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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: UK
Old 09-20-2007 , 16:31   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1a)

1.0.0 RC1c 19.sept.2007 - 20:40
* Fixed admin to seeming not be added when you dont choose from the dropdown
* Added a 'no permissions' selection when adding an admin
* Fixed not needing a DB password in installer
* Fixed an incorrect message in the installer
* Added a message box to show if there are errors adding an admin, so you dont
need to scroll all the way up
* Fixed submit ban now allowing zip files (thx Elbandi)
* Fixed adding a demo to existing ban allowing any filetypes
* Fixed 'No Group' showing for server admins
* Fixed strange stuff happening when adding a new group
* Fixed immunity not being set right on editing groups and admins
* Fixed server groups not getting added into the db
* Fixed tabs not changing color in the header
* Fixed RCON outputting to one line from linux servers
* Fixed SQL error when adding a log entry with no SQL query
* Fixed send button not enabling again after typing 'clr'
* Added a link on the list servers page to show the databases.cfg you need
to upload to the gameserver.
* Removed 'Config' link from server page as plugin hasnt required this cfg
for a long time.
* Fixed trying to get a server query for a server that doesnt exist
* Fixed `WriteLogEntries()' ?>` being show in the footer in some setups
* Fixed flags not showing on the main ban table
* Fixed some country's flag being blank on linux servers
* Flags now show on admin banlist
* Fixed lots of other flag related bugs
* Fixed banlist layout problems in Opera
* Added a blank flag for if the IP isnt in the database
* Forgot to upload the country database
* Fixed some spelling mistakes (lOL)
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// Yarrrr!
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