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AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Old 03-30-2021 , 08:13   Re: there are a few problems in this plugin, can anyone solve it?
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#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

#pragma semicolon 1
#pragma newdecls required

#define PLUGIN_VERSION                 "2.22"
#define CVAR_FLAGS                     FCVAR_NOTIFY

#define DEBUG 0

static const float TRACE_TOLERANCE = 25.0;

Handle CloudEnabled             = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle CloudDuration             = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle CloudRadius                 = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle CloudDamage                 = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle CloudShake                 = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle CloudBlocksRevive         = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle SoundPath                 = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle CloudMeleeSlowEnabled     = INVALID_HANDLE;
Handle DisplayDamageMessage     = INVALID_HANDLE;

ConVar cvarGameModeActive;
static bool isAllowedGameMode         = false;

int meleeentinfo;
bool isincloud[MAXPLAYERS+1];
bool swappedTeams[MAXPLAYERS+1];
bool MeleeDelay[MAXPLAYERS+1];
int propinfoghost;

public Plugin myinfo = 
    name         = "[L4D1 AND L4D2] Cloud Damage",
    author         = "AtomicStryker",
    description = "The cloud of smoke created when a Smoker dies causes damage to the survivors",
    version     = PLUGIN_VERSION,
    url         = ""

public void OnPluginStart()
    CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_damage_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, " Version of L4D Cloud Damage on this server ", CVAR_FLAGS_PLUGIN_VERSION);
    CloudEnabled             = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_damage_enabled",         "1",                                     " Enable/Disable the Cloud Damage plugin ", CVAR_FLAGS);
    CloudDamage             = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_damage_damage",         "2.5",                                     " Amount of damage the cloud deals every half second", CVAR_FLAGS);
    CloudDuration             = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_damage_time",         "10.0",                                 "How long the cloud damage persists in seconds. ", CVAR_FLAGS);
    CloudRadius             = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_damage_radius",         "150",                                     " Radius of gas cloud damage ", CVAR_FLAGS);
    SoundPath                 = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_damage_sound",         "player/survivor/voice/choke_5.wav",     "Path to the Soundfile being played on each damaging Interval", CVAR_FLAGS);
    CloudMeleeSlowEnabled     = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_meleeslow_enabled",     "0",                                     " Enable/Disable the Cloud Melee Slow Effect ", CVAR_FLAGS);
    DisplayDamageMessage     = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_message_enabled",     "0",                                     " 0 - Disabled; 1 - small HUD Hint; 2 - big HUD Hint; 3 - Chat Notification ", CVAR_FLAGS);
    CloudShake                 = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_shake_enabled",         "0",                                     " Enable/Disable the Cloud Damage Shake ", CVAR_FLAGS);
    CloudBlocksRevive         = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_blocks_revive",         "0",                                     " Enable/Disable the Cloud Damage Stopping Reviving ", CVAR_FLAGS);
    cvarGameModeActive        = CreateConVar("l4d_cloud_gamemodesactive",     "coop, versus, teamversus, realism",     " Set the gamemodes for which the plugin should be activated (same usage as sv_gametypes, i.e. add all game modes where you want it active separated by comma) ", CVAR_FLAGS);
    HookConVarChange(FindConVar("mp_gamemode"), GameModeChanged);
    AutoExecConfig(true, "l4d_cloud_damage");
    HookEvent("player_death", PlayerDeath, EventHookMode_Pre);
    HookEvent("player_team", PlayerTeam);
    HookEvent("round_start", RoundStart);
    meleeentinfo = FindSendPropInfo("CTerrorPlayer", "m_iShovePenalty");
    propinfoghost = FindSendPropInfo("CTerrorPlayer", "m_isGhost");
    char gamename[128];
    GetGameFolderName(gamename, sizeof(gamename));
    if (StrContains(gamename, "left4dead") < 0)
        SetFailState("This Plugin only supports L4D or L4D2");

public void GameModeChanged(Handle convar, const char[] oldValue, const char[] newValue)

public Action RoundStart(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)

void CheckGamemode()
    static char sGameMode[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
    FindConVar("mp_gamemode").GetString( sGameMode, sizeof sGameMode );
    static char sConVarSetting[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
    cvarGameModeActive.GetString( sConVarSetting, sizeof sConVarSetting );
    ReplaceString( sConVarSetting, sizeof sConVarSetting, " ", "", false );     // Remove spaces in any section of the string.
    isAllowedGameMode = ListContainsString( sConVarSetting, ",", sGameMode );

