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Dr. McKay
Sir Dr. SourceMod Plugin Approver Esq. Ltd. M.D. PhD
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Atlantis
Old 07-11-2013 , 12:14   [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #1

Locked cvar: sv_showanimstate - Show the (server) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
Locked cvar: sv_showanimstate_log - 1 to output sv_showanimstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimStateServer.log. 3 for both.
Locked cvar: mp_feetyawrate - How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body.
Locked cvar: mp_facefronttime - After this amount of time of standing in place but aiming to one side, go ahead and move feet to face upper body.
Locked cvar: mp_ik - Use IK on in-place turns.
Locked cvar: sv_netvisdist - Test networking visibility distance
Locked cvar: sv_suppress_viewpunch - 
Locked cvar: sv_force_transmit_ents - Will transmit all entities to client, regardless of PVS conditions (will still skip based on transmit flags, however).
Locked cvar: sv_optimizedmovement - 
Locked cvar: sv_stopspeed - Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
Locked cvar: sv_maxspeed - 
Locked cvar: sv_accelerate - 
Locked cvar: sv_airaccelerate - 
Locked cvar: sv_wateraccelerate - 
Locked cvar: sv_waterfriction - 
Locked cvar: sv_footsteps - Play footstep sound for players
Locked cvar: sv_rollspeed - 
Locked cvar: sv_rollangle - Max view roll angle
Locked cvar: sv_friction - World friction.
Locked cvar: sv_bounce - Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
Locked cvar: sv_maxvelocity - Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
Locked cvar: sv_stepsize - 
Locked cvar: sv_backspeed - How much to slow down backwards motion
Locked cvar: sv_waterdist - Vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane.
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_force - How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players on the server.
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_min_player_speed - If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things).
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_max_force - Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_clientside - Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 1=all players)
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_player_force - How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance).
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_max_player_force - Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects.
Locked cvar: sv_lagcompensation_teleport_dist - How far a player got moved by game code before we can't lag compensate their position back
Locked cvar: sv_unlag - Enables player lag compensation
Locked cvar: sv_maxunlag - Maximum lag compensation in seconds
Locked cvar: sv_lagflushbonecache - Flushes entity bone cache on lag compensation
Locked cvar: sv_unlag_fixstuck - Disallow backtracking a player for lag compensation if it will cause them to become stuck
Locked cvar: sv_unlag_debug - 
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_clientside_size - Minimum size of pushback objects
Locked command: sv_soundemitter_flush - Flushes the sounds.txt system (server only)
Locked command: sv_soundemitter_filecheck - Report missing wave files for sounds and game_sounds files.
Locked command: sv_findsoundname - Find sound names which reference the specified wave files.
Locked command: sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo - print soundscapes
Locked cvar: mp_capstyle - Sets the style of capture points used. 0 = Fixed players required to cap. 1 = More players cap faster, but longer cap times.
Locked cvar: mp_blockstyle - Sets the style of capture point blocking used. 0 = Blocks break captures completely. 1 = Blocks only pause captures.
Locked cvar: mp_capdeteriorate_time - Time it takes for a full capture point to deteriorate.
Locked cvar: mp_showroundtransitions - Show gamestate round transitions.
Locked cvar: mp_showcleanedupents - Show entities that are removed on round respawn.
Locked cvar: sv_vote_timer_duration - How long to allow voting on an issue
Locked cvar: sv_vote_command_delay - How long after a vote passes until the action happens
Locked cvar: sv_vote_creation_timer - How often someone can individually call a vote.
Locked cvar: item_quality_chance_unique - Percentage chance that a random item is unique.
Locked cvar: item_quality_chance_rare - Percentage chance that a random item is a rare.
Locked cvar: item_quality_chance_common - Percentage chance that a random item is common.
Locked cvar: item_enable_content_streaming - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_build_rotation_speed - Degrees per second to rotate building when player alt-fires during placement.
Locked cvar: tf_obj_max_attach_dist - 
Locked cvar: sv_ignore_hitboxes - Disable hitboxes
Locked cvar: anim_showstate - Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
Locked cvar: anim_showstatelog - 1 to output anim_showstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimState.log. 3 for both.
Locked cvar: mp_showgestureslots - Show multiplayer client/server gesture slot information for the specified player index (-1 for no one).
Locked cvar: mp_slammoveyaw - Force movement yaw along an animation path.
Locked cvar: tf_maxspeed - 
Locked cvar: tf_showspeed - 
Locked cvar: tf_avoidteammates - Controls how teammates interact when colliding.
  0: Teammates block each other
  1: Teammates pass through each other, but push each other away (default)
Locked cvar: tf_solidobjects - 
Locked cvar: tf_clamp_back_speed - 
Locked cvar: tf_clamp_back_speed_min - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_air_dash_count - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_hype_mod - 
Locked cvar: tf_max_charge_speed - 
Locked cvar: tf_force_holidays_off - 
