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Join Date: Mar 2019
Old 04-15-2019 , 01:44   [HELP] block duck + another questions
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i try to learning events, i want for now block duck in freezetime.

question 0: for event i need learn all parameters on the event ? or verbal is ok, im ask because all event are const.

question 1: when i duck in freezetime i see my print duck not allowed in freezetime! but, when i try remove the action of the duck entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_button, button & ~IN_DUCK);, not working.

question 2: dont know why but, get_user_name/get_user_info(id,"name"... its set the server name, can i do it post like RegisterHam ?

/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN "New Plug-In"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "nacknic"

new g_countrounds,
public plugin_init() 
	register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR);
	register_event("HLTV", "freezetime", "a", "1=0", "2=0");
	register_logevent("roundstart", 2, "1=Round_Start");
	register_logevent("roundend", 2, "1=Round_End");
	DisableHamForward(g_hamplayerduck = RegisterHam(Ham_Player_Duck, "player", "duckFunc"));

public freezetime(id)
	new ftime; ftime = get_cvar_num("mp_freezetime");
	get_user_name(id, g_nick, charsmax(g_nick));
	client_print(0, print_chat, "%s freezetime on, please wait: %d", g_nick, ftime);	

public roundstart()
	client_print(0, print_chat, "freezetime off, the round start right now, (Round Num: %d)", g_countrounds);

public roundend()
	client_print(0, print_chat, "round end, please wait for the next one");

public duckFunc(id)
	new button = entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_button);
	if(button & IN_DUCK)
		client_print(id, print_chat, "duck not allowed in freezetime!");
		entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_button, button & ~IN_DUCK);
question 3: i understood for all fakemetamethod there engine method to do the same:
 register_forward(FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "fwClientUserInfoChanged")
so its fakemeta, how i do the same thing in engine ?

*notice: i decided learn events before fakemeta.

next question 4: i saw in some codes, using id in barket on array like this:
public function(id)
new arr[11];
arr[id]  // what the meaning for that ? 
in this get_name works, becuase he hvae paramter to to pre = 0 or 1 = post:
/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define PLUGIN "New Plug-In"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "doronxyz"

new g_nick[11];
public plugin_init() RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "HamSpawn", 1); //1 = post

public HamSpawn(id) 
	new cid[1]; cid[0] = id;
	new ftime; ftime = get_cvar_num("mp_freezetime");
	new Float:freezetime = float(ftime)
	get_user_name(id, g_nick, charsmax(g_nick));
	client_print(0, print_chat, "hake ya zain");
	if(equali(g_nick, "elad")) set_task(freezetime, "killSomeone", 0, cid, 1);
	else return HAM_HANDLED;
	return HAM_HANDLED;

public killSomeone(cid[]) 
	client_print(0, print_chat, "%s, meyakim lo mshkim cs 1.6", g_nick);
question 5: there any tutorial for all events ? its hard search all event separately
this sucks:

Last edited by nacknic; 04-23-2019 at 09:58.
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