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Join Date: Jan 2009
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Old 09-29-2009 , 08:40   Re: [CS:S] Resetscore
Reply With Quote #10

hi works perfectly for me... but i wish to chance the colours of the chatsau with multiple colours in one string

i have change it for my liking and recomplie it with the newest complier...

can any1 say me where is the error?

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR    "tuty"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION    "1.1"
#pragma semicolon 1

new Handle:gPluginEnabled = INVALID_HANDLE;

public Plugin:myinfo =
    name = "Resetscore",
    author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR,
    description = "Type !resetscore in chat to reset your score.",
    version = PLUGIN_VERSION,
    url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
    RegConsoleCmd( "say", CommandSay );
    RegConsoleCmd( "say_team", CommandSay );
    gPluginEnabled = CreateConVar( "sm_resetscore", "1" );
    CreateConVar( "resetscore_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Reset Score", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_SPONLY | FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY );
public Action:CommandSay( id, args )
    decl String:Said[ 128 ];
    GetCmdArgString( Said, sizeof( Said ) - 1 );
    StripQuotes( Said );
    TrimString( Said );
    if( StrEqual( Said, "!retry" ) || StrEqual( Said, "!resetmyscore" ) )
        if( GetConVarInt( gPluginEnabled ) == 0 )
            PrintToChat( id, "\x03[SM Resetscore] The plugin is disabled." );
            PrintToConsole( id, "[SM Resetscore] You can't use this command when plugin is disabled!" );
            return Plugin_Continue;
        if( !IsPlayerAlive( id ) )
            PrintToChat( id, "\x05[\x01ResetMyScore\x05]\x01: \x04Du kannst diesen Befehl nicht benutzen wenn du tot bist." );
            PrintToConsole( id, "[ResetMyScore]: Du kannst diesen Befehl nicht benutzen wenn du tot bist." );
            return Plugin_Continue;

        if( GetClientDeaths( id ) == 0 && GetClientFrags( id ) == 0 )
            PrintToChat( id, "\x05[\x01ResetMyScore\x05]\x01: \x04Dein Score ist bereits auf 0!" );
            PrintToConsole( id, "[ResetMyScore]: Dein Score ist bereits auf 0!" );
            return Plugin_Continue;
        SetClientFrags( id, 0 );
        SetClientDeaths( id, 0 );
        decl String:Name[ 32 ];
        GetClientName( id, Name, sizeof( Name ) - 1 );
        PrintToChat( id, "\x05[\x01ResetMyScore\x05]\x01: \x04Dein Score wurde erfolgreich zurückgesetzt!" );
        PrintToChatAll( "\x05[\x01ResetMyScore\x05]\x01: \x02% \x01hat seinen Score resettet.", Name );
        PrintToConsole( id, "[ResetMyScore]: Dein Score wurde erfolgreich zurückgesetzt!" );
    return Plugin_Continue;
stock SetClientFrags( index, frags )
    SetEntProp( index, Prop_Data, "m_iFrags", frags );
    return 1;
stock SetClientDeaths( index, deaths )
    SetEntProp( index, Prop_Data, "m_iDeaths", deaths );
    return 1;
it would be nice when someone change the code so that it works with my colours ;D

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