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Join Date: Dec 2006
Old 05-02-2008 , 22:23   Re: ATTENTION: You might want to ban these two server adminright hackers from your se

yes man,

both of the uaio plugins of course.

I was one of the first ppl who got into uaio..back then when it had no own subforum. It's a great plugin. One of the best. I can't after all those years imagine to run my server without it. Hopefully this problem gets sorted out.

As i said to sawce on irc, it might have been a silly trick with STEAM_ID_PENDING. This is given full admin by default in the distributed package. I recall them rejoining a couple of times..maybe to get id pending / full admin. Dont know if that works's just a theory. What speaks against it, is though that they were able to change my uaio_admins.ini. I do not know the command for that. Is that possible to change the file when you are admin?

A less threating scenario would be:

They use a prog or something and rejoining the server till the get STEAM_ID_PENDING. Then would have full uaio admin. But after that they must have given in a command that changed the admins.ini. Please check my post with respective post to see the modified file. So is it possible to edit the uaio_admins.ini file via a command from the admin client? They erased my steam id and put default as full admin you can see.
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