Thread: [ANY] Contracts
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Old 09-26-2016 , 09:18   [ANY] Contracts
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[ANY] Contracts

A very simple plugin wich add a little bit of content for the players. They will be asked to do different tasks, such as killing other players, running around, dying and what ever you want, really.

The plugin is fully configurable using the small keyvalue file. An exemple of a correctly configured file can be found in the INSTALLATION part of this post.

Original idea :

Here is the no-finished list of avaible features for now :
  • Fully configurable
  • Custom contracts
  • Contracts doesn't have the same % of luck to appear
  • Ridiculus name
  • Ridiculus objective
  • Nice HUD display (for game wich have support for)
  • Using MySQLite, so you don't have to setup a database.
  • Drag'n'drop installation
  • Translation !

0) You need sourcemod version >= 1.10 !!
1) Download the SMX file and also the config file (CFG) using the approriate link at the end of the post.
2) Put the smx file in the PLUGINS folder.
3) Put the CFG file in the CONFIGS folder.
4) Put the contract.translation.txt in the TRANSLATION folder !
5) Edit the config file if needed (using your favorite text editor). PS : See the already existing content of the file.
6) Load the plugin by changing map, or restarting the server.

I added a new field for the contract KILL and DIE take a look :
		"Contract Name"			"Die like a true beginner"
		"Contract Type"			"DIE"
		"Contract Objective"	        "10"
		"Contract Chances"		"90"
		"Contract Reward"		"10"
		"Contract Weapon"		"MELEE" //or could be the name of the weapon, for exemple : weapon_awp or tf_weapon_pistol or PRIMARY or SECONDARY
Just don't put the field "Contract Weapon" or set the value as "" to disable the weapon check, see :
		"Contract Name"			"Just die already !"
		"Contract Type"			"KILL"
		"Contract Objective"	        "9999"
		"Contract Chances"		"10"
		"Contract Reward"		"800"
		"Contract Weapon"		""

sm_contract - Display your current contract's info.
sm_contractlevel - Display your contracts stats.
sm_contracttop - Display the top 7 contract's player.
sm_contracthud - Display/Hide HUD.

Admin commands :
sm_givecontract - give a contract to the specified user. Require the admin generic flab (b if I remember correctly.)
sm_resetcontract - reset ALL the infos of everyone. Without confirmation.
sm_contract_weapon_class - display weapon class of your current weapon

sm_contract_chance_get_contract "30"
The % of luck to get a new contract every 5 minutes.

sm_contract_teams "2;3"
Team index wich can get contract. 2 = RED/T 3 = BLU/CT

sm_database_configuration_name "storage-local"
Configuration name in database.cfg, by default, all results are saved in the sqlite database.

sm_contract_store_select "NONE"
NONE=No store usage/ZEPHYRUS=use zephyrus store/SMSTORE=use sourcemod store./SMRPG=use smrpg experience system/MYJS=use MyJailShop

sm_contract_minimum_players "2"
How much player needed before receving an contract.

sm_contract_interval "300"
Time (in seconds) before giving a new contract if any.

sm_contract_minimum_players_progress "2"
How much player need to progress with a contract.

Add a way to reset everything - DONE !
Add a team restrictions system - DONE !
Add store support - DONE !
Add player limitation before contract - DONE !


Thank you krikus62 for the Latvian translations and fixing my broken english !
Thank you pubhero for the Hungarian translations and fixing things !
Thank you lucasp6 for Portuguese translations !
Thank you KnoXviLLe for Turkish translations !

None found yet.

(image stolen for the idea post, may differ from reality.)

GITHUB repository
Other direct download link (right click -> save as...)
Compilled plugin (smx) :
Source code (sp) :
Configuration file (cfg) :
Translation file (txt) :

Enjoy !

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Last edited by asherkin; 05-15-2020 at 12:00.
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