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Old 04-19-2005 , 02:53  

Well I just add a new version with the Linux code.
(Gizmo, do I recognize the malloc code? )

Lance, I assume you want to protect after the changes (so I changed in the windows section too).
_WIN32 and _LINUX are the defines Valve is using in their code (but for some reason Valve put WIN32 in the sample project file but not the rest).

Virtual function table hook mechanism
written by LanceVorgin aka stosw aka like 90 other names
ty to qizmo for helping and uni for owning me
oh and go play in traffic trimbo - real mature eh - I blame the drugs.

#ifndef _VFNHOOK_H
#define _VFNHOOK_H

class someinterface {
	virtual void somefunc(char* somearg) = 0;

class someclass : public someinterface {
	void somefunc(char* somearg){
		printf("someclass::somefunc: %x %s\n", someval, somearg ? somearg : "NULL");

	int someval;

DEFVFUNC(someclass_somefunc, (someclass* pa, char* somearg));

void VFUNC hookedsomefunc(someclass* pa, char* somearg){
	printf("hooked it:  %s\n", somearg ? somearg : "NULL");
	someclass_somefunc(pa, "lol owned");
	printf("leaving hook\n");

someclass q;
someclass w;

void main(){
	q.someval = 0xdeadbeef;
	w.someval = 0xc0defeed;

	HOOKVFUNC(&q, 0, someclass_somefunc, hookedsomefunc);
	dynamic_cast<someinterface*>(&q)->somefunc("testing"); //forces vtable lookup
	someclass_somefunc(&w, "should be codefeed yo");

#define ADDRTYPE unsigned long

#define VTBL( classptr ) (*(ADDRTYPE*)classptr)
#define PVFN_( classptr , offset ) (VTBL( classptr ) + offset)
#define VFN_( classptr , offset ) *(ADDRTYPE*)PVFN_( classptr , offset )
#define PVFN( classptr , offset ) PVFN_( classptr , ( offset * sizeof(void*) ) )
#define VFN( classptr , offset ) VFN_( classptr , ( offset * sizeof(void*) ) )

#define HDEFVFUNC( funcname , returntype , proto ) \
	typedef returntype ( VFUNC * funcname##Func ) proto ; \
	extern funcname##Func funcname ;

#if defined _WIN32 || defined WIN32

	#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
	#define WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN
	#include <windows.h>

	class CVirtualCallGate

		void Build(void* pOrigFunc, void* pNewFunc, void* pOrgFuncCaller)
			BYTE szGate[] =
				//pop a	push c	push a	mov a, <dword>	jmp a
				0x58,	0x51,	0x50,	0xB8, 0,0,0,0,	0xFF, 0xE0,
				//pop a	pop c	push a	mov a, <dword>	jmp a
				0x58,	0x59,	0x50,	0xB8, 0,0,0,0,	0xFF, 0xE0

			memcpy(m_szGate, &szGate, sizeof(szGate));

			*(ADDRTYPE*)&m_szGate[4]   = (ADDRTYPE)pNewFunc;
			*(ADDRTYPE*)&m_szGate[14]  = (ADDRTYPE)pOrigFunc;
			*(ADDRTYPE*)pOrgFuncCaller = (ADDRTYPE)&m_szGate[10];

			return (ADDRTYPE)&m_szGate[0];

		char m_szGate[20];

	inline bool DeProtect( void* pMemory, unsigned int uiLen, bool bLock = false )
		DWORD dwIDontCare;
		if ( ! VirtualProtect( pMemory, uiLen, ( (bLock) ? PAGE_READONLY : PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ), &dwIDontCare ) )
			if ( bLock )
				perror( "Virtual Class memory protect failed (using VirtualProtect)" );
				perror( "Virtual Class memory unprotect failed (using VirtualProtect)" );
			return false;
		return true;

	#define VFUNC __stdcall

	#define DEFVFUNC( funcname , returntype , proto ) \
		funcname##Func funcname = NULL; \
		void* funcname##Raw_Org = NULL; \
		CVirtualCallGate funcname##Gate;
	#define HOOKVFUNC( classptr , index , funcname , newfunc ) \
		DeProtect((void*)VTBL( classptr ), ( index * sizeof(void*)) + 4, false ); \
		funcname##Raw_Org = (void*)VFN( classptr , index ); \
		funcname##Gate.Build( funcname##Raw_Org , newfunc , & funcname ); \
		*(ADDRTYPE*)PVFN( classptr , index ) = funcname##Gate.Gate(); \
		DeProtect((void*)VTBL( classptr ), ( index * sizeof(void*)) + 4, true );

	#define UNHOOKVFUNC( classptr , index , funcname ) \
		DeProtect((void*)VTBL( classptr ), ( index * sizeof(void*)) + 4, false ); \
		*(ADDRTYPE*)PVFN( classptr , index ) = (ADDRTYPE) funcname##Raw_Org ; \
		DeProtect((void*)VTBL( classptr ), ( index * sizeof(void*)) + 4, true );

#elif defined _LINUX

	#ifndef PAGESIZE
	#define PAGESIZE 4096
	inline bool DeProtect(void* pMemory, unsigned int uiLen, bool bLock = false)
	    ADDRTYPE p = (ADDRTYPE) pMemory & ~(PAGESIZE-1);
		if ( mprotect( (void*)p, (ADDRTYPE) pMemory - p + uiLen, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC | ( (bLock) ? 0 : PROT_WRITE ) ) )
			if ( bLock )
				perror( "Virtual Class memory protect failed (using mprotect)" );
				perror( "Virtual Class memory unprotect failed (using mprotect)" );
			return false;
		return true;

	#define VFUNC

	#define DEFVFUNC( funcname , returntype , proto ) \
		funcname##Func funcname = NULL; 

	#define HOOKVFUNC( classptr , index , funcname , newfunc ) \
		DeProtect((void*)VTBL( classptr ), ( ( index + 1 ) * sizeof(void*)), false ); \
		funcname = ( funcname##Func )VFN( classptr , index ); \
		*(ADDRTYPE*)PVFN( classptr , index ) = (ADDRTYPE)newfunc ; \
		DeProtect((void*)VTBL( classptr ), ( ( index + 1 ) * sizeof(void*)), true );

	#define UNHOOKVFUNC( classptr , index , funcname , newfunc ) \
		DeProtect((void*)VTBL( classptr ), ( ( index + 1 ) * sizeof(void*)), false ); \
		*(ADDRTYPE*)PVFN( classptr , index ) = (ADDRTYPE)funcname ; \
		DeProtect((void*)VTBL( classptr ), ( ( index + 1 ) * sizeof(void*)), true );


	#error "Unsupported Platform."


#define DEFVFUNC_( funcname , returntype , proto ) \
	HDEFVFUNC(funcname, returntype, proto); \
	DEFVFUNC(funcname, returntype, proto)

#endif // _VFNHOOK_H
*** edit, the VirtualProtect returns non zero if OK... changed... thanks Mani ***
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