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Join Date: Aug 2021
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Old 08-19-2021 , 20:00   Re: Just some confusion with Boss abilities
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All link you want

Ability Menu:

"abilityX" (ability slot)
"name" "special_menu_manager"

"slot" "1" // 0 Ability Slot

"tick" "0.1" // 1 Menu Tick Interval
"weapon" "1" // 2 Required Holding Weapon Slot (-1 for all weapons)
"jarate" "15.0" // 3 Jarate Cooldown
"random" "0" // 4 Max Random Amount of Spells (0 to use all spells)
"refresh" "0x0000" // 5 When to Refresh Set Spells (if arg4/random is used)
// 0x0001: On Kill
// 0x0002: On Spell Usage
"rage" "2" // 6 Wether to Disable Using Rage (2 hides the HUD)

"mana1" "Metal" // 10 Name of Mana
"max1" "-1.0" // 11 Maximum Amount (-1 for no limit)
"start1" "0.0" // 12 Starting Amount
"roll1" "0.0" // 13 Displayed Rolling Speed (Maximum change every menu tick)
"kill1" "0.0" // 14 Amount on Kill
"hit1" "0.0" // 15 Amount per Damage Dealt
"hurt1" "1.0" // 16 Amount per Damage Taken
"time1" "0.0" // 17 Amount per Menu Tick
"blast1" "350.0" // 18 Amount on Airblasted

"name1" "Scout Bots" // 100 Name of Spell
"ability1a" "rage_gray_summon1" // 101 Ability Name 1
"plugin1a" "ffbat_new_abilities" // 102 Plugin Name 1
"slot1a" "-1" // 103 Ability Slot 1
"button1a" "0" // 104 Buttonmode 1
"cost1a" "3500.0" // 110 Cost of Mana Type 1
"initial1" "5.0" // 120 Initial Cooldown
"cooldown1" "225.0" // 121 Spell Cooldown
"global1" "30.0" // 122 Global Cooldown
"spell1" "0x0006" // 123 Spell Type
// 0x0001: Magic
// 0x0002: Heavy
// 0x0004: Summon
// 0x0008: Partner
// 0x0010: Last Life
"particle1" "" // 131 Particle Effect
"attach1" "" // 132 Particle Attachment Point

"plugin_name" "ffbat_menu_abilities"

"sound_menu_1" (sound used when using ability)
"1" "mvm/mvm_warning.wav"
Forced Mercenary Taunt:

No Idea only thing i found is this: (force thriller taunt)

"name" "rage_thriller_taunt"
"arg1" "0" // # of dances
"arg2" "0 " // Affect ubered players? (1=yes, 0=no)
"arg3" "600" // Range (if 0, will use ragedist value instead)
// args reserved for the ability management system, if configured to be used with AMS.
"arg1001" "0.0" // delay before first use
"arg1002" "10.0" // cooldown
"arg1003" "Thriller!" // name
"arg1004" "Thriller Night!" // description
"arg1005" "25" // rage cost
"arg1006" "1" // index for ability in the AMS menu
"plugin_name" "shadow93_abilities"
Giant Laser Rage:

// Anything asking for milliseconds should be in increments of 100ms. One tick is 100ms, and the code
automatically converts it to ticks on read.
"name" "dot_beam"
"arg1" "5.0" // damage per 100ms closest to origin. it's allowable to have this smaller than the below.
"arg2" "75.0" // damage per 100ms farthest from origin. it's allowable to have this larger than the above.
"arg3" "3000" // maximum range in Hammer Units
"arg4" "50" // radius of beam in Hammer Units. it's highly recommended you don't go above 50 with this, for reasons scattered about the source code.
"arg5" "7EE5E2" // color of beam, RRGGBB
"arg6" "2000" // charge-up time in milliseconds, user is wasting rage and immobilized during this time.
"arg7" "4000" // wind-down time in milliseconds, user is NOT wasting rage during this time, but they are stunned. It's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you implement this, lest the rage be abused to target super jumping.
"arg8" "freak_fortress_2\spy_samedi\spy_samedi_energ y_beam.mp3" // sound location if you want to have one for charge-up, blank otherwise. It's assumed to be the length of charge-up time and doesn't loop.
"arg9" "" // sound location if you want to have one for beam firing, blank otherwise. It loops.
"arg10" "99" // length to play before looping in milliseconds. I recommend setting it a bit (~500ms) lower than the actual sound length.
"arg11" "" // sound location if you want to have one for wind-down, blank otherwise. It doesn't loop.
"arg12" "52.0" // damage to buildings per 100ms closest to origin. it's allowable to have this smaller than the below.
"arg13" "4.0" // damage to buildings per 100ms farthest from origin. it's allowable to have this larger than the above.
"arg14" "ghost_smoke" // particle effect to display above hale during stun, leave blank to not use feature
// arg15 is a set of flags, due to the fact I'm running out of args. Please add the following values to get your desired result.
// 1 = disable dropping beam effect, 0 = show dropping beam effect (at start of rage)
// 2 = stun doesn't cancel beam (note: user can't turn off beam while stunned, TF2 limitation), 0 = stun does (including after-teleport stun)
// 4 = prevent teleporting during beam usage, 0 = don't
"arg15" "1"
"arg16" "2.0,0.0,60.0" // offset of beam origin, relative to where I originally set it (which was based on eye level with a lower Z, not relative to origin)
//"arg17" "partyhat" // OPTIONAL: attachment point. If this is set, the above is ignored.
//"arg18" "5.0" // Z offset for the above
"plugin_name" "default_dots"
Always test your boss if you can. Here is a link to Transit of Venus post about his test server.

Looking forward to your boss.

(Edit) If making boss is new for you, you can use this to make basic boss and learn how cfg work.

Last edited by Kolaxie; 08-19-2021 at 20:20.
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