stock bool ListContainsString(const char[] list, const char[] separator, const char[] string)
    char buffer[64][15];
    int count = ExplodeString(list, separator, buffer, 14, sizeof(buffer));
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        if (StrEqual(string, buffer[i], false))
            return true;
    return false;

public Action PlayerDeath(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
    // We get the client id
    int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
    // If client is valid
    if (!client || !isAllowedGameMode || !IsClientInGame(client) || GetClientTeam(client) !=3 || IsPlayerSpawnGhost(client))
        return Plugin_Continue;
    char class[100];
    GetClientModel(client, class, sizeof(class));
    if (StrContains(class, "smoker", false) != -1)
        if (GetConVarBool(CloudEnabled))
            #if DEBUG
            PrintToChatAll("Smokerdeath caught, Plugin running");
            float g_pos[3];
            GetClientEyePosition(client, g_pos);
            CreateGasCloud(client, g_pos);
    return Plugin_Continue;

static void CreateGasCloud(int client, float g_pos[3])
    #if DEBUG
    PrintToChatAll("Action GasCloud running");
    float targettime = GetEngineTime() + GetConVarFloat(CloudDuration);
    Handle data = CreateDataPack();
    WritePackCell(data, client);
    WritePackFloat(data, g_pos[0]);
    WritePackFloat(data, g_pos[1]);
    WritePackFloat(data, g_pos[2]);
    WritePackFloat(data, targettime);
    CreateTimer(0.5, Point_Hurt, data, TIMER_REPEAT);

public Action PlayerTeam(Handle event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
    int client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
    swappedTeams[client] = true;
    CreateTimer(0.5, EraseGhostExploit, client);

public Action EraseGhostExploit(Handle timer, any client)
    swappedTeams[client] = false;

public Action Point_Hurt(Handle timer, Handle hurt)
    int client = ReadPackCell(hurt);
    float g_pos[3];
    g_pos[0] = ReadPackFloat(hurt);
    g_pos[1] = ReadPackFloat(hurt);
    g_pos[2] = ReadPackFloat(hurt);
    float targettime = ReadPackFloat(hurt);
    if (targettime - GetEngineTime() < 0)
        #if DEBUG
        PrintToChatAll("Target Time reached Action PointHurter killing itself");
        return Plugin_Stop;
    #if DEBUG
    PrintToChatAll("Action PointHurter running");
    if (!IsClientInGame(client)) client = -1;
    // dummy line to prevent compiling errors. the client data has to be read or the datapack becomes corrupted
    float targetVector[3];
    float distance;
    float radiussetting = GetConVarFloat(CloudRadius);
    char soundFilePath[256];
    GetConVarString(SoundPath, soundFilePath, sizeof(soundFilePath));
    bool shakeenabled = GetConVarBool(CloudShake);
    int damage = GetConVarInt(CloudDamage);
    bool slowenabled = GetConVarBool(CloudMeleeSlowEnabled);
    for (int target = 1; target <= MaxClients; target++)
        if (!target || !IsClientInGame(target) || !IsPlayerAlive(target) || GetClientTeam(target) != 2)

        GetClientEyePosition(target, targetVector);
        distance = GetVectorDistance(targetVector, g_pos);
        if (distance > radiussetting || !IsVisibleTo(g_pos, targetVector)) continue;

        EmitSoundToClient(target, soundFilePath);
        switch (GetConVarInt(DisplayDamageMessage))
            case 1: PrintCenterText(target, "\x03You're suffering from a Smoker Cloud!");
            case 2: PrintHintText(target, "\x03You're suffering from a Smoker Cloud!");
            case 3: PrintToChat(target, "\x03You're suffering from a Smoker Cloud!");
        if (shakeenabled)
            Handle hBf = StartMessageOne("Shake", target);
            BfWriteByte(hBf, 0);
            CreateTimer(0.5, StopShake, target);
        if (slowenabled && !IsFakeClient(target))
            isincloud[target] = true;
            CreateTimer(0.5, ClearMeleeBlock, target);
        applyDamage(damage, target, client);
    return Plugin_Continue;

