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AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Jun 2012
Old 09-02-2012 , 14:50   [CSGO] Map not part of Mapgroup
Reply With Quote #1

I think this error crashed my sever. Server wasn't actually crashed, it was still running, it showed up in the server list but it went "offline" and you couldn't join.

ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 18600005481782a:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 186000054829993:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 18600005482c121:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 186000054830509:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 1860000548333c8:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 186000054835200:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 186000054835791:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 186000054837fed:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 186000054838ad1:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 18600005483a020:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)
-> Reservation cookie 18600005483bb07:  reason ReplyReservationRequest
ApplyGameSettings: Map surf_ski_2_GO not part of Mapgroup mg_bomb
-> Reservation cookie 0:  reason reserved(yes), clients(no), reservationexpires(0.00)

not sure why its saying that as you can see surf_ski_2_GO is part of the mg_bomb map group :\


// To customize your server, see gamemodes_server.txt.example

			"value"				"0"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameTypeClassic"

					"value"			 	"0"
					"nameID"		 	"#SFUI_GameModeCasual"
					"descID"		 	"#SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc"
					"matchmakingvalue"	"casual"
					"uid"				"1"
					"maxplayers"			"32"

					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.
						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_CashColon"				"value" "$400" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "30 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon"		"value" "3 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"3"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BuyTimeColon"			"value" "45 #SFUI_Seconds" }
						"4"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateAnyone" }
						"5"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon"				"value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty2" }

					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						"bot_quota_mode"					"fill"
						"bot_quota"						"10"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"			"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"			"0"
						"bot_difficulty"					"1"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
						"bot_chatter"						"normal"
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"0"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"1"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"1"
						"mp_maxrounds"						"99"
						"mp_halftime"						"0"
						"mp_timelimit"						"45"
						"mp_roundtime"						"15"
						"mp_freezetime"						"5"
						"mp_buytime"						"45"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"0"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"2"			// 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"1"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"2"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"1"	
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"		"1"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"				"0"
						"mp_molotovusedelay"				"0"
						"sv_alltalk"						"1"
						"sv_deadtalk"						"1"
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"	"-2.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"	"0.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)
						"spec_freeze_time"					"5.0"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"0"
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"1"			// 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
						"mp_startmoney"						"1000"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"10000"

						"sv_allow_votes"					"1"		// Voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"0"

						// cash award convars
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"2700"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"2700"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"2700"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"2700"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"2700"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"2700"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"2400"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"0"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"100"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"0"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"200"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"50"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"-3300"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"200"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"0.5"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"200"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"200"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"200"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"0"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"-30"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"-1000"

						// gungame tr defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"2"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"3"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"4"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"5"
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"0.0"
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"5"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"

						// gungame progressive defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"				"4"
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay"	"15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct"		"0.33333"

						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"					"1"
						"mp_solid_teammates"					"0"
						"mp_free_armor"							"1"			

					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_de_train"		""
						"mg_de_dust"		""
						"mg_de_dust2"		""
						"mg_de_aztec"		""
						"mg_de_inferno"		""
						"mg_de_nuke"		""
						"mg_cs_italy"		""
						"mg_cs_office"		""
						"random_classic"	""
						"surf_skyworld"		""
						"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
						"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""

					// Map groups for online modes
						"mg_bomb"		""
						"mg_hostage"		""
						"mg_dust"		""
						"surf_skyworld"		""
						"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
						"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""
						"surf_cherryberry"	""
						"surf_green_b2"		""
						"surf_ski_2_GO"		""

					"value"			  	"1"
					"nameID"		  	"#SFUI_GameModeCompetitive"
					"descID"		  	"#SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc"
					"matchmakingvalue"	"competitive"
					"uid"				"2"
					"maxplayers"			"10"
					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.
						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_CashColon"				"value" "$800" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "30 #SFUI_Rounds" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon"		"value" "2 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"3"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BuyTimeColon"			"value" "45 #SFUI_Seconds" }
						"4"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" }
						"5"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon"				"value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty3" }

