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Join Date: May 2020
Old 05-26-2020 , 21:31   simple plugin won't load, says "bad header"
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Hi all. I'm new to scripting but I'm trying to create a fairly simple script that swaps the classes of two players. However, I'm getting the above error message and don't know how to fix it. Any help is appreciated.

#pragma semicolon 1;

#include <sourcemod>
#include <tf2>
#include <tf2_stocks>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.2"
new Handle:cs_enabled = INVALID_HANDLE;
new Handle:swapclass = INVALID_HANDLE;
public Plugin:myinfo =
	name = "Class Swap",
	author = "badlet",
	description = "you become their class, they become yours",
	version = PLUGIN_VERSION,

public OnPluginStart()

   new person1_id = GetEventInt(event, "userid1");
   new person2_id = GetEventInt(event, "userid2");

   new person1 = GetClientofUserID(person1_id);
   new person2 = GetClientofUserID(person2_id);
   RegAdminCmd("sm_cs_enable",Command_enable,ADMFLAG_SLAY,"Enable class swap");
   RegAdminCmd("sm_cs_disable",Command_disable,ADMFLAG_SLAY,"Disable class swap");
   RegAdminCmd("sm_swapclass",Command_Swapclass,ADMFLAG_SLAY,"Swap classes");

public Action:Command_Swapclass(client, args)
	if(args != 2)
		ReplyToCommand(client, "[SM] Usage: sm_swapclass \"target1\" \"target2\"");
		TF2_SetPlayerClass(person1, TFClassType:TF2_GetPlayerClass(person2, 0, 1);
		TF2_SetPlayerClass(person2, TFClassType:TF2_GetPlayerClass(person1, 0, 1);	

public Action:Command_enable(client, args)
	ReplyToCommand(client,"Class Swap Enabled");

public Action:Command_disable(client, args)
	ReplyToCommand(client,"Class Swap Disabled");
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