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Join Date: Feb 2009
Old 02-25-2009 , 06:19   Re: mp3 or radio on server, when you are dead
Reply With Quote #2

hey mate,

i can help ya but u gotta be more specific

it is all easy

id recomend using a server based menu such as where a client types menu and a list of options comes up

such as radio or a list of mp3 songs

or if u dont like the menu u can do it where a client types a command and it comes up with wat ya want

if u want radio ,, make sure u got webbased radio station to redirct it to

i recentyl just finished making one of these ,, a menu based radio sytem

but u might not like as it is all the american stations.

i leave it up to ya

u chose between the radio or mp3 and also chose weather u want the menu or the commands

talk soon

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