Locked cvar: tf_caplinear - If set to 1, teams must capture control points linearly.
Locked cvar: tf_stalematechangeclasstime - Amount of time that players are allowed to change class in stalemates.
Locked cvar: tf_arena_force_class - Forces players to play a random class each time they spawn.
Locked cvar: tf_arena_change_limit - Number of times players can change their class when mp_force_random_class is being used.
Locked cvar: mp_waitingforplayers_time - WaitingForPlayers time length in seconds
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_arena - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_cp - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_ctf - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_sd - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_payload - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_mvm - 
Locked cvar: tf_bot_count - 
Locked command: listdeaths - lists player deaths
Locked command: tf_dumpplayerstats - Dumps current player stats
Locked cvar: tf_obj_gib_velocity_min - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_gib_velocity_max - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_gib_maxspeed - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_upgrade_per_hit - 
Locked cvar: object_verbose - Debug object system.
Locked cvar: obj_damage_factor - Factor applied to all damage done to objects
Locked cvar: obj_child_damage_factor - Factor applied to damage done to objects that are built on a buildpoint
Locked cvar: tf_fastbuild - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_ground_clearance - Object corners can be this high above the ground
Locked cvar: tf_obj_damage_tank_achievement_amount - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_notice_sapped_squadmates_delay - How long it takes for a squad leader to notice his squadmate was sapped
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_damage - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_mini_damage - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_ammocheat - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_newtarget_dist - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_metal_per_shell - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_metal_per_rocket - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_notarget - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_max_absorbed_damage_while_controlled_for_achievement - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_kill_after_redeploy_time_achievement - 
Locked cvar: tf_teleporter_fov_start - Starting FOV for teleporter zoom.
Locked cvar: tf_teleporter_fov_time - How quickly to restore FOV after teleport.
Locked cvar: tf_playerstatetransitions - tf_playerstatetransitions <ent index or -1 for all>. Show player state transitions.
Locked cvar: tf_weapon_ragdoll_velocity_min - 
Locked cvar: tf_weapon_ragdoll_velocity_max - 
Locked cvar: tf_weapon_ragdoll_maxspeed - 
Locked cvar: tf_damageforcescale_other - 
Locked cvar: tf_damageforcescale_self_soldier_rj - 
Locked cvar: tf_damageforcescale_self_soldier_badrj - 
Locked cvar: tf_damagescale_self_soldier - 
Locked cvar: tf_damage_lineardist - 
Locked cvar: tf_damage_range - 
Locked cvar: tf_feign_death_damage_scale - 
Locked cvar: tf_max_voice_speak_delay - Max time after a voice command until player can do another one
Locked cvar: tf_deploying_bomb_time - Time to deploy bomb before the point of no return.
Locked cvar: tf_deploying_bomb_delay_time - Time to delay before deploying bomb.
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_death_penalty - How much currency players lose when dying
Locked cvar: tf_highfive_separation - Distance between high five partners
Locked cvar: tf_highfive_max_range - The farthest away a high five partner can be
Locked cvar: tf_highfive_close_range - If a player is at least this close to a high five initiator, the directional checks are skipped
Locked cvar: tf_highfive_height_tolerance - The maximum height difference allowed for two high-fivers.
Locked command: CreatePredictionError - Create a prediction error
Locked command: sv_debug_stuck_particles - Debugs particles attached to the player under your crosshair.
Locked command: tf_ignite_player - Sets you on fire
Locked cvar: tf_spy_invis_time - Transition time in and out of spy invisibility
Locked cvar: tf_spy_invis_unstealth_time - Transition time in and out of spy invisibility
Locked cvar: tf_spy_max_cloaked_speed - 
Locked cvar: tf_whip_speed_increase - 
Locked cvar: tf_max_health_boost - Max health factor that players can be boosted to by healers.
Locked cvar: tf_invuln_time - Time it takes for invulnerability to wear off.
Locked cvar: tf_player_movement_stun_time - 
Locked cvar: tf_soldier_buff_pulses - 
Locked cvar: tf_boost_drain_time - Time is takes for a full health boost to drain away from a player.
Locked cvar: tf_damage_events_track_for - 
Locked cvar: tf_useparticletracers - Use particle tracers instead of old style ones.
Locked cvar: tf_spy_cloak_consume_rate - cloak to use per second while cloaked, from 100 max )
Locked cvar: tf_spy_cloak_regen_rate - cloak to regen per second, up to 100 max
Locked cvar: tf_spy_cloak_no_attack_time - time after uncloaking that the spy is prohibited from attacking
Locked cvar: tf_scout_energydrink_regen_rate - energy drink regen per second, up to 100 max
Locked cvar: tf_scout_energydrink_consume_rate - energy drink to use per second while boosted, from 100 max
Locked cvar: tf_scout_energydrink_activation - how long it takes for the energy buff to become active
Locked cvar: tf_demoman_charge_regen_rate - 
Locked cvar: tf_demoman_charge_drain_time - 
Locked cvar: tf_feign_death_duration - Time that feign death buffs last.
Locked cvar: tf_cheapobjects - Set to 1 and all objects will cost 0
Locked cvar: tf_raid_engineer_infinte_metal - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_bot_sniper_target_by_dps - If set, Snipers in MvM mode target the victim that has the highest DPS
