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Old 11-27-2021 , 10:26   Re: Change boolean value on entity?
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This is what I have found (hl2mp). I'm not 100% sure do these work.
I guess Linux have this one signature ?
But on windows, it get complex some reason :/

56 8B F1 83 BE 24 09 00 00 04
55 8B EC 53 57 68 ? ? ? ? 
55 8B EC 53 8B D9 56 8B 75 08 57 8B BB A4 0F 00 00 
...on windows, I can't get signatures of these.
error to get signature

.text:102DEE70                               sub_102DEE70    proc near               ; DATA XREF: .rdata:105142C8↓o
.text:102DEE70 57                                            push    edi
.text:102DEE71 68 28 57 51 10                                push    offset aAntlionAllied ; "antlion_allied"
.text:102DEE76 8B F9                                         mov     edi, ecx
.text:102DEE78 E8 03 12 EB FF                                call    GlobalEntity_GetIndex_sub_10190080
.text:102DEE7D 50                                            push    eax
.text:102DEE7E E8 ED 12 EB FF                                call    GlobalEntity_GetState_sub_10190170
.text:102DEE83 83 C4 08                                      add     esp, 8
.text:102DEE86 83 F8 01                                      cmp     eax, 1
.text:102DEE89 75 35                                         jnz     short loc_102DEEC0
.text:102DEE8B 56                                            push    esi
.text:102DEE8C 8B F0                                         mov     esi, eax
.text:102DEE8E A1 50 D1 64 10                                mov     eax, dword_1064D150
.text:102DEE93 39 70 14                                      cmp     [eax+14h], esi
.text:102DEE96 7C 27                                         jl      short loc_102DEEBF

.text:102E76B0                               sub_102E76B0    proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_102DFDA0+9↑p
.text:102E76B0 56                                            push    esi
.text:102E76B1 68 28 57 51 10                                push    offset aAntlionAllied ; "antlion_allied"
.text:102E76B6 8B F1                                         mov     esi, ecx
.text:102E76B8 E8 C3 89 EA FF                                call    GlobalEntity_GetIndex_sub_10190080
.text:102E76BD 50                                            push    eax
.text:102E76BE E8 AD 8A EA FF                                call    GlobalEntity_GetState_sub_10190170
.text:102E76C3 83 C4 08                                      add     esp, 8
.text:102E76C6 83 F8 01                                      cmp     eax, 1
.text:102E76C9 75 7D                                         jnz     short loc_102E7748
.text:102E76CB 39 86 34 0F 00 00                             cmp     [esi+0F34h], eax
.text:102E76D1 74 75                                         jz      short loc_102E7748
.text:102E76D3 8B 96 A4 0F 00 00                             mov     edx, [esi+0FA4h]
.text:102E76D9 83 FA FF                                      cmp     edx, 0FFFFFFFFh
.text:102E76DC 74 6A                                         jz      short loc_102E7748
.text:102E76DE A1 C0 47 5C 10                                mov     eax, off_105C47C0
.text:102E76E3 8B CA                                         mov     ecx, edx
.text:102E76E5 81 E1 FF 0F 00 00                             and     ecx, 0FFFh
.text:102E76EB 83 C0 04                                      add     eax, 4
.text:102E76EE C1 E1 04                                      shl     ecx, 4
.text:102E76F1 03 C1                                         add     eax, ecx
.text:102E76F3 74 53                                         jz      short loc_102E7748
.text:102E76F5 C1 EA 0C                                      shr     edx, 0Ch
.text:102E76F8 39 50 04                                      cmp     [eax+4], edx
.text:102E76FB 75 4B                                         jnz     short loc_102E7748
.text:102E76FD 83 38 00                                      cmp     dword ptr [eax], 0
.text:102E7700 74 46                                         jz      short loc_102E7748
.text:102E7702 A1 50 D1 64 10                                mov     eax, dword_1064D150
.text:102E7707 F3 0F 10 86 88 0F 00 00                       movss   xmm0, dword ptr [esi+0F88h]
.text:102E770F 0F 2F 40 0C                                   comiss  xmm0, dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
.text:102E7713 77 33                                         ja      short loc_102E7748
.text:102E7715 8B 06                                         mov     eax, [esi]
.text:102E7717 8B CE                                         mov     ecx, esi
.text:102E7719 FF 90 80 01 00 00                             call    dword ptr [eax+180h]
.text:102E771F 85 C0                                         test    eax, eax
.text:102E7721 74 29                                         jz      short loc_102E774C
.text:102E7723 8B 0D 48 D1 64 10                             mov     ecx, dword_1064D148
.text:102E7729 6A 0A                                         push    0Ah
.text:102E772B 6A 05                                         push    5
.text:102E772D 8B 01                                         mov     eax, [ecx]
.text:102E772F FF 50 08                                      call    dword ptr [eax+8]
.text:102E7732 F3 0F 2A C0                                   cvtsi2ss xmm0, eax
.text:102E7736 A1 50 D1 64 10                                mov     eax, dword_1064D150
.text:102E773B F3 0F 58 40 0C                                addss   xmm0, dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
.text:102E7740 F3 0F 11 86 88 0F 00 00                       movss   dword ptr [esi+0F88h], xmm0

I added Netprops and Datamaps dumps into this post as well. If you like look those.
These are again offsets things. I did not find "IsAllied" from there.
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Last edited by Bacardi; 11-27-2021 at 10:45.
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