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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Texas
Old 03-10-2009 , 10:44   Re: AMXX Keywords for Syntax Highlighting
Reply With Quote #18

Darn, found 1 thing bad about the version of NP++, I had to add all of this manually (using the user define option in the menus). Oh well, at least I can use a menu feature to edit the colour scheme instead of editing a file each time (the changes take effect immediately with the menu)

EDIT: Hm, I found the location, guess I had issues with that install as it works on a reinstall (I was putting it in that location, but it wasn't working for some reason). Also, I got a compiler working for NotePad++, here is how you can do it to.

In the same location as the userDefineLang.xml, there should be a file named shortcuts.xml. Edit that file and put this (full file contents shown, place it appropriatly in your file)

        <Command name="Compile Plugin" Ctrl="yes" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="67">cmd /k .\..\..\..\..\..\Compiler\amxxpc.exe -o$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\$(NAME_PART).amxx $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)</Command>
Change ".\..\..\..\..\..\Compiler\amxxpc.exe" to the location of your amxxpc.exe file. Since I use PortableApps, I can't use a exact path but you can if you want. This will compile the current active window and place the AMXX file in the same folder as the SMA file. This also leaves the cmd window open.

Default shortcut key is SHIFT+CTRL+C. You can change this in Settings>Shorcut Mapper...>Run Commands>Compile Plugin (or whatever the name of the command is)
ProjectYami Laboratories

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Last edited by YamiKaitou; 03-11-2009 at 12:42.
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