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Join Date: Sep 2012
Old 05-23-2022 , 12:59   Rotating Aircraft ( drone )
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Currently i've a drone, i am trying to rotate the drone depending on pressing some keys i heard that i can use the rodrigues 3d rotation formula and this is what i tried so far....

#define SquareRoot(%1) floatsqroot(%1)
#define Sine(%1) floatsin(%1,degrees)
#define Cosine(%1) floatcos(%1,degrees)

RotationAroundAxis( Float:v[3], Float:fAxis[3], Float: fAngle )
	new Float:fCross[3], Float:fvReturn[3], Float:d[3], Float:r[3];

	for(new i; i < 3; i++)
		d[i] = xs_vec_dot( fAxis, v ) * fAxis[i];
		r[i] = v[i] - d[i];

	xs_vec_cross(fAxis, r, fCross);

	for(new i; i < 3; i++)
		fvReturn[i] = d[i] + r[i] * Cosine(fAngle) + fCross[i] * Sine(fAngle);

	xs_vec_copy(fvReturn, v);
	return 0;

public fw_drone_brain(ent)
	static iOwner;
	iOwner = entity_get_int(ent, DRONE_OWNER);
	static iButtons, Float:fOrigin[3], Float:fvAngles[3], Float:fVector[3], Float:fVelocity[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, Float:fSpeed, Float:fMaxSpeed;
	fMaxSpeed = entity_get_float(ent, EV_FL_maxspeed);
	fSpeed = entity_get_float(ent, EV_FL_speed);
	iButtons = get_user_button(iOwner);
	entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_velocity, fVelocity);
	entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_angles, fvAngles);
	entity_get_vector(ent, EV_VEC_origin, fOrigin);
	if(xs_vec_len(fVelocity) > 0.0)
		set_pev(ent, pev_frame, 1);
		set_pev(ent, pev_framerate, 1.0);
		set_pev(ent, pev_frame, 0);
		set_pev(ent, pev_framerate, 0.0);
	switch( entity_get_int(ent, DRONE_CURRENT_STATUS) )
			static target;
			get_user_aiming(iOwner, target)
			if(target == ent && iButtons & IN_USE && !(pev(iOwner, pev_oldbuttons) & IN_USE))
				attach_drone_player(iOwner, ent);
			entity_set_float(ent, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime() + 0.01);
			if(iButtons & IN_FORWARD)
				entity_set_float(ent, EV_FL_speed, (fSpeed = floatmin(fSpeed + 10.0, fMaxSpeed)));
			else if(iButtons & IN_BACK)
				entity_set_float(ent, EV_FL_speed, (fSpeed = floatmax(fSpeed - 10.0, 0.0)));

			if(fSpeed > 0.0)
				angle_vector(fvAngles, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, fVector);
				xs_vec_mul_scalar(fVector, fSpeed, fVelocity);

			static Float:fvForward[3], Float:fvRight[3], Float:fvUP[3];
			angle_vector(fvAngles, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, fvForward);
			angle_vector(fvAngles, ANGLEVECTOR_RIGHT, fvRight);
			xs_vec_neg(fvRight, fvRight);
			angle_vector(fvAngles, ANGLEVECTOR_UP, fvUP);

			if(iButtons & IN_MOVERIGHT || iButtons & IN_RIGHT)
				g_user_rotation_angle[iOwner][2] += 5.0;

				xs_vec_copy(fvRight, fVector);
				RotationAroundAxis(fVector, fvForward, g_user_rotation_angle[iOwner][2]);
				xs_vec_normalize(fVector, fVector);
				xs_vec_cross(fVector, fvForward, fvUP);
				xs_vec_cross(fvUP, fVector, fVector);
				vector_to_angle(fVector, fvAngles);
			else if(iButtons & IN_MOVELEFT || iButtons & IN_LEFT)
				g_user_rotation_angle[iOwner][2] += -5.0;

				xs_vec_mul_scalar(fvRight, 10.0, fVector);
				RotationAroundAxis(fVector, fvForward, g_user_rotation_angle[iOwner][2]);
				xs_vec_normalize(fVector, fVector);
				xs_vec_cross(fVector, fvForward, fvUP);
				xs_vec_cross(fvUP, fVector, fVector);
				vector_to_angle(fVector, fvAngles);
			else if(iButtons & IN_JUMP)
				g_user_rotation_angle[iOwner][0] += 5.0;

				xs_vec_mul_scalar(fvForward, 10.0, fVector);
				RotationAroundAxis(fVector, fvRight, g_user_rotation_angle[iOwner][0]);
				xs_vec_normalize(fVector, fVector);
				xs_vec_cross(fVector, fvRight, fvUP);
				xs_vec_cross(fvUP, fvRight, fVector);
				vector_to_angle(fVector, fvAngles);
			else if(iButtons & IN_DUCK)
				g_user_rotation_angle[iOwner][0] += -5.0;

				xs_vec_mul_scalar(fvForward, 10.0, fVector);
				RotationAroundAxis(fVector, fvRight, g_user_rotation_angle[iOwner][0]);
				xs_vec_normalize(fVector, fVector);
				xs_vec_cross(fVector, fvRight, fvUP);
				xs_vec_cross(fvUP, fvRight, fVector);
				vector_to_angle(fVector, fvAngles);

			// lets make sure the plane doesn't exceed the maximum speed limits.
			if(xs_vec_len(fVelocity) > fMaxSpeed)
				xs_vec_normalize(fVelocity, fVelocity);
				xs_vec_mul_scalar(fVelocity, fMaxSpeed, fVelocity);

			fVelocity[2] *= -1.0;
			entity_set_vector(ent, EV_VEC_angles, fvAngles);
			entity_set_vector(ent, EV_VEC_velocity, fVelocity);
			entity_set_float(ent, EV_FL_nextthink, get_gametime() + 0.1);
		case DRONE_KILL:
			// more stuff to think about
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Last edited by Natsheh; 05-23-2022 at 13:00.
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