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Join Date: Mar 2004
Old 03-02-2005 , 23:50   Deagles' Map Management 2.30b Updated 10/28

Many thanks to BigBaller for originally supporting this plugin in AMXX.


New in Version 2.30/2.30b:
Config files now belong in <MOD>\addons\amxmodx\configs folder to conform to required AMXX Standards.
OR you can put it in <MOD>\addons\amxmodx\configs\dmap folder

Important fix in linux on 2.27d:
Fix generation of allmaps.txt (removed.)

New in 2.27c

Fixed dmap_maxcustom <N> to allow 0 (no custom maps) in the vote.
I'm not sure why this was limited to being greater or equal to 1 in the first place (call it an oversight).

New in 2.27

Added randomization of "nextmap" when the current map being played does not exist in the server mapcycle.txt
Fixed dmap_maxcustom <N> to strictly control the maximum # of custom maps that appear in the vote
(voted or filled), so that the function does not just control the maximum number of maps that can be nominated.
Config files remain in addons/amxmodx/ directory

New in 2.20 (AMXX)

Release #3 of 2.10j, fixed bugs with strtonum() and warning messages about # arguments.
Config files need to be placed in your <mod>/amxmodx/ Folder!! (not the config folder or anywhere else)

***Added automatic generation of <mod>/amxmodx/allmaps.txt file***
-It will generate this list based on maps in your /MAPS folder, the first time you run this plugin.
Cached maps such as default maps will need to be added *manually* to this file in notepad and to the
standardmaps.ini, if the mod differs from CS 1.6.

Fixed "extra long" waits for map to change in mods other than CS.
Fixed flooding of vote menu in NS, due to the chat messages being displayed at vote time.
Fixed color hudmessage that "map will change in N seconds" when Round Mode is being used.
Changes from AMX version: NO more strtonum() or numtostr() integrated, had to make these 2 functions.
cstrike_running becomes function not variable.


* Put the standardmaps.ini, mapstoban.ini, and mapchoice.ini files in the
addons\amxmodx\configs directory (where <MOD> is the path to your Half-life mod)

* Compile deagsmapmanage227.sma or use the .amxx file that is COMPILED FOR AMX MOD X

* Put the deagsmapmanage227.amxx file in the mod\addons\amxmodx\plugins\ directory,
(if using older version, file name may be different!)

* Add a line in the plugins.ini file of:
deagsmapmanage227.amxx (or nomination_style_voting.amx or whatever your file name is.)

* When in-game, to see a list of commands, use command dmap_status or dmap_help in console.


******Be sure all other map chooser plugins are turned off, except for the mapmenu default plugin!******

* If you run CS 1.6, please define either these config files, or mapcycle.txt, otherwise NO VOTE WILL APPEAR
* Also, if you run Steam and/or CS 1.6, you need to put a line of

mapchangecfgfile server.cfg

in your server.cfg file! Otherwise the timelimit might not be reset every map, if the last map was extended
for a period of time.

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