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Join Date: Nov 2007
Old 07-16-2008 , 17:30   [REQ] NoBlock as admin command (sm_noblock playername)
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I would like to know if it's possible to create/modify a noblock plugin into an admin command?

We run a ZombieMod server which has lamers working together as zombie and human to block other zombies from getting to the last human. I would like to be able to set that one person to noblock using an admin command;

sm_noblock lamer
I tried some editing in the NoBlock plugin by sslice but failed miserably, since it's above my coding ability.


P.S.: I know I can just slap them or slay them, but I'd like to give this sm_noblock admin right to some regulars, since we often don't have an admin on the Zombie server. But we don't want to give them full admin rights including slap/slay.
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