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Old 06-20-2005 , 19:17  
Reply With Quote #2

Changelog 1.0:
First release, static slay ability

Changelog 1.1
new cvar: afk_kicktime -- cvar changed name
new cvar: afk_minplayers -- cvar changed name
new cvar: afk_slaytime -- new cvar
new cvar: afk_slayplayers -- new cvar
new cvar: afk_adminimmunity --new cvar
Read man to know what the cvars are for.

Changelog 1.2:
Mulitlingualsupport added...

Changelog 1.3:
Explodesound on slay added... (and removed now)

Changelog 1.4:
new cvar: afk_adminkickimmunity -- new cvar

Changelog 1.5:
Bombdrop added: AFK-Players are dropping bomb when afk for more then 25 seconds...

Changelog 1.6:
You may now switch afk to spec instead of kicking.
new cvar: afk_options -- new cvar
1 - Kick player after kicktime, 0 - switch to spec after kicktime

Changelog 1.6.1:
- bugfix on spec switch

Changelog 1.6.2:
- All txt-messages are starting now with [AFK KiSSS]

Changelog 2.0.1:
- Complete Code revised and partially rewritten...
- AFK-Count with a message at round start
- Code optimized and debugged.
- Plugin tested for more than 3 hours on our clan-server, works perfectly...
Seems not to throw errors anymore...

Changelog 2.0.2:
- Bugfix for wc3-mod

Changelog 2.0.3:
new cvar: afk_show_counter -- new cvar
If set to 1, it will show the AFK-Counter-Msg every "#define SHOW_FREQ 20" seconds (change this line, to make it show more or less often).

Changelog 2.1.0:
Improved afk-detection alg. - now distinguishes between an afk-player who has an autoturn script and a hardcore camper, not moving but turning his head. Upgrade is highly recommanded to all AFK-KiSSS Users.

Changelog 2.1.1:
- Bugfix on rejoin from specswitch

Changelog 2.1.1 - wc3-release:
- intermediate release for wc3-users

Changelog 2.1.2:
- rejoin of wc3 and normal version

Changelog 2.1.3:
- Bugfix

Changelog 2.1.4:
- reseperated wc3 and normasl version due to some runtime errors (nothing dramatic, but not nice to see)

Changelog 2.2.0:
I now definitifly merged the wc3 and the normal branch. The plugin is now checking every 0,5 seconds if player is really dead after slay until he is, but stops checking on new round. This shall enshure that no "zombies" may exist.

Changelog 2.3.0:
new cvar: afk_rename -- new cvar
It lets the plugin rename AFK-Players during their afk-time.

Changelog 2.4.0:
new cvar: afk_speckick -- new cvar
new cvar: afk_speckicktime -- new cvar
Plugin is now able to kick spectators after a certain time.

Changelog 2.4.1:
- Bugfix in rename function

Changelog 2.4.2:
- Tweaks

Changelog 2.4.3:
- Bugfix in speckick function

Changelog 2.4.4:
- Bugfix in rename function

Changelog 2.4.5:
- Bugfix in rename function

Changelog 2.5.0:
- some important bugfixes and tweaks

Changelog 2.5.1:
- some important bugfixes and tweaks

Changelog 3.0:
- release of version three, complete rewrite from scratch, file now called afk_kisss.sma

I saw this on other servers (afk slay), but I could not find it for amxx, so I codet the slay function myself.

This plugin is based on Generic AFK Kicker, but it only works for CS, as other HL-mods are often not roundbased.

Last edited by Isobold; 01-04-2007 at 18:46.
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