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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Old 09-10-2011 , 12:35   Re: Background Sounds
Reply With Quote #21

Here is a fixed version thanks to liinuus:

*        Background Sounds
*        H3avY Ra1n (nikhilgupta345)
*        Description
*        -----------
*            This plugin enables you to play background music on your server
*            during the round. It will start playing at the beginning of the 
*            round, and stop at when the round ends. 

*        Cvars
*        -----
*            ba_ambience <0/1> <default:1>                             - turns plugin on or off
*            ba_sound_change <any number greater than 1> <default:1> - how often a new sound is chosen to be played
*        Changelog
*        ---------
*            September 05, 2011     - v1.0 -     Initial Release
*            September 06, 2011    - v1.0.1 -    Fixed bug with death sounds not playing at the end of the round
*        Credits
*        -------
*            Vaan123            -     Original Plugin Idea
*            ConnnorMcLeod    -     Helped me fix a problem I was having with trim()
*        Plugin Thread:

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < cstrike >

#define TASK_LOOPSOUND 1000

new const g_szPlugin[ ] = "Background Sounds";
new const g_szVersion[ ] = "1.0";
new const g_szAuthor[ ] = "H3avY Ra1n";

new const g_szDefaultSounds[ ][ ] = 

new const g_szCtWinSounds[ ][ ] =
new const g_szTWinSounds[ ][ ] =

new Array:g_aSounds;

new bool:g_bFileExists;

new g_pPluginOn;
new g_pSoundChange;

new g_iRandom;

new g_iRoundNumber;

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin( g_szPlugin, g_szVersion, g_szAuthor );

    register_event( "HLTV", "Event_RoundStart", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );

    register_logevent( "LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End" );

    g_pPluginOn = register_cvar( "ba_ambience", "1" );
    g_pSoundChange = register_cvar( "ba_sound_changee", "1" );

public plugin_precache()
    g_aSounds = ArrayCreate( 256 );

    new szDirectory[ 256 ], szMapName[ 32 ];
    get_configsdir( szDirectory, charsmax( szDirectory ) );

    get_mapname( szMapName, charsmax( szMapName ) );

    format( szDirectory, charsmax( szDirectory ), "%s/sounds/%s.ini", szDirectory, szMapName );

    g_bFileExists = bool:file_exists( szDirectory );

    new szPath[ 256 ], bool:bSuccess;

    if( g_bFileExists )
        new iFile = fopen( szDirectory, "rt" );
        new szBuffer[ 256 ];
        while( !feof( iFile ) )
            fgets( iFile, szBuffer, charsmax( szBuffer ) );

            trim( szBuffer );
            remove_quotes( szBuffer );
            bSuccess = false;
            formatex( szPath, charsmax( szPath ), "sound/%s", szBuffer );
            if( !file_exists( szPath ) )
                log_amx( "[Background Sounds] %s does not exist.", szPath );
                if( contain( szBuffer, ".mp3" ) )
                    precache_generic( szPath );
                    bSuccess = true;
                else if( contain( szBuffer, ".wav" ) )
                    precache_sound( szBuffer );
                    bSuccess = true;
                    log_amx( "[Background Sounds] %s not a valid sound file.", szPath );
            if( bSuccess )
                ArrayPushString( g_aSounds, szBuffer );
        fclose( iFile );

        for( new i = 0; i < sizeof g_szDefaultSounds; i++ )
            bSuccess = false;
            formatex( szPath, charsmax( szPath ), "sound/%s", g_szDefaultSounds[ i ] );
            if( !file_exists( szPath ) )
                log_amx( "[Background Sounds] %s does not exist.", szPath );
                if( contain( g_szDefaultSounds[ i ], ".mp3" ) )
                    precache_generic( szPath );
                    bSuccess = true;
                else if( contain( g_szDefaultSounds[ i ], ".wav" ) )
                    precache_sound( g_szDefaultSounds[ i ] );
                    bSuccess = true;
                    log_amx( "[Background Sounds] %s not a valid sound file.", szPath );
            if( bSuccess )
                ArrayPushString( g_aSounds, g_szDefaultSounds[ i ] );
    new iSize = ArraySize( g_aSounds );
    if( !iSize )
        set_fail_state( "No sound files found." );
        g_iRandom = random( iSize );
    for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_szCtWinSounds ); i++ )
        precache_sound( g_szCtWinSounds[ i ] );
    for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( g_szTWinSounds ); i++ )
        precache_sound( g_szTWinSounds[ i ] )