					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						"bot_quota_mode"					"fill"
						"bot_quota"						"10"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"			"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"			"1"
						"bot_difficulty"					"2"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
						"bot_chatter"						"normal"
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"1"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0.85"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0.33"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0.4"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"1"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"1"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"1"
						"mp_maxrounds"						"30"
						"mp_halftime"						"1"
						"mp_timelimit"						"0"
						"mp_roundtime"						"2"
						"mp_freezetime"						"15"
						"mp_buytime"						"45"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"1"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"0"
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"1"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"2"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"1"	
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"		"0"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"				"0"
						"mp_molotovusedelay"				"0"
						"sv_alltalk"						"0"
						"sv_deadtalk"						"1"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"	"-2.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"	"0.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
						"spec_freeze_time"					"5.0"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"0"
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"1"			// 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
						"mp_startmoney"						"800"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"16000"

						"sv_allow_votes"						"1"		// Voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"0"

						// cash award convars
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"3500"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"3000"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"3250"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"3250"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"3500"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"3500"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"1400"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"500"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"750"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"150"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"800"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"150"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"-3300"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"300"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"1"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"300"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"300"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"1000"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"150"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"-30"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"-1000"

						// gungame tr defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"2"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"3"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"4"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"5"
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"0.0"
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"5"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"

						// gungame progressive defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"				"4"
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay"	"15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct"		"0.33333"

						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"					"0"
						"mp_solid_teammates"					"1"
						"mp_free_armor"							"0"			


					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_de_train"		""
						"mg_de_dust"		""
						"mg_de_dust2"		""
						"mg_de_aztec"		""
						"mg_de_inferno"		""
						"mg_de_nuke"		""
						"mg_cs_italy"		""
						"mg_cs_office"		""
						"random_classic"	""
						"surf_skyworld"		""
						"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
						"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""

					// Map groups for online modes
						"mg_bomb"		""
						"mg_hostage"		""
						"mg_dust"		""
						"surf_skyworld"		""
						"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
						"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""

			"value"				"1"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameTypeGungame"

			// This is the list of game modes supported by this game type.
					"value"				"0"
					"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive"
					"descID"			"#SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc"
					"matchmakingvalue"	"competitive"
					"uid"				"11"
					"maxplayers"			"10"

					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.
						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "30 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateAnyone" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon"				"value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty2" }

					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						"bot_quota_mode"					"fill"
						"bot_quota"						"10"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"			"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"			"0"
						"bot_difficulty"					"1"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
						"bot_chatter"						"off"
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
							// bot_quota is ommited here because the map's min/max players determine's it's value.
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"1"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0.4"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0.1"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0.4"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"0"
						"mp_startmoney"						"0"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"0"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"0"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"0"
						"mp_timelimit"						"30"
						"mp_roundtime"						"30"
						"mp_freezetime"						"6"
						"mp_buytime"						"0"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"0"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"0"			// 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"0"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"0"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"0"	
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"0"			// 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds

						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"			"4"
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"		"0"
						"spec_freeze_time"					"2"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"1"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"				"1"
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay" "15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct" "0.33333"

						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"				"0"
						"mp_solid_teammates"				"0"
						"mp_free_armor"							"1"			

						"mp_molotovusedelay"				"0"
						"sv_alltalk"						"1"
						"sv_deadtalk"						"1"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"	"-2.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"	"0.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)

						"sv_allow_votes"						"1"		// Voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"26"

						// cash award convars (not used in this mode)
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"0"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"0"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"0"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"0"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"0"

						// gungame tr defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"2"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"3"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"4"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"5"
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"0.0"
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"5"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"

						// required defaults
						"mp_maxrounds"						"0"
						"mp_halftime"						"0"
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_ar_baggage"		""
						"mg_ar_shoots"		""
						"random_ar"			""

					// Map groups for online modes
						"mg_armsrace"	""

					"no_reset_vote_threshold_ct" 		"knife"
					"no_reset_vote_threshold_t" 		"knife"

