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Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Timisoara
Old 12-14-2018 , 11:36   Problem Compile bio_zclass_fleshpound
Reply With Quote #1


HTML Code:
AMX Mod X Compiler 1.8.3-manual 
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase 
Copyright (c) 2004-2013 AMX Mod X Team 

Modified for / 

include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_DOD_Weapon_PlayerIsWaterSni" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_ESF_Weapon_HolsterWhenMelee" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_NS_EffectivePlayerClassChan" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_NS_Weapon_GetWeaponPrimeTim" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_NS_Weapon_GetIsWeaponPrimin" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_SC_CheckAndApplyGenericAtta" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_SC_Player_MenuInputPerforme" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_SC_Player_TimeToStartNextVo" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_SC_Player_DisableCollisionW" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_SC_Player_EnableCollisionWi" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_SC_Weapon_PrecacheCustomMod" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_TFC_Weapon_GetNextAttackDel" is truncated to 31 characters 
include_183/ : warning 200: symbol "Ham_OPF_MySquadTalkMonsterPoint" is truncated to 31 characters 
bio_zclass_fleshpound.sma(72) : error 017: undefined symbol "DATA_MODELINDEX" 
bio_zclass_fleshpound.sma(72) : warning 215: expression has no effect 
bio_zclass_fleshpound.sma(72) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")" 
bio_zclass_fleshpound.sma(72) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero 
bio_zclass_fleshpound.sma(72) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line 

Compilation aborted. 
4 Errors. 


HTML Code:
#include <amxmodx> 
#include <biohazard> 
#include <hamsandwich> 
#include <fakemeta_util> 
#include <cstrike> 

#define D_ZOMBIE_NAME "Fleshpound Zombie" 
#define D_ZOMBIE_DESC "[G] -> Nem Thit" 
#define D_PLAYER_MODEL "models/player/flesher/flesher.mdl" 
#define D_CLAWS "models/biohazard/v_knife_flesh.mdl" 

#define CLASS_FLESH   "flesh throw" 

new const g_sound_pain[][] = 

new const ZOMBIE_FLESH[][] = 

new g_class 
new cvar_fleshthrow,cvar_fforce, cvar_fleshdmg, cvar_fselfdmg 
new Float: g_LastFthrow[33] 
public plugin_init() 
   register_plugin("[Bio] Class: Fleshpound","1.2b","bipbip") 
   is_biomod_active() ? plugin_init2() : pause("ad") 
public plugin_precache() 
   new iNum 
   for (iNum = 0; iNum < sizeof g_sound_pain; iNum++) 
      engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheSound, g_sound_pain[iNum]) 
   for (iNum = 0; iNum < sizeof ZOMBIE_FLESH; iNum++) 
      engfunc(EngFunc_PrecacheModel, ZOMBIE_FLESH[iNum]) 

public plugin_init2() 
   g_class = register_class(D_ZOMBIE_NAME, D_ZOMBIE_DESC) 
   if(g_class != -1) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_HEALTH, 2500.0) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_SPEED, 275.0) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_GRAVITY, 1.0) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_ATTACK, 1.0) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_HITDELAY, 1.0) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_HITREGENDLY, 999.0) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_DEFENCE, 0.85) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_HEDEFENCE, 1.0) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_KNOCKBACK, 1.5) 
      set_class_data(g_class, DATA_MODELINDEX, 1.0)       
      set_class_pmodel(g_class, D_PLAYER_MODEL) 
      set_class_wmodel(g_class, D_CLAWS) 
   register_clcmd("drop", "do_skill") 
   cvar_fleshthrow   = register_cvar("bio_fleshthrow", "1") 
   cvar_fforce = register_cvar("bio_fforce", "1700") 
   cvar_fleshdmg =   register_cvar("bio_fleshdmg", "35") 
   cvar_fselfdmg = register_cvar("bio_fselfdmg", "100") 
   register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink,"fw_PlayerPreThink", 1) 

public event_infect(victim, attacker) 
   if (is_user_zombie(victim) && get_user_class(victim) == g_class) 
      //client_print(victim, print_center, D_ZOMBIE_DESC) 
         set_task(random_float(5.0, 10.0), "do_skill", victim, _, _, "b") 

public do_skill(id) 
   if(is_user_alive(id) && is_user_zombie(id) && get_user_class(id) == g_class) 

