Thread: Google adsense
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Old 10-17-2008 , 01:09   Re: Google adsense
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by icetea View Post
you arent supposed to just click on it to help support the site, because that gets the site banned form adsense. its much more effective to have the adsense relate to the website.

trying to get some revenue from the ads isn't a complete sentance, and "plus you can only block so many ads" has absolutely no relation to the topic at all.

your comment makes no sense at all
Okay, pick apart my sentence fragment--by the way, it's spelled sentence, just for future reference ;). So I left out a word or two, I meant "They are trying to get some revenue..." Many internet users don't type complete sentences for the sake of it being faster to "jot" down thoughts or ideas quickly.

If you have ever used Ad Sense, you would know that you can add ads to a filter list. You can only add so many ads to this list. I am unsure if that is how it still works (had a limit of like 200 or 300 or something) since I haven't used Ad Sense for a few years. So, the comment I made about blocking ads is completely relevant to this topic. No where did I ever say that you just click on the ad and close the window (I am guessing that this is what you are implying). I am simply stating that it should not bother you to click on an ad link and browse around their site for a moment of your time if it has no relation to this site's "topic" (if you will) and has no direct impact on you (like a site promoting hacks). If you're going to click on the ads to help this site out, you're doing it for 1 reason and 1 reason only: to help this site. You know you most likely wont pay anymore attention to that service on the ad you just clicked after you look around their site a little bit (if it has no relation to CS, AMXx, GSP's, Valve, Steam, etc...). I never said that it wasn't more effective to have ads that relate directly to this site. I agree with that. I was just trying to make you see a bigger view of things, look 20 feet infront instead of 5...

Anyways, I'm not here to argue about who's post makes sense/who's doesn't. I posted here saying it would be unrealistic (can't think of a better word to fit here, though I know there is a better one) to block everything non- AMXx/CS/Source/Value/Steam related. They're ads and if you're going to go to the site being advertised to support this site, it doesn't matter all that much what it about (to an extent it does, but to another it doesn't).

Now that is all said, I hope you understand what I am posting (it's not posted in a way that should be difficult to comprehend). I am going to bed.

Last edited by zssz; 10-17-2008 at 01:29.
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