Thread: Start Weapon
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Old 07-06-2009 , 02:15   Re: Start Weapon
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I've recompiled this plugin with the correct changes to fix the issues with it working, and it works for the most part, but it has a conflict with my stats. When I am alive, kill some people, then the next round starts, when I type /me, it should restart that to 0 hits 0 damage etc. It doen't reset that all the time. It seems like it resets it when it wants to.

So I figured maybe having Helmet/Vest was the problem seeing as that was the only spawn weapon item that wasn't working, so I removed that from the ammo.ini file, and it's still having the same problem. Here's my code for that file:

"9"    "1"
"4"    "1"
"25"    "2"
Which are 1 HE nade, 1 Smoke, and 2 Flash grenades. I also had someone complain they had an issue getting HE grenades on respawn.
If you notice, I removed all the comments out of there, to minimize any mistakes I might have made while editing. I've triple checked the code, and I have no clue why this is happening. Please help. Also, is there a way to incorporate a message at the beginning of each round where it tells the people they've received some items?

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