public clcmd_throw(id) 
   static Float: Origin[3], Float: Velocity[3], Float: Angle[3], MinBox[3], MaxBox[3] 
   pev(id, pev_origin, Origin) 
   pev(id, pev_velocity, Velocity) 
   pev(id, pev_angles, Angle) 
   static Health, Float: damage 
   Health = get_user_health(id) 
   damage = get_pcvar_float(cvar_fselfdmg) 
   if (Health > damage) 
      static ent ; ent = engfunc(EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, engfunc(EngFunc_AllocString, "info_target")) 
      set_pev(ent, pev_classname, CLASS_FLESH) 
      engfunc(EngFunc_SetModel, ent, ZOMBIE_FLESH[random(sizeof ZOMBIE_FLESH)]) 
      Angle[0] = random_float(0.0, 360.0) 
      Angle[1] = random_float(0.0, 360.0) 
      MinBox = { -1.0, -1.0, -1.0 } 
      MaxBox = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 } 
      set_pev(ent, pev_angles, Angle) 
      engfunc(EngFunc_SetSize, ent, MinBox, MaxBox) 
      engfunc(EngFunc_SetOrigin, ent, Origin) 
      set_pev(ent, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_TOSS) 
      set_pev(ent, pev_solid, SOLID_TRIGGER) 
      set_pev(ent, pev_owner, id) 
      velocity_by_aim(id, get_pcvar_num(cvar_fforce), Velocity) 
      set_pev(ent, pev_velocity, Velocity) 
      emit_sound(id, CHAN_VOICE, g_sound_pain[random(sizeof g_sound_pain)], VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) 
      set_pev(id, pev_health, Health - damage) 
      color_saytext(id, "^x04[Bio]^x01 You don't have enough Meat to^x03 Throw") 
public fw_Touch(pToucher, pTouched) 
   if ( pev_valid(pToucher)) 
      static className[32], className2[32] 
      pev(pToucher, pev_classname, className, 31) 
      if ( pev_valid(pTouched)) pev(pTouched, pev_classname, className2, 31) 
      if ( equal(className, CLASS_FLESH)) 
         static attacker ; attacker = pev(pToucher, pev_owner) 
         if ( pev_valid(pTouched)) 
            if ( equal(className2, "player") && is_user_connected(pTouched)) 
               static origin[3], Float: damage 
               get_user_origin(pTouched, origin) 
               damage = get_pcvar_float(cvar_fleshdmg) 
               static CsTeams:team[2] 
               team[0] = cs_get_user_team(pTouched), team[1] = cs_get_user_team(attacker) 
               if (attacker == pTouched) 
                  return FMRES_SUPERCEDE 
               if (!get_cvar_num("mp_friendlyfire") && team[0] == team[1]) 
                  return FMRES_SUPERCEDE 
               message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); 
               write_coord(origin[2] + 10); 
               write_coord(random_num(-360, 360)); 
               write_coord(random_num(-360, 360)); 
               write_byte(random_num(15, 35)); 
               ExecuteHam(Ham_TakeDamage, pTouched, pToucher, attacker, damage, DMG_GENERIC) 
            else if ( equal(className2, "func_breakable")) dllfunc(DLLFunc_Use, pTouched, attacker)       
               else if ( equal(className2, CLASS_FLESH)) return FMRES_SUPERCEDE    
         engfunc(EngFunc_RemoveEntity, pToucher) 
   return FMRES_IGNORED 
public cmd_throw(id) 
      return PLUGIN_HANDLED 
   static Float: Time 
   Time = get_gametime() 
   if (is_user_zombie(id) && get_user_class(id) == g_class ) 
      if (get_pcvar_num(cvar_fleshthrow)) 
         if(Time - 1.1 > g_LastFthrow[id]) 
            g_LastFthrow[id] = Time 

color_saytext(player, const message[], any:...) 
   new text[301] 
   format(text, 300, "%s", message) 

   new dest 
   if (player) dest = MSG_ONE 
   else dest = MSG_ALL 
   message_begin(dest, get_user_msgid("SayText"), {0,0,0}, player) 
   return message_end() 

   new text[301] 
   format(text, 300, "%s", text1) 
   replace(text, 300, "/g", "^x04") 
   replace(text, 300, "/r", "^x03") 
   replace(text, 300, "/y", "^x01") 
   return text 
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