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Join Date: Nov 2007
Old 06-06-2008 , 13:22   Re: [EXTENSION] CBaseServer (+ Detouring class) - Reserved Slots with 0 wasted slots
Reply With Quote #14

Also, kind of off topic. Predcrab when you get a chance one day bud, could you explain to me how you go about finding these offsets. I'm really interested in messing around with them.

"library" "engine"
"windows" "\x83\xEC\x0C\x55\x8B\xE9\x8B\x45\x00\x8B\x50 \x68\xFF\xD2\x84\xC0"
"linux" "@_ZN11CBaseServer15RecalculateTagsEv"

.text:10005A20 sub esp, 0Ch
.text:10005A23 push ebp
.text:10005A24 mov ebp, ecx
.text:10005A26 mov eax, [ebp+0]
.text:10005A29 mov edx, [eax+68h]
.text:10005A2C call edx
.text:10005A2E test al, al
.text:10005A30 jnz loc_10005B83
.text:10005A36 cmp byte_1036FB31, al
.text:10005A3C jnz loc_10005B83
.text:10005A42 push esi
.text:10005A43 push edi
.text:10005A44 mov byte_1036FB31, 1
.text:10005A4B xor edi, edi
.text:10005A4D lea ecx, [ecx+0]
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