						"mp9"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mac10"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mp7"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"bizon"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ump45"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p90"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"nova"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mag7"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"xm1014"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"sawedoff"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"galilar"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"famas"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ak47"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"m4a1"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"sg556"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"aug"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"awp"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"m249"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"negev"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"glock"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"hkp2000"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"tec9"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p250"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"deagle"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"fiveseven"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"elite"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"knifegg"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mp9"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mac10"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mp7"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"bizon"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ump45"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p90"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"nova"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"mag7"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"xm1014"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"sawedoff"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"galilar"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"famas"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ak47"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"m4a1"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"sg556"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"aug"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"awp"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"m249"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"negev"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"glock"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"hkp2000"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"tec9"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p250"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"deagle"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"fiveseven"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"elite"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"knifegg"			{ "kills"	"1" }

					"value"				"1"
					"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameModeGGBomb"
					"descID"			"#SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc"
					"matchmakingvalue"	"competitive"
					"uid"				"12"
					"maxplayers"			"10"

					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.

						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "10 #SFUI_Rounds" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon"		"value" "90 #SFUI_Seconds" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" }
						"3"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon"				"value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty3" }

					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						"bot_quota_mode"					"fill"
						"bot_quota"						"10"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"			"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"			"0"
						"bot_difficulty"					"2"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
						"bot_chatter"						"normal"
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"1"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0.85"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0.33"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0.4"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"0"
						"mp_startmoney"						"0"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"0"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"0"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"0"
						"mp_timelimit"						"0"
						"mp_roundtime"						"1.5"
	 					"mp_freezetime"						"6"
						"mp_buytime"						"0"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"0"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"2"			// 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"0"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"0"			// 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"0"	
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"1"			// 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"				"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"0"
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"			"0"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"					"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"1"		// Kill points required to upgrade a player's weapon
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"2"		// Kill points required in a round to get a bonus HE grenade
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"3"		// Kill points required in a round to get a bonus flash grenade
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"4"		// Kill points required in a round to get a bonus molotov cocktail
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"10.0"	// Number of seconds to delay during half-time
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"10"		// Number of rounds to play before/after half-time
						"mp_molotovusedelay"					"0"
						"sv_alltalk"							"0"
						"sv_deadtalk"							"0"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"0"		// Number of bonus points to award the team when a "knife" kill ends the last round
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"		"-2.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"		"0.0"	// Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"		// End the half and give a team round point when a player makes a kill using the final weapon

						"sv_allow_votes"						"1"		// Voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"0"

						// cash award convars (not used in this mode)
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"0"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"0"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"0"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"0"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"0"

						// gungame progressive defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay"	"15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct"		"0.33333"

						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"					"0"
						"mp_solid_teammates"					"0"
						"mp_free_armor"							"1"			

						// required defaults
						"mp_maxrounds"						"0"
						"mp_halftime"						"1"
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
						"spec_freeze_time"					"5.0"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"0"

					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_de_bank"		""
						"mg_de_lake"		""
						"mg_de_safehouse"	""
						"mg_de_sugarcane"	""
						"mg_de_stmarc"		""
						"mg_de_shorttrain"	""
						"random_demo"		""

					// Map groups for online modes
						"mg_demolition"		""

						"m4a1"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p90"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ump45"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"deagle"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"nova"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"fiveseven"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"hkp2000"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ssg08"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"awp"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"Scar20"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ak47"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p90"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"bizon"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"deagle"		{ "kills"	"1" }
						"nova"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"p250"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"glock"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"ssg08"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"awp"			{ "kills"	"1" }
						"g3sg1"			{ "kills"	"1" }

