Thread: Sticky Nades
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Old 08-11-2007 , 05:03   Re: Sticky Nades
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Hello, I am trying to use this mod on my gun game server.

I have put the .amxx and the .sma file in teh corect directories and have edited the .sma file to allow custom nades since I have custom skins on my server. The code is below:

/* AMX Mod X
*   Sticky Nades
* (c) Copyright 2005-2006 by VEN
* This file is provided as is (no warranties)
*       Plugin provide sticky effect for throwed (with +attack) grenades.
*       - ability to make nades stick to any object (default: stick to players only)
*       - ability to exclude certain nade type from being sticky
*       engine
*       fakemeta (first feature only)
*       ANY_OBJECT - uncomment to enable first feature
*       Chahge other options only if you want to use second feature.
*       CUSTOM_NADES - uncomment to enable second feature
*       NADE_TYPES - number of total types of sticky nades (default: 3)
*       NADE_MODEL - remove certain model to exclude appropriate nade
*     CVARS
*       amx_sticky_nades (0: OFF, 1: ON, default: 1) - disables/enables the plugin
*     THANKS
*       lickityspliff - for initial idea
/* *************************************************** Init **************************************************** */
#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#define CVAR "amx_sticky_nades"
#define ANY_OBJECT
#if defined ANY_OBJECT
 #include <fakemeta>
 // do not change
 #define BOUNCE_SOUNDS 4
 new const BOUNCE_SOUND[BOUNCE_SOUNDS][] = {"weapons/grenade_hit1.wav", "weapons/grenade_hit2.wav", "weapons/grenade_hit3.wav", "weapons/he_bounce-1.wav"}
#if defined CUSTOM_NADES
 #define NADE_TYPES 3
 new const NADE_MODEL[NADE_TYPES][] = {"models/w_hegrenade.mdl", "models/w_flashbang.mdl", "models/w_smokegrenade.mdl"}
public plugin_init() {
 register_plugin("Sticky Nades", "0.1", "VEN")
 register_touch("grenade", "player", "touch_nade")
#if defined ANY_OBJECT
 register_forward(FM_EmitSound, "forward_emit_sound")
 register_cvar(CVAR, "1")
/* *************************************************** Base **************************************************** */
public touch_nade(nade, id) {
 if (!is_nade_bounce(nade) || !get_cvar_num(CVAR) || is_nade_excluded(nade))
 entity_set_edict(nade, EV_ENT_aiment, id)
 entity_set_int(nade, EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_FOLLOW)
 entity_set_int(nade, EV_INT_sequence, 0)
#if defined ANY_OBJECT
public forward_emit_sound(nade, channel, sound[]) {
 if (is_nade_bounce(nade)) {
  for (new i = 0; i < BOUNCE_SOUNDS; ++i) {
   if (equal(sound, BOUNCE_SOUND[i]) && !is_nade_excluded(nade)) {
    entity_set_int(nade, EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE)
    entity_set_int(nade, EV_INT_sequence, 0)
/* ************************************************** Stocks *************************************************** */
stock bool:is_nade_bounce(nade) {
 return entity_get_int(nade, EV_INT_movetype) == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE
stock bool:is_nade_excluded(nade) {
#if defined CUSTOM_NADES
 new i, model[32]
 for (i = 0; i < NADE_TYPES; ++i) {
  entity_get_string(nade, EV_SZ_model, model, 31)
  if (equal(model, NADE_MODEL[i]))
 if (i == NADE_TYPES)
  return true
 return false
 return nade != nade // i know what you are thinking about, i'm not insane, i use this to avoid the compile warning
/* **************************************************** EOF **************************************************** */

I am not sure what file I am supposed to put amx_sticky_nades

I have also activated the plugin by putting the .amxx under 3rd party plugins in the plugins.ini file.

P.S. I am a noob when it comes to this stuff and am amazed that I have gotten done what I have. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
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