public Action HookSound_Callback(Clients[64], int &NumClients, char StrSample[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH], int &Entity)
    //to work only on melee sounds, its 'swish' or 'weaponswing'
    if (StrContains(StrSample, "Swish", false) == -1) return Plugin_Continue;
    //so the client has the melee sound playing. OMG HES MELEEING!
    if (Entity > MAXPLAYERS) return Plugin_Continue; // bugfix for some people on L4D2
    //add in a 1 second delay so this doesnt fire every frame
    if (MeleeDelay[Entity]) return Plugin_Continue; //note 'Entity' means 'client' here
    MeleeDelay[Entity] = true;
    CreateTimer(0.5, ResetMeleeDelay, Entity);
    #if DEBUG
    PrintToChatAll("Melee detected via soundhook.");
    if (isincloud[Entity]) SetEntData(Entity, meleeentinfo, 1.5, 4);    
    return Plugin_Continue;

public Action ResetMeleeDelay(Handle timer, any client)
    MeleeDelay[client] = false;

public Action ClearMeleeBlock(Handle timer, Handle target)
    isincloud[target] = false;

public Action StopShake(Handle timer, any target)
    if (!target || !IsClientInGame(target)) return;
    Handle hBf = StartMessageOne("Shake", target);
    BfWriteByte(hBf, 0);
    BfWriteFloat(hBf, 0.0);
    BfWriteFloat(hBf, 0.0);
    BfWriteFloat(hBf, 0.0);

stock bool IsPlayerSpawnGhost(int client)
    if (GetEntData(client, propinfoghost, 1)) return true;
    return false;

stock bool IsPlayerIncapped(int client)
    if (GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_isIncapacitated", 1)) return true;
    return false;

// timer idea by dirtyminuth, damage dealing by pimpinjuice
// added some L4D specific checks
static void applyDamage(int damage, int victim, int attacker)
    Handle dataPack = CreateDataPack();
    WritePackCell(dataPack, damage);  
    WritePackCell(dataPack, victim);
    WritePackCell(dataPack, attacker);
    CreateTimer(0.10, timer_stock_applyDamage, dataPack);

public Action timer_stock_applyDamage(Handle timer, Handle dataPack)
    int damage = ReadPackCell(dataPack);  
    int victim = ReadPackCell(dataPack);
    int attacker = ReadPackCell(dataPack);
    float victimPos[3];
    char strDamage[16], strDamageTarget[16];
    if (!IsClientInGame(victim)) return;
    GetClientEyePosition(victim, victimPos);
    IntToString(damage, strDamage, sizeof(strDamage));
    Format(strDamageTarget, sizeof(strDamageTarget), "hurtme%d", victim);
    int entPointHurt = CreateEntityByName("point_hurt");
    if(!entPointHurt) return;
    bool reviveblock = GetConVarBool(CloudBlocksRevive);

    // Config, create point_hurt
    DispatchKeyValue(victim, "targetname", strDamageTarget);
    DispatchKeyValue(entPointHurt, "DamageTarget", strDamageTarget);
    DispatchKeyValue(entPointHurt, "Damage", strDamage);
    DispatchKeyValue(entPointHurt, "DamageType", reviveblock ? "65536" : "263168");
    // Teleport, activate point_hurt
    TeleportEntity(entPointHurt, victimPos, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);
    AcceptEntityInput(entPointHurt, "Hurt", (attacker > 0 && attacker < MaxClients && IsClientInGame(attacker)) ? attacker : -1);
    // Config, delete point_hurt
    DispatchKeyValue(entPointHurt, "classname", "point_hurt");
    DispatchKeyValue(victim, "targetname", "null");

static bool IsVisibleTo(float position[3], float targetposition[3])
    float vAngles[3], vLookAt[3];
    MakeVectorFromPoints(position, targetposition, vLookAt); // compute vector from start to target
    GetVectorAngles(vLookAt, vAngles); // get angles from vector for trace
    // execute Trace
    Handle trace = TR_TraceRayFilterEx(position, vAngles, MASK_SHOT, RayType_Infinite, _TraceFilter);
    bool isVisible = false;
    if (TR_DidHit(trace))
        float vStart[3];
        TR_GetEndPosition(vStart, trace); // retrieve our trace endpoint
        if ((GetVectorDistance(position, vStart, false) + TRACE_TOLERANCE) >= GetVectorDistance(position, targetposition))
            isVisible = true; // if trace ray lenght plus tolerance equal or bigger absolute distance, you hit the target
        LogError("Tracer Bug: Player-Zombie Trace did not hit anything, WTF");
        isVisible = true;
    return isVisible;

public bool _TraceFilter(int entity, int contentsMask)
    if (!entity || !IsValidEntity(entity)) // dont let WORLD, or invalid entities be hit
        return false;
    return true;
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