Thread: IRC <-> HLDS
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Old 04-03-2004 , 21:50   IRC <-> HLDS

This plugin has been taken over with devicenull's permission. New versions available here:

Need help? Join #hldsIRC on
  • v0.35 - Fixed something I broke
  • v0.34 - Fixed mapchange issue, added some basic commands from irc..
  • v0.33 - Fixed a reconnect problem
  • v0.32 - Added ability to identify/send message on connected
  • v0.31 - Fixed mapchange bug, fixed auto-connect
  • v0.30 - Rewrote entire thing, added some cool stuff
irc_server - The irc server to connect to
irc_port - The irc server's port
irc_nick - The nick to use while connecting
irc_channel - The channel to join
irc_identify - If you want to identify set this to 1
irc_ident - See info below
Major CVARS:
The next 5 are NOT On/Off - They are the messages that are sent to and from irc when someone says something.. so setting them to "1" will mean every message sent will appear as a 1
irc_msg_srvjoin - Message when user joins
irc_msg_srvpart - Message when user leaves
irc_msg_srvsay - Message when user says something
irc_msg_srvteamsay - Message when user team_say's something
irc_msg_ircsay - Message when IRC user says something
Available vars for srv*
* $name - Person's name
* $steamid - Person's steamid
* $team - Person's team
* $teamn - Person's team number
* $message - What they said
* $connected - How long they have been connected
* $access - Persons access
Available vars for irc*
* $name - Persons name
* $message - Message
irc connect - Connect to irc
irc disconnect - Disc from irc
irc say - Send message to irc
irc help - Tells you where to go
Known Problems

Ok, about irc_ident.. you have to use the raw IRC syntax for sending messages, it really isn't too complex.
To do what /nickserv or /ns does in mirc
To send a message to someone:
"PRIVMSG someone :I'm Online"
Get the picture?
If you need help, either post or grab me on the channel mentioned above

Commands from irc
<botname>, lusers - Lists users, steamids, and IP's of people connected
<botname>, help - Pretty much nothing

You need the sockets module to use this, and the web compiler probably won't handle it (I don't know if it has the file)

Menu stuff:
Use the commands amx_ircmenu or say /irc. Default access level is admin_level_a which can be changed in the plugin. Access to this gives you control of main bot functions, like disc/connect
Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (irc.sma - 3621 views - 12.3 KB)
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (menu.sma - 2998 views - 1.5 KB)
Various bits of semi-useful code in a bunch of languages:
devicenull is offline