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_default_sentry_buster_damage_dealt_threshold - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_default_sentry_buster_kill_threshold - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_force_on - Force MvM Endless mode on
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_wait_time - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_bomb_reset - Number of Waves to Complete before bomb reset
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_bot_cash - In Endless, number of credits bots get per wave
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_tank_boost - In Endless, amount of extra health for the tank per wave
Locked cvar: tf_scout_stunball_base_duration - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_stunball_base_speed - 
Locked cvar: sv_proj_stunball_damage - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_bat_launch_delay - 
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_velocity - Initial velocity of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_drag - Air drag of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_float - Upward float velocity of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_vecrand - Random vector added to initial velocity of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_maxdamagedist - Maximum damage distance for flamethrower.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_shortrangedamagemultiplier - Damage multiplier for close-in flamethrower damage.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_velocityfadestart - Time at which attacker's velocity contribution starts to fade.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_velocityfadeend - Time at which attacker's velocity contribution finishes fading.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_burst_zvelocity - 
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_burstammo - How much ammo does the air burst uses per shot.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_flametime - Time to live of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_grenadelauncher_chargescale - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenadelauncher_livetime - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenadelauncher_min_contact_speed - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_forcefrom_bullet - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_forcefrom_buckshot - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_forcefrom_blast - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_force_sleeptime - 
Locked cvar: tf_pipebomb_force_to_move - 
Locked cvar: tf_pipebomb_deflect_reset_time - 
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_damage_modifier - Scales the damage a player does while being healed with the medigun.
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_construction_rate - Constructing object health healed per second by the medigun.
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_charge_rate - Amount of time healing it takes to fully charge the medigun.
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_chargerelease_rate - Amount of time it takes the a full charge of the medigun to be released.
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_resist_num_chunks - How many uber bar chunks the vaccinator has.
Locked cvar: tf_vaccinator_small_resist - How much damage the vaccinator resists when just healing.
Locked cvar: tf_vaccinator_uber_resist - How much damage the vaccinator resists when deploying uber.
Locked cvar: tf_vaccinator_uber_charge_rate_modifier - Vaccinator uber charge rate.
Locked cvar: tf_medigun_lagcomp - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_hype_pep_mod - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_hype_pep_max - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_hype_pep_min_damage - 
Locked cvar: mp_forceactivityset - 
Locked cvar: tf_dev_marked_for_death_lifetime - 
Locked cvar: tf_dev_health_on_damage_recover_percentage - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_show_radius - Render radius of grenades
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_show_radius_time - Time to show grenade radius
Locked cvar: tf_meleeattackforcescale - 
Locked cvar: cl_interpolate - Interpolate entities on the client.
Locked cvar: dbg_demofile - 
Locked cvar: r_entity - 
Locked cvar: r_portalscloseall - 
Locked cvar: sv_stressbots - If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing.
Locked cvar: sv_sendtables - Force full sendtable sending path.
Locked cvar: sv_creationtickcheck - Do extended check for encoding of timestamps against tickcount
Locked cvar: sv_instancebaselines - Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead.
Locked cvar: sv_useexplicitdelete - Explicitly delete dormant client entities caused by AllowImmediateReuse().
Locked cvar: vgui_nav_lock - 
Locked cvar: vgui_nav_lock_default_button - 
Locked cvar: r_flashlight_version2 -
Might be a bit interesting to experiment with these.

Code used to generate this:

PHP Code:
#include <sourcemod>

public OnPluginStart() {
Handle:file OpenFile("console.txt""w");
decl String:name[256], bool:isCommandflagsString:description[512];
Handle:iterator FindFirstConCommand(namesizeof(name), isCommandflagsdescriptionsizeof(description));
    do {
WriteFileLine(file"Locked %s: %s - %s"isCommand "command" "cvar"namedescription);
isCommand) {
SetCommandFlags(nameGetCommandFlags(name) & ~FCVAR_LAUNCHER);
        } else {
Handle:convar FindConVar(name);
SetConVarFlags(convarGetConVarFlags(convar) & ~FCVAR_LAUNCHER);
    } while(
FindNextConCommand(iteratornamesizeof(name), isCommandflagsdescriptionsizeof(description)));

This also unlocks all cvars and commands.
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