			"value"				"3"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameTypeFreestyle"
			"singleplayeronly"	"1"
					"value"				"0"
					"nameID"			"#SFUI_GameTypeTraining"
					"descID"			"#SFUI_GameModeTrainingDesc"
					"showdisclaimer"	"1"
					"uid"				"21"
					"maxplayers"		"1"
					// These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on.
					// These key/values should be pairs of strings.  The "key" will appear in the left
					// column, the "value" will appear in the right column.
						"0"		{ "label" "#SFUI_CashColon"				"value" "$16,000" }
						"1"		{ "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon"			"value" "30 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"2"		{ "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon"		"value" "5 #SFUI_Minutes" }
						"3"		{ "label" "#SFUI_BuyTimeColon"			"value" "90 #SFUI_Seconds" }
						"4"		{ "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon"			"value" "#SFUI_SpectateAnyone" }
						// Bot data is determined by user selection.
					// These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created.			
						// For offline games, bot_difficulty and bot_quota are specified in the "botDifficulty" section later in this file.
						"bot_quota_mode"				"fill"
						"bot_defer_to_human_items"		"1"
						"bot_defer_to_human_goals"		"0"
						"bot_chatter"					"normal"
						"bot_difficulty"					"1"
						"bot_dont_shoot"					"0"
							// bot_quota is ommited here because the map's min/max players determine's it's value.
						"mp_friendlyfire"					"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade"		"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_bullets"		"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_other"			"0"
						"ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self"	"0"
						"mp_startmoney"						"0"
						"mp_maxmoney"						"0"
						"mp_afterroundmoney"				"0"
						"mp_playercashawards"				"0"
						"mp_teamcashawards"					"0"
						"mp_timelimit"						"0"
						"mp_roundtime"						"0"
						"mp_freezetime"						"0"
						"mp_buytime"						"0"
						"mp_forcecamera"					"0"			// Set to 1 for team only spectating.
						"mp_defuser_allocation"				"0"
						"cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy"		"0"
						"sv_ignoregrenaderadio"				"0"
						"sv_deadtalk"						"0"

						"sv_allow_votes"					"0"			// No voting allowed in this mode
						"sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after"	"0"

						// cash award convars (not used in this mode)
						"cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb"				"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_hostage_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_elimination_bomb_map"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_time_running_out"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb"			"0"
						"cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue"			"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus"						"0"
						"cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds"	"0"
						"cash_team_rescued_hostage"					"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_alive"					"0"
						"cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused"		"0"
						"cash_team_hostage_interaction"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_teammate"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_default"			"0"
						"cash_player_killed_enemy_factor"			"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_planted"					"0"
						"cash_player_bomb_defused"					"0"
						"cash_player_rescued_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_interact_with_hostage"			"0"
						"cash_player_damage_hostage"				"0"
						"cash_player_killed_hostage"				"0"

						// gungame tr defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay"			"0"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus"				"1"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade"			"2"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he"				"3"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash"			"4"
						"mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov"			"5"
						"mp_ggtr_halftime_delay"				"0.0"
						"mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half"				"5"
						"mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus"			"1"
						"mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half"	"0"

						// gungame progressive defaults (not used in this mode)
						"mp_gungameimmunitytime"				"4"
						"mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay"	"15"
						"mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct"		"0.33333"

						// required defaults
						"mp_weapons_allow_zeus"				"0"
						"mp_solid_teammates"				"0"
						"mp_free_armor"						"1"			
						"cl_playerspraydisable"				"1"
						"mp_maxrounds"						"0"
						"mp_halftime"						"0"
						"mp_death_drop_gun"					"0"
						"mp_death_drop_grenade"				"0"
						"mp_death_drop_defuser"				"0"	
						"mp_molotovusedelay"				"0"
						"sv_alltalk"						"0"
						"mp_force_pick_time"				"15"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low"	"-2.0"
						"bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high"	"0.0"
						"spec_freeze_time"					"5.0"
						"spec_freeze_panel_extended_time"	"0"
						"mp_match_can_clinch"				"0"

					// Map groups for offline modes
						"mg_training1"		""

		// Map cycle groups

			"imagename"		"mapgroup-hostage"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_hostage"
			"name"			"mg_hostage"
				"cs_office"		""
				"cs_italy"		""

