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Veteran Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Old 09-03-2018 , 15:09   Re: DeathRun Teleport
Reply With Quote #5

@Snake. here you are..but change prefix and set proper model worked for me

#include < amxmodx > 
#include < amxmisc > 
#include < fakemeta > 
#include < engine > 
#include < hamsandwich > 
#include < colorchat > 

//#pragma tabsize 0 
//#pragma semicolon 1 

new MapName[32]
new g_SpawnFile[256]
new const g_sPluginInfo[ ][ ] = 
    "DR TP", 

new const g_sPrefix[ ] = "[Deathrun]"; 

new const g_sButtonModel[ ] = "models/deathrun/timer/teleport_button.mdl"; 

new g_pFuncButton, g_pDelayCvar; 

new g_iButton; 
new g_iButtonAngle; 
new const Float: g_fButtonAngles[ 4 ] = 
new Float: g_fButtonOrigin[ 3 ]; 
new Float: g_fPlayerOrigin[ 3 ]; 
new Float: g_fPlayerDelay[ 33 ]; 
new Float: g_fGameTimeCheck; 

public plugin_init( ) 
        g_sPluginInfo[ 0 ], 
        g_sPluginInfo[ 1 ], 
        g_sPluginInfo[ 2 ] 
    register_clcmd( "say /teleport", "DTBM" ); 
    register_clcmd( "say_team /teleport", "DTBM" ); 
    g_pDelayCvar = register_cvar( "deathrun_teleport_delay", "5.0" ); 
    RegisterHam( Ham_Use, "func_button", "fwButtonUsed" ); 
    LoadBTP( ); 
public plugin_precache( ) 
    precache_model( g_sButtonModel ); 
    g_pFuncButton = engfunc( EngFunc_AllocString, "func_button" ); 
    new configdir[128]
	get_configsdir(configdir, 127 )
	new spawndir[256]
	if (!dir_exists(spawndir))
		if (mkdir(spawndir)==0)
			log_amx("Create [%s] dir successfully finished.",spawndir)
			log_error(AMX_ERR_NOTFOUND,"Couldn't create [%s] dir,plugin stoped.",spawndir)
	get_mapname(MapName, 31)

	format(g_SpawnFile, 255, "%s/%s.txt",spawndir, MapName)
public DTBM( iClient ) 
    if ( !( get_user_flags( iClient ) & ADMIN_RCON ) ) 
        ColorChat( iClient, BLUE, "^4%s^1 You don't have access to this command", g_sPrefix ); 
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED; 
    if ( !is_user_alive( iClient ) ) 
        ColorChat( iClient, BLUE, "^4%s^1 You must be Alive.", g_sPrefix ); 
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED; 
    new iMenu = menu_create( "DTB Menu", "DTBM_Handler" ); 
    menu_additem( iMenu, "Create button" ); 
    menu_additem( iMenu, "Rotate button" ); 
    menu_additem( iMenu, "Set teleport position" ); 
    menu_additem( iMenu, "Save button & teleport position" ); 
    menu_display( iClient, iMenu, 0 ); 
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED; 
public DTBM_Handler( iClient, iMenu, iItem ) 
    if ( iItem == MENU_EXIT ) 
        menu_destroy( iMenu ); 
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED; 
    switch ( iItem ) 
        case 0: 
            CreateButton( iClient ); 
            DTBM( iClient ); 
        case 1: 
            if ( g_iButtonAngle == 3 ) 
                g_iButtonAngle = 0; 
            new Float: fButtonAngles[ 3 ]; fButtonAngles[ 1 ] = g_fButtonAngles[ g_iButtonAngle ]; 
            set_pev( g_iButton, pev_angles, fButtonAngles ); 
            DTBM( iClient ); 
        case 2: 
            if ( !is_user_alive( iClient ) ) { 
                ColorChat( iClient, BLUE, "^4%s^1 You must be Alive.", g_sPrefix ); 
            new iOrigin[ 3 ]; 
            get_user_origin( iClient, iOrigin ); 
            new Float: fOrigin[ 3 ]; 
            IVecFVec( iOrigin, fOrigin ); 
            g_fPlayerOrigin[ 0 ] = fOrigin[ 0 ]; 
            g_fPlayerOrigin[ 1 ] = fOrigin[ 1 ]; 
            g_fPlayerOrigin[ 2 ] = fOrigin[ 2 ] + 20.0; 
            ColorChat( iClient, BLUE, "^4%s^3 Teleport^1 position has successfully set.", g_sPrefix ); 
            DTBM( iClient ); 
        case 3: 
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED; 
stock CreateButton( iClient, Float: fButtonOrigin[ 3 ] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } ) 
    if ( !g_iButton ) 
        new iEntity = engfunc( EngFunc_CreateNamedEntity, g_pFuncButton ); 
        set_pev( iEntity, pev_classname, "DTB" ); 
        set_pev( iEntity, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX ); 
        set_pev( iEntity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE ); 
        engfunc( EngFunc_SetModel, iEntity, g_sButtonModel ); 
        engfunc( EngFunc_SetSize, iEntity, Float: { -16.0, -16.0, 0.0 }, Float: { 16.0, 16.0, 60.0 } ); 
        g_iButton = iEntity; 
    if ( iClient ) 
        new iOrigin[ 3 ]; 
        get_user_origin( iClient, iOrigin, 3 ); 
        new Float: fOrigin[ 3 ]; 
        IVecFVec( iOrigin, fOrigin ); 
        engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, g_iButton, fOrigin ); 
        g_fButtonOrigin[ 0 ] = fOrigin[ 0 ]; 
        g_fButtonOrigin[ 1 ] = fOrigin[ 1 ]; 
        g_fButtonOrigin[ 2 ] = fOrigin[ 2 ]; 
        engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, g_iButton, fButtonOrigin ); 
        new Float: fButtonsAngles[ 3 ]; fButtonsAngles[ 1 ] = g_fButtonAngles[ g_iButtonAngle ]; 
        set_pev( g_iButton, pev_angles, fButtonsAngles ); 
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED; 
public SaveBTP( ) 
    new sMap[ 32 ], sConfig[ 32 ], sMapFile[ 128 ]; 
    if (file_exists(g_SpawnFile))
    new sData[ 128 ]; 
    formatex( sData, charsmax( sData ), "%f %f %f %i %f %f %f", g_fButtonOrigin[ 0 ], g_fButtonOrigin[ 1 ], g_fButtonOrigin[ 2 ], g_iButtonAngle, g_fPlayerOrigin[ 0 ], g_fPlayerOrigin[ 1 ], g_fPlayerOrigin[ 2 ] ); 
    write_file( g_SpawnFile, sData ); 
    ColorChat( 0, BLUE, "^4%s^1 Position for timer and teleport saved.", g_sPrefix ); 
bool: LoadBTP( ) 

