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Join Date: Jan 2008
Old 03-02-2009 , 12:18   Re: [L4D] Director Controller (All4Dead)
Reply With Quote #118

Originally Posted by El Goretto View Post
No, as the 4 players limit is harcoded into maps. As you can see when opening your server browser, you server is reporting 8 slots, but any 5th (or more) player willing to join it after start will get a nasty "server is full".
There's no player limit within the maps themselves actually, it's entirely the engine's doing. Use CrimsonGT's L4D Server Tools plugin for Metamod, it removes the 4 slot limit. We play Dead Air and Death Toll with 8 people constantly on my server using this.

Is there any movement towards the ability to join while game is on forced vs?
This is possible, here's how to do it:

1. Set up a lobby, using either sv_search_key or ms_force_dedicated_server so you'll go to your own server. Make sure it's set to PUBLIC when you start it!
2. Make an alias on the server to run any necessary commands quickly, e.g. alias "deathtoll_vs" to changelevel, force versus, run any config you need, etc.
3. Once on the server, run your alias via rcon or a custom admin menu entry.
4. After the chosen map loads, public players will be able to join your server using Quick Join or any join method that doesn't specify a map. They'll be pretty surprised too

I've been using this process to play DA and DT with 8 players for a few weeks now, using the cvarlist in Crimson's metamod plugin thread to make sure everything is kosher. Works like a charm, and people really enjoy the change of scenery.

also, today... i had 7 people actually stay throughout an entire death toll vs campaign but at the end for the first round of the finale it scrolled through the credits like in campaign and then went back to lobby. Is this happening with you guys as well?
I've never seen that actually, but I can't recall the first team surviving a finale before we got our chance. Wish I could be more help.

*edit* Holy crap I hadn't checked the changelog. Grandwazir, if that versus spawn logic option forces balanced tanks and witches on difficulties other than Normal I'll be eternally grateful. A lot of people don't mind somewhat random placement, as long as they get the same *amount* of bosses, but if the director gips a team out of a tank they get out the pitchforks and torches.

Last edited by Apex_; 03-02-2009 at 12:47. Reason: even more bonus content!
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