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Join Date: Feb 2006
Old 04-13-2010 , 20:35   Re: Non-Steam = No Support

A few things...


So you got called mussolini, big deal. You stated your opinion, other people stated their opinions, it's called a discussion. Maybe we can learn from each other, eh? Don't get your feathers all ruffled.

@steamid problem

Who is affected by this problem? Let's go through some possible examples, please add more if you see that I skipped something.
1. Oh, no! My zombie/war3ft/stats/etc. mod will be ruined!

No, it won't. The steamids will be changed only on the server that runs the steamid-changer. Exolent mentioned that players would be able to access the xp/levels/stats of other players. This is actually not an issue, because it would happen only if the server admin runs a steamid-changer. If the admin wants to ruin the experience of his players, he can do it with or without a steamid-changer.

2. VAC bans

Not affected.

Originally Posted by YamiKaitou View Post
Since VAC bans by account and not SteamID, I doubt this will affect VAC as VAC status is checked on the account during authorization of the account during the connection process.
3. SteamBans

Yes, this may be affected. Server admins can send reports to SteamBans with false steamids and evidence of cheating. A steamid-changer may cause some false reports.

I'm not familiar with SteamBans at all, so forgive my ignorance, but it seems like an awful way to report bans. What's stopping people from making false reports by submitting false steamids without this nifty steamid-changer?
So, I can't find any real harm caused by a steamid-changer. It doesn't really provide much benefit either, but it's still cool.

For example, you could have a plugin that makes all your friends have the coolest steamids (1337, 80085, etc.). Or, you could mark certain players' steamids with special characters when they have special privileges or when they have warnings for breaking rules, etc. It's not much different than changing players' names.

Last edited by stupok; 04-14-2010 at 20:34.
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