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Old 08-17-2017 , 18:59   Re: [ANY] SteamWorks
Reply With Quote #610

Originally Posted by dubbeh View Post
Came accross an issue, that I'm a bit stumped about because it's working perfectly for me.

Full Source:
public Action Command_MOTDRegisterServer(int iClient, int iArgs)
	char szRegisterURL[192] = "";
	Handle hHTTPRequest = INVALID_HANDLE;
	if (g_cVarEnable.BoolValue)
		if (g_cVarValidateType.IntValue == VALIDATE_TOKEN)
			if (SteamWorks_IsLoaded())
				Format(szRegisterURL, sizeof(szRegisterURL), "%s?server=1", g_szRegisterURL);
				if ((hHTTPRequest = SteamWorks_CreateHTTPRequest(k_EHTTPMethodPOST, szRegisterURL)) != INVALID_HANDLE)
					if (SetServerInfoPostData(hHTTPRequest) &&
						SteamWorks_SetHTTPCallbacks(hHTTPRequest, SteamWorks_OnRegisterComplete) &&
						MOTDFLogMessage("Registering server.");
					} else {
						MOTDFLogMessage("Error setting HTTP request data for server registration.");
			} else {
				SetFailState("SteamWorks doesn't appear to be loaded. Make sure to have it installed and running first.");
		} else {
			ReplyToCommand(iClient, "No need to register under IP based validation");

public void SteamWorks_OnRegisterComplete(Handle hRequest, bool bFailure, bool bRequestSuccessful, EHTTPStatusCode eStatusCode)
	char szResponseData[512] = "";
	int iResponseSize = 0;
	char szJSONResMsg[512];
	bool bIsBlocked = false;
	if (!bFailure && bRequestSuccessful && eStatusCode == k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK)
		if (SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodySize(hRequest, iResponseSize) && SteamWorks_GetHTTPResponseBodyData(hRequest, szResponseData, iResponseSize))
			MOTDFLogMessage("SteamWorks_OnRegisterComplete() JSON Response: %s", szResponseData);
			if (ReadJSONResponse(szResponseData, szJSONResMsg, sizeof(szJSONResMsg), bIsBlocked, g_szServerToken, sizeof(g_szServerToken)))
				if (g_szServerToken[0])
			} else {
				MOTDFLogMessage("SteamWorks_OnRegisterComplete() Error: %s - IsBlocked: %s", szJSONResMsg, bIsBlocked ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
		} else {
			MOTDFLogMessage("SteamWorks_OnRegisterComplete() Error retrieving registration response data.");
	} else {
		MOTDFLogMessage("SteamWorks_OnRegisterComplete() Error: Response code %d .", eStatusCode);

What's basically happening - They're getting to
MOTDFLogMessage("Registering server.");
but nothing after that point.

Was thinking if it was a CloudFlare issue possibly? but it's working fine for me without problems but that's testing on a residential IP.

Hopefully someone has possible ideas on the cause,


They're using NFO Servers as the host - if that helps.
Slew of issues...

You're not returning Plugin_Handled in your command callback.
Is this timing out? Try setting SteamWorks_SetHTTPRequestNetworkActivityTimeo ut.
You're raw printing strings and double formatting strings, MOTDFLogMessage(szJSONResMsg); is a disaster.
Your SteamWorks_IsLoaded() call is wrong and you should be using GetFeatureStatus.
Have you checked your SM error logs?
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