    if ( file_exists( g_SpawnFile ) ) 
        new sData[ 128 ], iLen, iLine, sButtonOrigin[ 3 ][ 8 ], sButtonAngle[ 2 ], sPlayerOrigin[ 3 ][ 8 ]; 
        while( ( iLine = read_file( g_SpawnFile, iLine, sData , charsmax( sData ) , iLen ) ) != 0) 
            if ( sData[ 0 ] == ';' ) 
            parse( sData, sButtonOrigin[ 0 ], 7, sButtonOrigin[ 1 ], 7, sButtonOrigin[ 2 ], 7, sButtonAngle, 2, sPlayerOrigin[ 0 ], 7, sPlayerOrigin[ 1 ], 7, sPlayerOrigin[ 2 ], 7 ); 
            g_fButtonOrigin[ 0 ] = str_to_float( sButtonOrigin[ 0 ] ); 
            g_fButtonOrigin[ 1 ] = str_to_float( sButtonOrigin[ 1 ] ); 
            g_fButtonOrigin[ 2 ] = str_to_float( sButtonOrigin[ 2 ] ); 
            g_iButtonAngle = str_to_num( sButtonAngle ); 
            g_fPlayerOrigin[ 0 ] = str_to_float( sPlayerOrigin[ 0 ] ); 
            g_fPlayerOrigin[ 1 ] = str_to_float( sPlayerOrigin[ 1 ] ); 
            g_fPlayerOrigin[ 2 ] = str_to_float( sPlayerOrigin[ 2 ] ); 
            CreateButton( 0, g_fButtonOrigin ); 
        return false; 
    return true; 
public fwButtonUsed( iEntity, iClient ) 
    if ( !is_user_alive( iClient ) || get_user_team( iClient ) != 2 || iEntity != g_iButton ) 
        return HAM_IGNORED; 
    g_fGameTimeCheck = get_gametime( ); 
    if ( g_fPlayerDelay[ iClient ] > g_fGameTimeCheck ) 
        ColorChat( iClient, BLUE, "^4%s^1 Next use for^3 %.1f^1 seconds.", g_sPrefix, g_fPlayerDelay[ iClient ] - g_fGameTimeCheck ); 
        return HAM_IGNORED; 
    static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum; 
    get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "aeh", "TERRORIST" ); 
	if ( !iNum ) 
        ColorChat( iClient, BLUE, "^4%s^1 No^3 Terrorist^1 detected.", g_sPrefix ); 
       return HAM_IGNORED; 
    //engfunc( EngFunc_SetOrigin, iClient, g_fPlayerOrigin ); 
	set_pev(iPlayers[0], pev_origin, g_fPlayerOrigin)
	set_pev(iPlayers[0], pev_velocity, 0.0)
    g_fPlayerDelay[ iClient ] = g_fGameTimeCheck + get_pcvar_float( g_pDelayCvar ); 
    return HAM_IGNORED; 

Last edited by JocAnis; 03-30-2020 at 13:57.
JocAnis is online now