			"imagename"		"mapgroup-bomb"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb"
			"name"			"mg_bomb"
				"de_dust2"		""
				"de_train"		""
				"de_inferno"		""
				"de_dust"		""
				"de_aztec"		""
				"de_nuke"		""
				"surf_skyworld"		""
				"surf_dustwave_b1"	""
				"surf_csgo_10x_v2"	""


			"imagename"		"map-dust2-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_dust"
			"name"			"mg_dust"
				"de_dust"		""
				"de_dust2"		""

			"imagename"		"mapgroup-armsrace"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_armsrace"
			"name"			"mg_armsrace"
				"ar_shoots"		""
				"ar_baggage"		""

			"imagename"		"mapgroup-demolition"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Mapgroup_demolition"
			"name"			"mg_demolition"
				"de_lake"		""
				"de_stmarc"		""
				"de_sugarcane"		""
				"de_bank"		""
				"de_safehouse"		""
				"de_shorttrain"		""
		// Single map groups

			"imagename"		"map-train-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_train"
			"name"			"mg_de_train"
				"de_train"		""

			"imagename"		"map-dust-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_dust"
			"name"			"mg_de_dust"	
				"de_dust"		""

			"imagename"		"map-dust2-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_dust2"
			"name"			"mg_de_dust2"
				"de_dust2"		""

			"imagename"		"map-aztec-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_aztec"
			"name"			"mg_de_aztec"
				"de_aztec"		""

			"imagename"		"map-inferno-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_inferno"
			"name"			"mg_de_inferno"
				"de_inferno"		""

			"imagename"		"map-nuke-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_nuke"
			"name"			"mg_de_nuke"
				"de_nuke"		""

			"imagename"		"map-italy-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_cs_italy"
			"name"			"mg_cs_italy"
				"cs_italy"		""

			"imagename"		"map-office-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_cs_office"
			"name"			"mg_cs_office"
				"cs_office"		""

			"imagename"		"map-baggage-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_ar_baggage"
			"name"			"mg_ar_baggage"
				"ar_baggage"		""

			"imagename"		"map-vietnam-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_ar_shoots"
			"name"			"mg_ar_shoots"
				"ar_shoots"		""

			"imagename"		"map-bank-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_bank"
			"name"			"mg_de_bank"
				"de_bank"		""

			"imagename"		"map-boathouse-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_lake"
			"name"			"mg_de_lake"
				"de_lake"		""

			"imagename"		"map-house-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_safehouse"
			"name"			"mg_de_safehouse"
				"de_safehouse"		""

			"imagename"		"map-mill-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane"
			"name"			"mg_de_sugarcane"
				"de_sugarcane"	""

			"imagename"		"map-shacks-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_stmarc"
			"name"			"mg_de_stmarc"
				"de_stmarc"		""

			"imagename"		"map-train-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain"
			"name"			"mg_de_shorttrain"
				"de_shorttrain"		""

			"imagename"		"map-alleyway-overall"
			"nameID"		"#SFUI_Map_training1"
			"name"			"mg_training1"
				"training1"		""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_random"
			"imagename"			"map-random-ar"
			"name"				"random"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_random"
			"imagename"			"map-random-demo"
			"name"				"random"
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_random"
			"imagename"			"map-random-overall"
			"name"				"random"

