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Join Date: Mar 2013
Old 04-10-2020 , 05:25   Re: Tutorial to prepare (with Stripper) a dedicated server L4D2 (windows)
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Originally Posted by Silvers View Post
I don't understand, I've never had a problem using mm_dedicated_force_server from the lobby to connect myself and other clients to my local dedicated server. I have the ports forwarded so clients can connect. I have this in command line but probably not even required ("-netconport 27505 +hostport 27016 +clientport 27006"). Then I use "mm_dedicated_force_server real_ip:port" and connect. It brings us all in. No where in startup etc do I have to specify my real or local or some fake IP.
Glad for you that you never expierienced this issue.
In effect when I starting with dedicated server me too never had this problem and I always simply used the option in the lobby to select a steam server to choose from,choosed the mine, and that was enough, no needed to use mm_dedicated_force_sever or other option. But afterwards it started to not work properly. I remember 10 years ago that often the server where updated and from time to time something stopped working and it starting to be a problem to connect to a sarver in the same local net.
No portforwarding problem(not so complicated for me and not so complicated to test it) with the proof that external players never had problem to connect. So I started to try to understand and googleing I have found many people with the same issue but never found a real solution(not cosidering the difficulty for those with too little experience naturally). It has become purely random to have or not to have issue trying to connect to a local server(I have a wide range of cases to rely on).
For local server we means not that one done with the game but a stand alone server,obviously.

Found this in the game L4D2 I thinked to have found the solution. It is perfectly my case!!
"mm_dedicated_force_servers" = ""
- Comma delimited list of ip:port of servers used to search for dedicated servers instead of searching for public servers.
Use syntax `publicip1:port|privateip1:port,publicip2:por t|privateip2:port` if your server is behind NAT.
If the server is behind NAT, you can specify `|privateip:port` and if server port is in the list of `mm_server_search_lan_ports` its public address should be automatically detected.

If it even coded in the game it must work, I thought.......but........

Being a program executed from a machine I would expect that it do every time the same thing and it behave always the same. I was not so lucky.
So I repeat that often to me happens to have trouble to connect to my own server on the same local net. But your words made me think that when I connect from a lobby to the server I am always alone, because I usualy play survival game that you may play alone to do a warm up waiting for some other players and restart a game is not so uncomfortable.
It will be interesting to verify if make some differences to connect alone or with other players in the lobby.
For now I change the title of my previous post to macth better my problem and I hope that this help someone with the same issue.

Last edited by sedano132; 04-10-2020 at 07:20.
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