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Join Date: Jul 2010
Old 09-23-2011 , 16:33   Re: Module Documentation

ConVar Checker

smac_addcvar - Adds a cvar to be checked on the cvar list.
smac_removecvar - Removes a cvar from the list of cvars that get checked.
smac_cvars_status - Shows the cvar status of all in-game clients.

This module allows you to check if clients are trying to force there own cvars. This module will check if any client has a predefined cvar that differs from the server. Server admins can add there own cvars they would like to enforce or use the ones SMAC has predefined.

ConVar Checker will lock your server's sv_cheats value to 0. If you are running a server that requires sv_cheats, do not run this module.

SMAC predefined cvars:
Each cvar wil be in this format - Cvarname "value it must be" (If not what will happen.)
These are commands clients should have at all.
0penscript (Ban)
bat_version (Kick)
beetlesmod_version (Kick)
est_version (Kick)
eventscripts_ver (Kick)
fm_attackmode (Ban)
lua_open (Ban)
Lua-Engine (Ban)
mani_admin_plugin_version (Kick)
ManiAdminHacker (Ban)
ManiAdminTakeOver (Ban)
metamod_version (Kick)
openscript (Ban)
openscript_version (Ban)
runnscript (Ban)
SmAdminTakeover (Ban)
sourcemod_version (Kick)
tb_enabled (Ban)
zb_version (Kick)

These are the rest of the cvars that SMAC looks for
sv_cheats "0" (Ban)
sv_consistency "1" (Ban)
//sv_gravity "800" (Ban) Do not use if you have a mod that changes per player gravity.
r_drawothermodels "1" (Ban)
cl_clock_correction "1" (Ban)
cl_leveloverview "0" (Ban)
cl_overdraw_test "0" (Ban)
cl_particles_show_bbox "0" (Ban)
cl_phys_timescale "1" (Ban)
cl_showevents "0" (Ban)
fog_enable "1" (Ban)
host_timescale "1" (Ban)
mat_dxlevel "80.0 or Higher" (Kick)
mat_fillrate "0" (Ban)
mat_measurefillrate "0" (Ban)
mat_proxy "0" (Ban)
mat_showlowresimage "0" (Ban)
mat_wireframe "0" (Ban)
mem_force_flush "0" (Ban)
snd_show "0" (Ban)
snd_visualize "0" (Ban)
r_aspectratio "0" (Ban)
r_colorstaticprops "0" (Ban)
r_DispWalkable "0" (Ban)
r_DrawBeams "1" (Ban)
r_drawbrushmodels "1" (Ban)
r_drawclipbrushes "0" (Ban)
r_drawdecals "1" (Ban)
r_drawentities "1" (Ban)
r_drawmodelstatsoverlay "0" (Ban)
r_drawopaqueworld "1" (Ban)
r_drawparticles "1" (Ban)
r_drawrenderboxes "0" (Ban)
r_drawskybox "1" (Ban)
r_drawtranslucentworld "1" (Ban)
r_shadowwireframe "0" (Ban)
r_skybox "1" (Ban)
r_visocclusion "0" (Ban)
vcollide_wireframe "0" (Ban)
If a server admin would like to add cvars to the list to be checked there is a built in command. Simply use the smac_addcvar to add cvars to the check list.

smac_addcvar sv_gravity equal ban 800.
The order of operatons goes like this.
smac_addcvar <cvar name> <comparison type> <action> <value>
'Cvar name' can be any Cvar.
'Comparison type' can be one of the following : equal, greater, less, between, strequal, nonexist.
'Action' can be either : warn, motd, mute, kick, ban.
'Value' is the value in which you want to enforce.

Forum Discussion:
To be added at a later date.

Last edited by GoD-Tony; 09-28-2012 at 08:25.
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