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Old 01-24-2023 , 21:06   Re: Remove bodies of disconnected players
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a value of sv_timeout 10 would be ideal, imho if your pc freezes for more than that or your internet is so bad that your whole connection stutters for 10+ seconds then you deserve a kick.

I literally use 4g over usb in a house where I have max 1 bar, and I manage to hold a connection that won't time me out.

Truthfully speaking, the game isn't even that good at resuming after you've lost connection for more than 3 seconds, you'd just have to reconnect if you don't want to wait 2 minutes for the timeout message - you can stare at the WARNING: Connection problem for 2 minutes, it won't kick you but retrying will work and you will connect as you normally do, the game just never seems to figure out how to catch up with the packets it lost during that 1 or 2 seconds your internet went off, sometime sthe game even crashes during that.

Another funny solution would be to set user's position under the map and make his screen black until he moves if he hasn't moved for more than 10 seconds after spawning, this way if he's not timed out he can resume playing as long as he moves, if he's timed out he's just chilling till he gets kicked. But this is too stupid and you might want to just stick to the sv_timeout method, any value between 5-10 is good imo.

Also interesting, does query_client_cvar return null when querying a player that has timed out and is no longer on the server, but his entity still is, this way you can check on spawn if the player's (random) cvar still returns something, then just force kick the entity.

But anyway, does this not happen only on no-steam? I have never witnessed this happening on a steam-only server.
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