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Old 07-31-2015 , 16:24   [INC] ColorVariables
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In layman's terms:
Plugin developers are not supposed to use actual colors, but variables which can be easily set by server masters.

How does it work?

  1. Create a plugin with ColorVariables
  2. Use color variables in chat messages and not actual colors
  3. Optional: If you need some new variables, create them with CAddVariable
  4. Optional: If you want, you can create a forwarded variable for other plugins to use (like {@isRebel CLIENT_INDEX}, {@rank CLIENT_INDEX}, {@rainbow} etc.)
  5. Optional: If you want to use variables from other plugins, load them with CLoadPluginConfig or CLoadPluginVariables (If server master renamed plugin binary, this won't work!)

Quick example:

Normal: PrintToChatAll("\x02[prefix]\x01 %N gave you \x03AK-47\x01!", client)
ColorVariables: CPrintToChatAll("%N gave you {highlight}AK-47{default}!", client)

ColorVariables plugin example:
PHP Code:
#include <colorvariables>

public OnPluginStart()
CSetPrefix("KillInfo"); // Set plugin chat prefix to "KillInfo" (will be used in every print function)


Action:Event_PlayerDeath(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast
victim GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event"userid"));
attacker GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event"attacker"));

CPrintToChatAll("{player %d}%N {default} killed {player %d}%N"attackerattackervictimvictim);
// {prefix}[KillInfo] {teamcolor}Will {default}killed {teamcolor}Mark

CPrintToChat(victim"{highlight}Player {player %d}%N {highlight}killed you!"attackerattacker);
// {prefix}[KillInfo] {highlight}Player {teamcolor}Will {highlight}killed you!

return Plugin_Continue

More info, full feature list and download in GitHub repository.

Last edited by KissLick; 03-13-2016 at 19:06.
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