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Join Date: Mar 2006
Old 02-03-2009 , 15:04   Re: Server Redirect
Reply With Quote #37

while this plugin works awesome - I have 3 server sharing the same database - I did notice the following error on startup:

[SM] Unable to load plugin "serverredirect_cmds.smx": Could not find required plugin "serverredir"
So I downloaded serverredirect.smx, renamed it to serverredir.smx, and reuploaded it - so now I have both serverredirect.smx and serverredir.smx on the game server.

That gave the following error:

[SM] Native "CreateNative" reported: Fatal error creating dynamic native!
[SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "serverredirect.smx":
[SM]   [0]  Line 577, E:\TF2\files\sourcemod\plugins\mine\serverredirect.sp::AskPluginLoad()
[SM] Unable to load plugin "serverredirect_cmds.smx": Could not find required plugin "serverredir"
[SM] Unable to load plugin "serverredir.smx": Could not find required plugin "serverredir"
[SM] Native "LoadServerRedirectListFiltered" reported: Plugin owning this native is currently paused.
[SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "serverredirect_ads.smx":
[SM]   [0]  Line 105, E:\TF2\files\sourcemod\plugins\mine\serverredirect_ads.sp::Timer_AdsUpdate()
This is being ran on a CS Source server btw, under Linux. If I do the download/rename/upload combo on the serverredirect_ads.smx - I get a segfault.

If I leave it the way it was, I get the first code block in my SM error logs, but as far as I can tell the plugin works.

But nobody likes errors. Help?
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