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Old 07-21-2010 , 04:33   SM Bullet Time(CSS/HL2DM/CSGO)
Reply With Quote #1


Important Notes:

Strongly recommend to use CheatControl/SMAC or something else

since this plugin enables "sv_cheats" for the length of the effect.

Usage is of your own risk.

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________

Update to Version 1.8
Added the possibility to only display Tracers in BT , new cvar is :


if you want to use this you must set

bt_enableweapontracersonlybt to "1" and
bt_enableweapontracers to "0"

Delete old configfile a new one will be created on next start.

Update 4.10.2012
Added new Version SM_BULLETTIME 1.7 , this combines CSS & CSGO version to one single plugin.
If you have installed an older version and upgrading to 1.7 , delete sm_bullettime.cfg(csgo_bullettime.cfg) in "cstrike(csgo)/cfg/sm_bullettime(csgo_bullettime)".
A new one will be created on first start , take a look in it and make your adjustmends there.
Sounds should now work for CSGO also removed some code for combalility.

Update 23.08.2012
Added new Version for CSGO , changes for CSGO are:
removed Sounds , added Messages instead.
Tracers are enabled for all Weapons exept "knife,grenades,molotov,decoy".
removed overlays seems like they didnīt work in CSGO.
Plugin generates configfile on first start in "csgo/cfg/csgo_bullettime" make your settings there.

Update to 1.5:
Added BT on RoundEnd.
Added Admincommand "sm_bt" , Admin(required Flag is "b") can now enable BT by using
"!bt 1" chatcommand , the lengh can be defined with cvar "bt_admin_slowdowntime".
If you have installed an older version and upgrading to 1.5 , delete sm_bullettime.cfg in "cstrike/cfg/sm_bullettime".
A new one will be created on first start.

HL2DM Version updated to 1.4:
Now it uses FireBulletsPost from SDKHooks so make sure SDKHooks is running on your installation.
Reason for update was a Handle-Error that now is fixed.

Update to 1.3:
Added BT on C4-Explode.
Removed BT on Weaponfire instead added Killcounter for BT.
Lasercolors are now Teambased you can modify it the configfile
If you have installed an older version and upgrading to 1.3 , delete sm_bullettime.cfg in "cstrike/cfg/sm_bullettime".

Also added an requested Version for HL2DM "sm_bullettime_hl2dm"
itīs similar to CSS-Version.

Update to 1.2:
Changed Original sounds to Matrix Bullettime Sounds from MbChrono ES-Version.
Added BT on Hegrenade Kills.
If you have installed version 1.1 and upgrading to 1.2 , delete sm_bullettime.cfg in "cstrike/cfg/sm_bullettime".

Update to 1.1:
Added Lasereffects & BT on Weaponfire , each Weapon can be enabled/disabled by configuring Cvars.
Plugin generates a configfile in "cstrike/cfg/sm_bullettime".
It handles 19 differant Lasersprites.

This plugin generates a slowmo-effect on knifehits.
Most of this is taken from TF2-BT see
Configfile will be generated in "cfg/sm_bullettime" or for Hl2dm "cfg/sm_bullettime_hl2dm.

I have made this because I found this was a great addition for my GG-Server and BT from Vogelz didnīt work any more.


Mecha the Slag for TF2-Bullettime.


Copy the Materials- and Soundfolders to your Game- and Webserver.
Place sm_bullettime.smx in your SM pluginsfolder.
Restart Server and have fun.


Nothing atm.


bt_enable "1/0" // Enables/Disables Bullet Time
bt_grenade "1" // Starts bullet time on kill with handgrenade
bt_c4 "1" // Enables BT on bomb explodes
bt_kills_enabled "1" // Enables bt_kills for weapons
bt_kills "4" // Kills needed for enabling BT on weapons exept Knife/Grenade
bt_roundend "1" // Enables BT on RoundEnd
bt_admin_slowdowntime "3.0" // Enables BT on Admincommand
bt_roundend_timer "1" // Enables timer for Roundend to stop BT
bt_roundend_slowdownlast "1.0" // How long BT should last on Roundend
bt_enableweapon_knife "1" // Enables BT on Knife
bt_transition "1" // Transitions the timescales if on. If not, timescales are set directly bt_timescale "0.50" // Slowdown timescale
bt_bomb_timescale "0.20" // Slowdown timescale for Bombexplode
bt_roundend_timescale "0.25" // Slowdown timescale for Roundend
bt_fsound "2" // Plays a sound for the focus of bullet time. If 2 it replaces the default sound rather than playing simultaneously
bt_enableweapontracers "0" // Enables/Disables Bullet Time Tracers.
bt_enableweapontracersonlybt "1" // Enables/Disables Tracers only in BT.

Attached Files
File Type: zip (262.4 KB, 1768 views)
File Type: zip (13.7 KB, 1533 views)
File Type: zip sm_bullettime (254.3 KB, 1413 views)
File Type: zip sm_bullettime (254.8 KB, 4412 views)
File Type: zip sm_bullettime (256.4 KB, 990 views)
Waiting for HL3,Day of Defeat3 ,but will it ever come? So I'm gonna play COD WW2.>>>>SM_SKINCHOOSER<<<<
>>You need Models for DODS/CSS/CSGO , than click here!!!<<

Last edited by andi67; 07-14-2013 at 04:05. Reason: Feedback given.
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