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Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Romania
Old 12-14-2019 , 07:43   Problem with the mysql ban scripting
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Hi, i use ban mysql threaded plugin and when i ban a player show this: and him reconnect show like this
this is the database

Can you help me to show like in first photo when him reconnect to the server

public T_AuthCheck(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) {
	new client;
 	decl ban_length;	
	decl String:steam_id[32];
	decl String:steam_id_admin[32];
 	decl String:ban_reason[100];
 	decl String:banned_by[100];	
 	decl String:date[32];
 	decl ban_remaining;
 	decl String:source[65];
	decl String:query[255];
	if ((client = GetClientOfUserId(data)) == 0) {
	GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Engine, steam_id, 32);
	//GetClientName(admin, source, sizeof(source));

	new buffer_len = strlen(steam_id) * 2 + 1
	new String:v_steam_id[buffer_len]
	SQL_EscapeString(hDatabase, steam_id, v_steam_id, buffer_len)
	if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) {
		LogError("[MYBans] Query failed! %s", error);
		KickClient(client, "Error: Reattempt connection");
	FormatTime(date, sizeof(date), "%R - %D ");

	if(SQL_FetchRow(hndl)) {
		ban_length = SQL_FetchInt(hndl,0);
		if (ban_length == 0) 
			KickClient(client,"Ai Primit ban\nDurata Ban: Permanent\nMotiv: %s\nNume Admin: %s\nSteamID Admin: %s\nSteamID-ul tau: %s\nData si ora: %s\n StefanX1 on Steam", ban_reason, banned_by, steam_id_admin, steam_id, date);

		ban_remaining = SQL_FetchInt(hndl,2);

		if (ban_remaining <= ban_length) 

			KickClient(client,"Ai Primit ban\nDurata Ban: %d\nMotiv: %s\nNume Admin: %s\nSteamID Admin: %s\nSteamID-ul tau: %s\nData si ora: %s\n StefanX1 on Steam", ban_remaining, ban_reason, banned_by, steam_id_admin, steam_id, date);
		} else {

			Format(query, sizeof(query), "DELETE FROM my_bans WHERE steam_id='%s'", v_steam_id);
			SQL_TQuery(hDatabase, T_MYUnBan, query);
			LogMessage("[MYBans] User %s has been unbanned by elapse of time.", v_steam_id);

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