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Join Date: Aug 2015
Old 09-15-2015 , 14:42   Help on code pls
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line 161-170 I have no clue why it's returning me a false value instead of a true value ( I tried with bots! ) // FIXED
However I'm also having a problem with DataPacks, any clue on how to fix it? ( last function )

L 09/15/2015 - 22:31:55: [SM] Native "ReadPackCell" reported: DataPack operation is out of bounds.

Thanks and good luck.
#pragma semicolon 1

#define DEBUG

#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "Grandpa -a"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.14"

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <cstrike>
#include <sdkhooks>
#include <smlib>

new bool:DisableSwitch[MAXPLAYERS + 1];

public Plugin myinfo = 
	name = "takeweapon", 
	author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR, 
	description = "", 
	version = PLUGIN_VERSION, 
	url = ""

public void OnPluginStart()
	if (!IsCSGO())
		SetFailState("CS:GO Only.");

public OnClientPutInServer(client)
	DisableSwitch[client] = false; // automatically sets false when client joins server.

public Action:Command_Switch(client, args)
	DisableSwitch[client] = !DisableSwitch[client];
	if (DisableSwitch[client])
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0ESwitch Weapon\x01] You have \x0Fdisabled\x01 switching!");
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0ESwitch Weapom\x01] You have \x06enabled\x01 switching!");
	return Plugin_Handled; // after setting, end the plugin.

stock bool:IsCSGO()
	new String:bufferString[16];
	GetGameFolderName(bufferString, 16);
	if (StrEqual(bufferString, "csgo", false))
		return true;
		LogMessage("Failed to load plugin, CS:GO ony!");
		return false;
	if (!(1 <= client <= MaxClients) || !IsClientInGame(client))
		return false;
	return true;

stock bool:exec_PreTakeWeapon(player1, player2)
	if (IsValidClient(player1))
		g_iWeapon[player1] = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(player1, 0);
		if (g_iWeapon[player1] == -1) { return false; }
		new String:szClClassID[64];
		GetEdictClassname(g_iWeapon[player2], szClClassID, sizeof(szClClassID));
		Client_RemoveWeapon(player1, szClClassID);
		return true;

stock regcmds()
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_takeweapon", command_takeWeapon, "self-explanatory...");
	RegConsoleCmd("sm_takeweaponoff", Command_Switch, "disables the ability for other people to grab your weapon.");

public Action:command_takeWeapon(client, args)
	if (args < 1)
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0ESwitch Weapon\x01] Usage: sm_switchknife <player>");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	new String:arg[32];
	GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg)); // get args
	new target = FindTarget(client, arg, false, false); // args = player
	/** Possible Errors go here**/
	if (target == -1)
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0ESwitch Weapon\x01] \x07Can't find player!");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	else if (DisableSwitch[target])
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0ESwitch Weapon\x01] \x07That person has disabled switching!");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	else if (!IsPlayerAlive(target))
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0ESwitch Weapon\x01] \x07That player is dead!");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	else if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0ESwitch Weapon\x01] \x07You are dead!");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	else if (!GetPlayerWeaponSlot(target, 0))
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0ESwitch Weapon\x01] \x07Target doesn't have a weapon to switch!");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	/** Exec command**/
	if (!IsPlayerAlive(client))
		PrintToChat(client, "[\x0EAlert!\x01]\x07 Cancelled: You are dead!");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	else if (!IsPlayerAlive(target))
		PrintToChat(target, "[\x0EAlert!\x01]\x07 Cancelled: That player is dead!");
		return Plugin_Handled;
	if (PreTakeWeapon(client, target))
		RemovePlayerItem(client, g_iWeapon[client]);
		AcceptEntityInput(g_iWeapon[client], "Kill");
		exec_TakeWeapon(client, target);
	else if (!PreTakeWeapon(client, target))
		exec_TakeWeapon(client, target);

stock bool:PreTakeWeapon(player1, player2)
	g_iWeapon[player1] = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(player1, 0);
	if (g_iWeapon[player1] == -1) { return false; } else { return true; }

exec_TakeWeapon(player1, player2)
	new Handle:DataPack = CreateDataPack();
	WritePackCell(DataPack, player1);
	WritePackCell(DataPack, player2);
	g_iWeapon[player2] = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(player2, 0);
	if (g_iWeapon[player2] == -1) { return; }
	new String:szClassID[64];
	GetEdictClassname(g_iWeapon[player2], szClassID, sizeof(szClassID));
	WritePackString(DataPack, szClassID);
	CS_DropWeapon(player2, g_iWeapon[player2], false, true);
	CreateDataTimer(0.1, EquipWeapon, DataPack);

// trying to pass the target into a timer callback
public Action:EquipWeapon(Handle:timer, Handle:DataPack)
	new client;  
	new target; 
	decl String:szClassID[64];
	client = ReadPackCell(DataPack);
	target = ReadPackCell(DataPack);
	ReadPackString(DataPack, szClassID, sizeof(szClassID));
	if (IsPlayerAlive(client))

		//decl String:newWeapon[64];
		//Format(newWeapon, sizeof(newWeapon), szClassID);
		PrintToChatAll("client: %s", client);
		PrintToChatAll("target: %s", target);
		PrintToChatAll("string: %s", szClassID);
		new Float:clientvec[3];
		GetClientAbsOrigin(client, clientvec);
		//TeleportEntity(newWeapon, clientvec, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
		EquipPlayerWeapon(client, g_iWeapon[client]);
		EquipPlayerWeapon(target, g_iWeapon[target]);
		//SetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon", szClassID); // maybe change this variable to szClassID idk
		//SetEntPropEnt(target, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon", szClassID); // maybe change this variable to szClassID idk

Last edited by bally; 09-15-2015 at 17:37.
bally is offline