		// Classic Maps

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_cs_italy"
			"name"				"cs_italy"
			"imagename"			"map-italy-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_separatist.mdl"
				"tm_separatist"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantA"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantB"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantC"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantD"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl"
				"ctm_gign"		""
				"ctm_gign_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantD"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantA.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantB.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantC.mdl"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_cs_office"
			"name"				"cs_office"
			"imagename"			"map-office-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_anarchist.mdl"
				"tm_anarchist"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantA"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantb"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantc"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantd"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_fbi.mdl"
				"ctm_fbi"		""
				"ctm_fbi_variantA"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantB"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantC"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantD"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantD.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantE.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantF.mdl"	""
				"models/hostage/hostage_variantG.mdl"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_aztec"
			"name"				"de_aztec"
			"imagename"			"map-aztec-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
				"tm_phoenix_variantA"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantB"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantC"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantD"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_st6.mdl"
				"ctm_st6"		""
				"ctm_st6_variantA"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantB"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantC"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantD"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_train"
			"name"				"de_train"
			"imagename"			"map-train-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_st6.mdl"
				"ctm_st6"		""
				"ctm_st6_variantA"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantB"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantC"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantD"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_dust"
			"name"				"de_dust"
			"imagename"			"map-dust-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms.mdl"
				"tm_leet_variantA"		""
				"tm_leet_variantB"		""
				"tm_leet_variantC"		""
				"tm_leet_variantD"		""
				"tm_leet_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_idf.mdl"
				"ctm_idf"		""
				"ctm_idf_variantB"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantC"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantD"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantE"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_dust2"
			"name"				"de_dust2"
			"imagename"			"map-dust2-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms.mdl"
				"tm_leet_variantA"		""
				"tm_leet_variantB"		""
				"tm_leet_variantC"		""
				"tm_leet_variantD"		""
				"tm_leet_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_idf.mdl"
				"ctm_idf"		""
				"ctm_idf_variantB"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantC"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantD"	""
				"ctm_idf_variantE"	""
				// We can only have 5 of these models so I'm removing this last one since it won't get read in anyway.
				//"ctm_idf_variantF"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_inferno"
			"name"				"de_inferno"
			"imagename"			"map-inferno-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_separatist.mdl"
				"tm_separatist"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantA"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantB"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantC"		""
				"tm_separatist_variantD"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_sas.mdl"
				"ctm_sas_variantA"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantB"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantC"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantD"		""
				"ctm_sas"		""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_nuke"
			"name"				"de_nuke"
			"imagename"			"map-nuke-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_sas.mdl"
				"ctm_sas_variantA"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantB"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantC"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantD"		""
				"ctm_sas"		""

		// Gun Game Maps

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_ar_baggage"
			"name"				"ar_baggage"
			"imagename"			"map-baggage-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
				"tm_phoenix_variantA"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantB"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantC"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantD"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl"
				"ctm_gsg9"		""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantD"	""
			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_ar_shoots"
			"name"				"ar_shoots"
			"imagename"			"map-vietnam-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_pirate.mdl"
				"tm_pirate"		""
				"tm_pirate_variantA"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantC"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantD"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantB"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl"
				"ctm_gign"		""
				"ctm_gign_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_lake"
			"name"				"de_lake"
			"imagename"			"map-boathouse-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
				"tm_phoenix_variantA"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantB"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantC"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantD"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_st6.mdl"
				"ctm_st6"		""
				"ctm_st6_variantA"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantB"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantC"	""
				"ctm_st6_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_bank"
			"name"				"de_bank"
			"imagename"			"map-bank-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_swat.mdl"
				"ctm_swat"			""
				"ctm_swat_variantA"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantB"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantC"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantD"		""


			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_safehouse"
			"name"				"de_safehouse"
			"imagename"			"map-house-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_swat.mdl"

				"ctm_swat"			""
				"ctm_swat_variantA"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantB"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantC"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantD"		""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane"
			"name"				"de_sugarcane"
			"imagename"			"map-mill-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_pirate.mdl"
				"tm_pirate"		""
				"tm_pirate_variantA"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantC"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantD"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantB"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl"
				"ctm_gign"		""
				"ctm_gign_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_stmarc"
			"name"				"de_stmarc"
			"imagename"			"map-shacks-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_pirate.mdl"
				"tm_pirate"		""
				"tm_pirate_variantA"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantC"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantD"	""
				"tm_pirate_variantB"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl"
				"ctm_gign"		""
				"ctm_gign_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gign_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain"
			"name"				"de_shorttrain"
			"imagename"			"map-train-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_sas.mdl"
				"ctm_sas_variantA"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantB"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantC"		""
				"ctm_sas_variantD"		""
				"ctm_sas"		""

