Thread: SuperNade
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Join Date: May 2006
Old 06-03-2007 , 12:49   Re: SuperNade
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because I was getting a pev error and didnt realize it, I am not going to get into that again, but here is what is up with my newest update:
pev_owner was not returning the correct owner in EmitSound, so i tried to use the grenade_throw forward from csx, but the pev_origin was not collecting correctly in that function so I did this: I used both. I gether the owner upon nade throw and pass it along a task to a function that is called just after the nade explosion actually happens. At the same time I have EmitSound gather the origin of the grenade explosion and store it in a global var. Thereby allowing the correct owner and origin to be used in the funciton claled after nade expolosion and to begin search for c4 entity and do extra damage stuff. I hate using this method because if someone else throws a grenade, anywhere from the time of actual explosion to end the nade_explosion function called just after, if someone has a grenade explode anywhere in that middle time, the grenade_explode function will use that persons grenade as a supernade, even if the person who threw it does not have a supernade. If you have abetter idea VEN please let me know, because I need a new method. The EmitSound usage to catch explosion doesnt allow me to gather owner, because the nade is removed already, and the grenade throw I cant grab the origin, because the nade is moving. But this version should work most of the time.
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