Thread: Kz-Arg Mod 1.7
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Old 12-10-2008 , 12:44   Re: Kz-Arg Mod [Not Finish]
Reply With Quote #11

- split top in top15 (no gochecks) and noob15 (gochecks allowed) and show a menu with top15 and noob15 when typing /top15 (/top10)
- only usp & knife are allowed for tops
- tops should contains Player name, steamid/ip, weapon used 4 map finishing, country checked by ip with geoip
- methods of tops saving (name/ip/steamid) defined by cvar
- tops saving to sql for web acces (this should be optional, and if u have a private lan server for example, tops will save normally like in the prokreedz plugin, as nvault)
- count teleports instead of checkpoints 4 tops saving (eg: if u have 47 checkpoints and 0 gochecks ur time will go to the top10, cuz u dont used your created checkpoints)
- aim info and spectating info (show time, weapon, checkpoints and gochecks when aiming and spectating a player)
- add glow menu with more colors 4 admins only
- time, checkpoints, gochecks and weapon speed showed as hud on the screen
- cheatdetect system should stop timer when using hook, noclip, teleport, grab, jetpack and if u pick up the scout when climbing, or u have it in inventory, the tops acces will be blocked
- hook & hats rewards for everyone who finish the map (no scout)
- startbutton position saving when first player press it, and possibility to be modified by admins with /setstart command

Last edited by Diggz; 12-11-2008 at 07:57. Reason: more suggestions
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