Thread: Knife Shop Menu
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Location: Pakistan
Old 09-09-2019 , 08:24   Re: Knife Shop Menu
Reply With Quote #5

why r u starting case from 0 while u have started menu with case 1
PHP Code:
menu_additem (menu,"Special Mode \y(Cant Die) \r(5sec) \y7000 $","1"0
PHP Code:
menu_additem (menu,"Special Mode \y(Cant Die) \r(5sec) \y7000 $","0"0
& Same this the whole menu will be look like this:
#include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <cstrike> #include <hamsandwich> #include <fun> #define PLUGIN "New Shop" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Abdou LLah" public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_clcmd("say /shop", "shopmenu") register_clcmd("say_team /shop", "shopmenu") register_clcmd("say shop", "shopmenu") register_clcmd("say_team shop", "shopmenu") register_clcmd("shop", "shopmenu") } public shopmenu(id) { new menu = menu_create ("Shop Menu \yBy \rAbdou LLah","newmenu") menu_additem (menu,"Special Mode \y(Cant Die) \r(5sec) \y7000 $","0", 0) menu_additem (menu,"Invisiblity \r(5sec) \y7000 $","1",0) menu_additem (menu,"Speed \r(5sec) \y7000 $","2",0) menu_additem (menu,"HE Greande \y6000 $","3",0) menu_additem (menu,"Flashbang \y2000 $","4",0) menu_additem (menu,"Smooke Grenade \y9000 $","5",0) menu_additem (menu,"Respawn \y16000 $","6",0) menu_additem (menu,"AWP \r(1 Bullet) \y14000 $","7",0) menu_additem (menu,"Deagle \r(1 Bullet) \y12000 $","8",0) menu_additem (menu,"Extra Health \y8000 $","9",0) menu_setprop ( menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL) menu_display (id , menu, 0) } public newmenu(id, menu, item) { new money = cs_get_user_money(id) switch (item) { case 0: { if(money >= 7000) { Reduce(id, 7000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4Special MOD (5sec) ^1with !t7000 $") } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1^1U need !t7000 $ ^1to buy ^4Special MOD") } case 1: { if(money >= 7000) { Reduce(id, 7000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4INVISIBLITY (5sec) ^1with !t7000 $") } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1^1U need !t7000 $ ^1to buy ^4INVISIBLITY") } case 2: { if(money >= 5000) { Reduce(id, 5000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4SPEED (5sec) ^1with !t5000 $") } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1^1U need !t5000 $ ^1to buy ^4SPPED") } case 3: { if(money >= 6000) { Reduce(id, 6000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4HE Grenade ^1with !t6000 $") give_item (id, "weapon_hegrenade") } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U need !t6000 $ ^1to buy ^4HE Greande") } case 4: { if(money >= 2000) { Reduce(id, 2000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4Flashbang ^1with !t2000 $") give_item (id, "weapon_flashbang") } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U need !t2000 $ ^1to buy ^4Flashbang") } case 5: { if(money >= 9000) { Reduce(id, 9000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4Smooke Grenade ^1with !t9000 $") give_item (id, "weapon_smokegrenade") } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U need !t9000 $ ^1to buy ^4Smooke Grenade") } case 6: { if(money >= 16000) { Reduce(id, 16000) giveitem_respawn(id) } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U need !t16000 $ ^1to buy ^4RESPAWN") } case 7: { if(money >= 14000) { Reduce(id, 14000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4AWP ^1with !t14000 $") give_item (id, "weapon_awp") } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U need !t14000 $ ^1to buy ^4AWP") } case 8: { if(money >= 12000) { Reduce(id, 12000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4Deagle ^1with !t12000 $") give_item (id, "weapon_deagle") } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U need !t12000 $ ^1to buy ^4Deagle") } case 9: { if(money >= 12000) { Reduce(id, 12000) ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U bought ^4Extra Health ^1with !t8000 $") set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 50) } else ChatColor ( id, "^4[Shop Menu]^1U need !t8000 $ ^1to buy ^4Extra Health") } } menu_destroy(menu) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public giveitem_respawn(id) { ExecuteHamB(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id) new szName[33] get_user_name(id, szName, charsmax(szName)) ChatColor ( id, "^4%s ^1Has bought ^3Respawn!", szName) } //STOCKS stock Reduce(id, amount) cs_set_user_money(id, cs_get_user_money(id) - amount) stock ChatColor(const id, const input[], any:...) { new count = 1, players[32]; static msg[191]; vformat(msg, 190, input, 3); replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4"); // verde replace_all(msg, 190, "!n", "^1"); // galben/alb/negru replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3"); // rosu/albastru/gri replace_all(msg, 190, "!t2", "^0"); // rosu2/albastru2/gri2 if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch"); { for (new i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (is_user_connected(players[i])) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]); write_byte(players[i]); write_string(msg); message_end(); } } } }

or start case from 1

& please use [CODE] [PHP] when u are putting script or code
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