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AMX_Super Pooper
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Old 06-18-2007 , 18:47   Re: Can't Compile 3.4
Reply With Quote #4

Alright, I am willing to help anybody who is reasonable and of course is looking for help. If your an asshole or you want it done NOW NOW NOW, don't expect anything to happen.

With that said, If you need anything Upgrades / Installs / Changes / Modifications - I am willing to do this deed for a cash exchange.
To some it may sound mean, but to me, its life. Deal with it, I do it so much its not worth my time to Help with big tasks anymore. If I had a dime every time I setup a server, I would be dam near Rich.

For all of this, I will need your user name (make a new one if you want just for ftp) and password to upload/download files from your server. Duh

But a small explanation:
  • Upgrades
    I can upgrade any plugin, or modify it to your liking (nothing drastic) Along with of course upgrading your AMX Mod X on your server.

  • Installs
    I can install mods, as in Metamod, AMX Mod X, Podbots, HL Guard, ATAC, Pretty much anything not including sql.

  • Changes
    Any changes you want in your current system, as in what clients view in your server, if you want anything specific, like rules or forcing rules, or any type of advertixments. (have to talk about in depth)

  • Modifications
    As in, amx_help will only show 10 at once, you have it show 50, or the HUD messages you see can only hold 6, I can make it hold however many you want. If you want a plugin to say a certain phrase on it when you do a command or small things like that

I tried to go indepth as much as I could, if you have any questions, register here and PM me or hit me up on aim, in which i will give you in a PM. Because a bunch of kids hit me up way to much on aim when its public.

General prices are 5 to 15 bucks, either thru paypal(recommended) or cash sent. But if you have a server up from a host, i would hope you can do paypal.

Last edited by bmann_420; 08-14-2007 at 21:01.
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