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The Killer (DK)
Join Date: Mar 2008
Old 10-20-2008 , 14:29   Webshortcuts upgrade?
Reply With Quote #1


I was thinking if someone would help me with adding a function to this great plugin:
(post #26 by gemeni) i wanna have {NEXTMAP} added to the plugin so i get this option:

"!nextmap" "Next Map" http://www.mydomain/maps/{nextmap}/index.php

but dont know how to.. could someone tell me what i did wrong or make it for me?
this is my version i was trying to make:

new Handle:g_Shortcuts;
new Handle:g_Titles;
new Handle:g_Links;
new Handle:cvar2;
new String:g_ServerIp [32];
new String:g_ServerPort [16];
new String:g_nextmap [32];
public OnPluginStart()
 CreateConVar( "!commands_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
 RegConsoleCmd( "say", OnSay );
 RegConsoleCmd( "say_team", OnSay );
 g_Shortcuts = CreateArray( 32 );
 g_Titles = CreateArray( 64 );
 g_Links = CreateArray( 512 );
 new Handle:cvar = FindConVar( "hostip" );
 new hostip = GetConVarInt( cvar );
 FormatEx( g_ServerIp, sizeof(g_ServerIp), "%u.%u.%u.%u",
  (hostip >> 24) & 0x000000FF, (hostip >> 16) & 0x000000FF, (hostip >> 8) & 0x000000FF, hostip & 0x000000FF );
 cvar = FindConVar( "hostport" );
 GetConVarString( cvar, g_ServerPort, sizeof(g_ServerPort) );
 cvar2 = FindConVar( "sm_nextmap" );
GetConVarString( cvar2, g_nextmap, sizeof(g_nextmap) );
public OnMapEnd()
public Action:OnSay( client, args )
 decl String:text [512];
 GetCmdArgString( text, sizeof(text) );
 new start;
 new len = strlen(text);
 if ( text[len-1] == '"' )
  text[len-1] = '\0';
  start = 1;
 decl String:shortcut [32];
 BreakString( text[start], shortcut, sizeof(shortcut) );
 new size = GetArraySize( g_Shortcuts );
 for (new i; i != size; ++i)
  GetArrayString( g_Shortcuts, i, text, sizeof(text) );
  if ( strcmp( shortcut, text, false ) == 0 )
   decl String:title [64];
   decl String:steamId [64];
   decl String:userId [16];
   decl String:name [64];
   decl String:clientIp [32];
   decl String:time [12];
   decl String:mapName[32];
   GetArrayString( g_Titles, i, title, sizeof(title) );
   GetArrayString( g_Links, i, text, sizeof(text) );
   GetClientAuthString( client, steamId, sizeof(steamId) );
   FormatEx( userId, sizeof(userId), "%u", GetClientUserId( client ) );
   GetClientName( client, name, sizeof(name) );
   GetClientIP( client, clientIp, sizeof(clientIp) );
   FormatTime(time, sizeof(time), "%H:%M:%S");
   GetCurrentMap(mapName, sizeof(mapName));
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{SERVER_IP}", g_ServerIp);
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{SERVER_PORT}", g_ServerPort);
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{NEXTMAP}", g_nextmap);
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{STEAM_ID}", steamId);
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{USER_ID}", userId);
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{NAME}", name);
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{IP}", clientIp);
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{THETIME}", time);
   ReplaceString( title, sizeof(title), "{CURRENTMAP}", mapName);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{SERVER_IP}", g_ServerIp);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{SERVER_PORT}", g_ServerPort);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{NEXTMAP}", g_nextmap);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{STEAM_ID}", steamId);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{USER_ID}", userId);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{NAME}", name);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{IP}", clientIp);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{THETIME}", time);
   ReplaceString( text, sizeof(text), "{CURRENTMAP}", mapName);
   ShowMOTDPanel( client, title, text, MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL );
 return Plugin_Continue; 
 decl String:buffer [1024];
 BuildPath( Path_SM, buffer, sizeof(buffer), "plugins/!commands.cfg" );
 if ( !FileExists( buffer ) )
 new Handle:f = OpenFile( buffer, "r" );
 if ( f == INVALID_HANDLE )
  LogError( "[SM] Could not open file: %s", buffer );
 ClearArray( g_Shortcuts );
 ClearArray( g_Titles );
 ClearArray( g_Links );
 decl String:shortcut [32];
 decl String:title [64];
 decl String:link [512];
 while ( !IsEndOfFile( f ) && ReadFileLine( f, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ) )
  TrimString( buffer );
  if ( buffer[0] == '\0' || buffer[0] == ';' || ( buffer[0] == '/' && buffer[1] == '/' ) )
  new pos = BreakString( buffer, shortcut, sizeof(shortcut) );
  if ( pos == -1 )
  new linkPos = BreakString( buffer[pos], title, sizeof(title) );
  if ( linkPos == -1 )
  strcopy( link, sizeof(link), buffer[linkPos+pos] );
  TrimString( link );
  PushArrayString( g_Shortcuts, shortcut );
  PushArrayString( g_Titles, title );
  PushArrayString( g_Links, link );
 CloseHandle( f );

hope someone wanna help me.

Thanks in advance! :-)


BTW: sorry about my english.. im danish

Last edited by The Killer (DK); 11-02-2008 at 10:31.
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