public Event_RoundStart()
    if( !get_pcvar_num( g_pPluginOn ) )

    if( ++g_iRoundNumber % get_pcvar_num( g_pSoundChange ) == 0 && ArraySize( g_aSounds ) > 1 )
        new iOldSound = g_iRandom;
        while( g_iRandom == iOldSound )
            g_iRandom = random( ArraySize( g_aSounds ) );

    new szBuffer[ 256 ];
    ArrayGetString( g_aSounds, g_iRandom, szBuffer, charsmax( szBuffer ) );
    if( contain( szBuffer, ".mp3" ) != -1 )
        client_cmd( 0, "mp3 loop ^"sound/%s^"", szBuffer );

    else if( contain( szBuffer, ".wav" ) != -1 )
        client_cmd( 0, "stopsound" );
        new szPath[ 256 ];
        formatex( szPath, charsmax( szPath ), "sound/%s", szBuffer );
        client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", szBuffer );
        set_task( GetWavDuration( szPath ), "Task_LoopSound", TASK_LOOPSOUND, szBuffer, charsmax( szBuffer ), .flags="b" );

public LogEvent_RoundEnd()
    set_task( 0.2, "Task_EndSound" );

    remove_task( TASK_LOOPSOUND );

public Task_EndSound()
    client_cmd( 0, "stopsound" );
    client_cmd( 0, "mp3 stop" );    
    new iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum;
    get_players( iPlayers, iNum );
    new iNCAlive, iNC, iHumanAlive, iHuman;
    new iPlayer;
    for( new i = 0; i < iNum; i++ )
        iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
        switch( cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) )
            case CS_TEAM_T:
                    if( !iNCAlive )
                        if( !iNC )
                            iNC = iPlayer;
                        if( is_user_alive( iPlayer ) )
                            iNCAlive = iPlayer;
            case CS_TEAM_CT:
                    if( !iHumanAlive )
                        if( !iHuman )
                            iHuman = iPlayer;
                        if( is_user_alive( iPlayer ) )
                            iHumanAlive = iPlayer;
        if( iNCAlive
        && iNC
        && iHumanAlive
        && iHuman )
    if( iNC
    && iHuman )
            if( iHumanAlive )                
                client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szCtWinSounds[ random( sizeof( g_szCtWinSounds ) ) ] );
            else if( iNCAlive )                
                client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", g_szTWinSounds[ random( sizeof( g_szTWinSounds ) ) ] );
public Task_LoopSound( szSound[ ], iTaskID )
    client_cmd( 0, "stopsound" );
    client_cmd( 0, "spk ^"%s^"", szSound );

// Provided by Arkshine
Float:GetWavDuration( const WavFile[] )
    new Frequence [ 4 ];
    new Bitrate   [ 2 ];
    new DataLength[ 4 ];
    new File;
    // --| Open the file.
    File = fopen( WavFile, "rb" );
    // --| Get the frequence from offset 24. ( Read 4 bytes )
    fseek( File, 24, SEEK_SET );
    fread_blocks( File, Frequence, 4, BLOCK_INT );
    // --| Get the bitrate from offset 34. ( read 2 bytes )
    fseek( File, 34, SEEK_SET ); 
    fread_blocks( File, Bitrate, 2, BLOCK_BYTE );
    // --| Search 'data'. If the 'd' not on the offset 40, we search it.
    if ( fgetc( File ) != 'd' ) while( fgetc( File ) != 'd' && !feof( File ) ) {}
    // --| Get the data length from offset 44. ( after 'data', read 4 bytes )
    fseek( File, 3, SEEK_CUR ); 
    fread_blocks( File, DataLength, 4, BLOCK_INT );

    // --| Close file.
    fclose( File );
    // --| Calculate the time. ( Data length / ( frequence * bitrate ) / 8 ).
    return float( DataLength[ 0 ] ) / ( float( Frequence[ 0 ] * Bitrate[ 0 ] ) / 8.0 );

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