		// Random Map

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_random"
			"name"				"random"
			"minplayers"		"#SFUI_VariesByMap"
			"maxplayers"		"#SFUI_VariesByMap"
			"imagename"			"map-random-overall"
				// these will be pulled from the assigned map
				// these will be pulled from the assigned map

		// DLC Maps

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_embassy"
			"name"				"de_embassy"
			"imagename"			"map-dust-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms.mdl"
				"tm_anarchist"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantA"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantb"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantc"		""
				"tm_anarchist_variantd"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_swat.mdl"
				"ctm_swat"			""
				"ctm_swat_variantA"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantB"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantC"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantD"		""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_cs_assault"
			"name"				"cs_assault"
			"imagename"			"map-assault-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
				"tm_phoenix_variantA"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantB"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantC"	""
				"tm_phoenix_variantD"	""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_fbi.mdl"
				"ctm_fbi"		""
				"ctm_fbi_variantA"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantB"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantC"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_balkan"
			"name"				"de_balkan"
			"imagename"			"map-vostok-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl"
				"ctm_gsg9"		""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_vertigo"
			"name"				"de_vertigo"
			"imagename"			"map-vertigo-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_fbi.mdl"
				"ctm_fbi"		""
				"ctm_fbi_variantA"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantB"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantC"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_cranes"
			"name"				"de_cranes"
			"imagename"			"map-cranes-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_fbi.mdl"
				"ctm_fbi"		""
				"ctm_fbi_variantA"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantB"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantC"	""
				"ctm_fbi_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_ar_monastery"
			"name"				"ar_monastery"
			"imagename"			"map-tibet-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl"
				"ctm_gsg9"		""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_depot"
			"name"				"de_depot"
			"imagename"			"map-depot-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"
				"tm_balkan_variantA"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantB"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantC"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantD"		""
				"tm_balkan_variantE"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl"
				"ctm_gsg9"		""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantA"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantB"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantC"	""
				"ctm_gsg9_variantD"	""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_de_alleyway"
			"name"				"de_alleyway"
			"imagename"			"map-alleyway-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_professional.mdl"
				"tm_professional"		""
				"tm_professional_var1"		""
				"tm_professional_var2"		""
				"tm_professional_var3"		""
				"tm_professional_var4"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_swat.mdl"
				"ctm_swat"			""
				"ctm_swat_variantA"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantB"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantC"		""
				"ctm_swat_variantD"		""

			"nameID"			"#SFUI_Map_training1"
			"name"				"training1"
			"minplayers"		"1"
			"maxplayers"		"1"
			"extraspectators"	"2"
			"imagename"			"map-alleyway-overall"
			"t_arms"			"models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl"
				"tm_phoenix"		""
			"ct_arms"			"models/weapons/ct_arms_st6.mdl"
				"ctm_st6"		""
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty0"
			"value" "0"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "1"
				"bot_difficulty"		"0"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"1"
				"bot_quota"				"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty1"
			"value" "1"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "1"
				"bot_difficulty"		"0"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"1"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty2"
			"value" "2"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "0"
				"bot_difficulty"		"0"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty3"
			"value" "3"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "0"
				"bot_difficulty"		"1"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty4"
			"value" "4"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "0"
				"bot_difficulty"		"2"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty5"
			"value" "5"
			"awardProgressDisabled" "0"
				"bot_difficulty"		"3"
				"bot_dont_shoot"		"0"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_SessionVisibilityPublic"
			"value" "0"
			"matchmakingvalue" "public"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_SessionVisibilityPrivate"
			"value" "1"
			"matchmakingvalue" "private"

			"nameID" "#SFUI_BombMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-bomb"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_HostageMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-hostage"

			"nameID" "#SFUI_GunGameProgressiveMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-progressive"
			"nameID" "#SFUI_GunGameTRMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-trbomb"

			"nameID" "#SFUI_TrainingSelectMap"
			"imagename" "icon-overview-select"
			"nameID" "?"

Last edited by PresidentEvil; 09-02-2012 at 14:51.
PresidentEvil is offline