
  • PStar for hungarian translation and pointing out a bug in my new translations.
  • BAILOPAN for helping me attempt to fix slay not working in insurgency.
  • Liam for helping me fix the timer errors with UnDrug.
  • wapo20 for translating the plugin into Spanish.
  • djloeffler007 for fixing some errors in the German translation and translating the new phrases.
  • smfd for suggesting SourceBans integration.
  • DJ Tsunami for helping me fix SourceBans integration.
  • vintage.59 for translating the plugin into French
  • 5l4v45 for translating the plugin into Polish
  • monkie for showing me a small error related to clients, reminding me to change the forum compiler to 1.1, and translating the plugin into Simplified Chinese.
  • klink for translating the plugin into Russian.
  • Raptor10 for translating the plugin into Italian.
  • deadbwoy for pointing out a few minor issues and posting fixes for them.
  • WaYne82 for reporting the specifics of an admin immunity bug and testing the fix for it.
Current Languages
  • English
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Polish
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Russian
  • Italian
  • Get translated
  • Looking for suggestions
Change Log
5/27/2011 - v1.0d
  • Fixed admins not being able to be punished even when sm_stk_immunity was set to 0
  • Fixed a rare error when sm_stk_punishment was set to something invalid.
5/26/2011 - v1.0c
  • Fixed a small error in the French translations
  • Fixed a small error in the chat printing.
4/12/2009 - v1.0b
  • Added automatic changing of "mp_spawnprotecttime" to 0 on plugin start if it is available.
  • Removed supper for Resistance and Liberation because it doesn't report events required to make this plugin work.
3/1/2009 - v1.0a
  • Fixed a small error related to invalid clients.
  • Reverted some small code changes to prevent more errors like this.
2/28/2009 - v1.0
  • Added logging into its own file. The file is located in sourcemod/logs/stk_log_mmddyy.log.
  • Added logging of every message so you know the progress of people TKing rather than just when they are kicked.
  • Added sm_stk_loggin to manage the logging behavior.
  • Changed code to use MaxClients variable introduced in SourceMod 1.1
  • Changed code to clean it up a little.
  • Removed redundant check for insurgency support.
10/5/2008 - v0.9
  • Thanks to FeuerSturm, the in-spawn slaying now works a lot better and I was able to drop my ridiculous work around.
  • Changed some code around to maybe reduce the possibility of the auto-forgive bug more.
9/29/2008 - v0.8e
  • Fixed SourceBans integration. For real this time =)
  • Removed the need for a seperate include file. Now compiles on the forum and the web compiler.
9/29/2008 - v0.8d
  • Fixed SourceBans integration.
9/27/2008 - v0.8c
  • Changed version CVAR to not get added to the auto-created config.
  • Added automatic MySQL Banning and SourceBans integration if banning is enabled (sm_stk_bantime >= 0)
9/10/2008 - v0.8b
  • Shifted around some code to reduce the probability of the auto-forgive bug, if not eliminate it.
  • Removed some redundant and useless code.
  • Fixed a possible bug where a client was being queried even after they had been kicked.
9/9/2008 - v0.8a
  • Fixed a bug where forgiving a player meant that you forgived everyone until you rejoined.
  • Fixed sm_stk_drugtime and sm_stk_burntime defaulting to 1 instead of 10
  • Fixed the "warn" punishment not displaying according to the punishment message CVAR.
9/8/2008 - v0.8
  • Changed the plugin to auto-generate a config file in cfg/sourcemod.
  • Added slap, firebomb, freezebomb, timebomb, and removal of money as punishments.
  • Added CVARs to enable and disable the new punishments.
  • Changed translations to reflect the new punishments.
  • Changed sm_stk_punishment to reflect the new punishments.
9/3/2008 - v0.7f
  • Fixed passed handler error for the undrug function.
  • Fixed a future error where the script would try to punish a player after the map changed and end up punishing the wrong person (or throwing an error).
9/2/2008 - v0.7e
  • Small tweak to fix insurgency error messages. (Other mods don't need to update)
9/2/2008 - v0.7d
  • Fixed punishment menu not showing up.
  • Fixed TK immunity when sm_stk_immunity was set to 0
  • Fixed wrong punishments when not all were enabled
9/2/2008 - v0.7c
  • Changed something I was testing that was probably causing crashes.
9/1/2008 - v0.7b
  • Fixed slay not working in insurgency.
8/31/2008 - v0.7a
  • Fixed a bug where the client was less than 0.
  • Fixed an array out of bounds error.
  • Fixed some bugs where I was trying to reset a variable of a client that was no longer connected.
  • Added more checks to hopefully fix the auto-forgive bug.
8/30/2008 - v0.7
  • Everything from v0.7Beta to v0.7Beta4
  • Added some variable checks to prevent future errors
  • Added some attacker/client checks to hopefully eliminate the auto-forgive bug.
