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Join Date: Feb 2010
Old 02-11-2010 , 18:31   Re: Infected Loot v1.4
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Great plugin, deployed it on my server and it worked very nicely. The only thing I didn't like was how much stuff it spawned. I went through the list and modified it to my likings (made it so loot dropping was very low since I have fast respawn on the infected). There were a few comments I have though:

1) I would like to have the zombies spawn ahead/behind the group so that they don't randomly appear out of thin air
2) The witch seems to spawn in the same place so I came around a corner and got him by two at the same time, would like their spawn to be at random spots on the map
3) Would it be possible to add a convar that would allow X amount of random items dropped at the start of a map?

Other than that everything else is good. I'll be putting it through the ringer for a while to give you any more feedback.


Even after changing the CFG file the plugin created it had no effect, I was still getting the same amount of items and items that were defaults in the program. I tried putting the information directly into my server.cfg but the same thing happened.

Last edited by Mortiegama; 02-11-2010 at 19:18.
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