8/29/2008 - v0.7Beta4
  • Fixed CVARs sm_stk_burntime and sm_stk_drugtime
  • Added sm_stk_bantime that manages how long a player is banned for once they reach the TK limit. (Less than 0 is a kick)
8/29/2008 - v0.7Beta3
  • Changed sm_stk_allowburn to sm_stk_burntime to change the length of the burn punishment. 0.0 to disable.
  • Changed sm_stk_allowdrug to sm_stk_drugtime to change the length of the drug punishment. 0.0 to disable.
  • Fixed a drugged player not undrugging.
  • Fixed a punishment not working if the attacker was dead from reflected damage. (Punishment will happen on next spawn. Possible delay of up to 5 seconds after it).
8/29/2008 - v0.7Beta2
  • Fixed the sm_stk_punishmode 2 not working.
  • Fixed displaying the punishment menu to the wrong client. (Letting the attacker punish the victim is bad)
  • Fixed Burn not working.
  • Fixed Freeze not working.
  • Fixed admins not being immune to TK punishments when sm_stk_immunity was set to protect them.
8/29/2008 - v0.7Beta
  • Fixed a bug where admin were not immune to spawn slaying if they killed the victim.
  • Added two punishment modes. 1, the victim gets to choose a punishment from a menu. 2, the admin defines a pre-set punishment, 0 disables.
  • Added sm_stk_punishmode, sm_stk_punishment, sm_stk_allowslay, sm_stk_allowburn, sm_stkallowfreeze, sm_stk_allowbeacon, and sm_stk_allowdrug. See documentation.
  • Changed sm_stk_immunity to account for the new punishments. Now defaults to 7, as well as multiple additions. See documentation.
8/27/2008 - v0.6
  • Added sm_stk_immunity cvar to change admin immunity.
    • 0 - Disabled, no admin immunity.
    • 1 - Admin immune to reflect damage and spawn slaying.
    • 2 - Admin immune to being kicked for TKing.
    • 3 - Both options 1 and 2
  • Changed translations to work with the new command. (Update both files)
8/25/2008 - v0.5a
  • Changed the auto-forgive to be more consistent.
  • Fixed a bug where slaying in spawn wouldn't work if reflect damage was turned off sometimes.
  • Changed display to show when a player was slayed for too much TA vs. TAing in spawn. (Update translations)
8/24/2008 - v0.5
  • Changed how the message management was done to clean it up a bit.
  • Fixed a bug where an invalid client was being referenced.
  • Changed the kick message to show the kicked player's Steam ID (update translations)
  • Added logging to show who is kicked for TKing.
  • Fixed a bug where the player would sometimes not be killed after a TK with reflect damage on.
  • Changed the in spawn killing routine to make sure the person dies. (No more stuck in the skybox)
  • Added German translations thanks to tObIwAnKeNoBi
  • Removed some unneeded code.
  • Added the ability to slay spawn attackers for a certain amount of time after the victim spawns.
  • Added sm_stk_protecttime to manage this function.
  • If a player still has a forgive menu open, all TKs done to that player are now autoforgiven.
  • Removed the "exit" button from the forgive menu. It is a yes or no question, make a choice.
  • Fixed the memory leaks and crashes. (Yay)
8/23/2008 - v0.4
  • Fixed TK count not being reset after a player is kicked.
  • Fixed a bug where TKers in spawn would not die with reflect damage enabled. (If players are alive after being "suicided" their health is set to 1 and then they are dropped a large distance to their death)
  • Changed the way i did reflect damage (it was based on the first version of Reflect Team Damage instead of the second)
  • Changed "sm_stk_messagetype" to "sm_stk_forgivemessage"
  • Added a message that informs the TKer of how many TKs they have and how many they need until they are kicked.
  • Added "sm_stk_countmessage" to manage who sees this message.
  • Added "sm_stk_kickmessage" to manage who sees the message when a player is kicked for TKing.
  • Fixed a bug where the TK manager would not work if reflect was off.
8/23/2008 - v0.3
  • Fixed some minor warning.
  • Fixed menu not showing up properly.
  • Fixed bugs where client was <= 0
8/22/2008 - v0.2
  • Added the ability to forgive players who TKed from a menu.
  • Added a CVAR to change the who the forgive/did not forgive messages are displayed to.
8/22/2008 - v0.1
  • Initial Release
Attached Files
File Type: txt simpletk.phrases.txt (17.6 KB, 4705 views)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (simpletk.sp - 7974 views - 39.2 KB)
My Plugins
Spray Tracer by Nican, maintained by me
Simple TK Manager
DoD:S Admin Weapons

Resistance and Liberation (A HL2 Multiplayer Modification)

Last edited by Lebson506th; 05-27-2011 at 12:36. Reason: 1.0d
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