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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Germany
Old 06-11-2007 , 13:49   [EXTENSION] Hacks
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This extension lets you hook some usefull functions, scan & call functions
by its signature/symbol and call functions by its offset. It has also some
other usefull functions.

Current Version: (07/01/07)

1. Extract 'hacks.ext.dll' and '' to the 'addons/sourcemod/extensions' folder.
2. Extract '' to the 'addons/sourcemod/scripting/include' folder.
3. Extract 'hacks.ext.cfg' to the 'addons/sourcemod/configs' folder.
 * Hooks a virtual function.
 * @param entity			Index of the entity.
 * @param type				Type of the function, see Hacks_HookType.
 * @param handler			Your function that will be called on hooking.
 * @param post				True for post operation, false for pre operation.
 * @return				HookID, that's needed to unhook.
native Hacks_Hook(entity, Hacks_HookType:type, Hacks_HookFunc:func, bool:post=false);

 * Unhooks a virtual function.
 * @param hookid			The returned hookid from Hacks_Hook.
 * @noreturn
native Hacks_Unhook(hookid);

 * Scans for a function in the memory.
 * @param name				Name of the function (e.g. "CBaseAnimating::Ignite").
 * @param signature			Signature to scan for (Windows). 2A = wildcard
 *					 (e.g. "56 8B 74 24 0C 83 FE FF 57 8B 7C 24 0C 74 25 8B")
 * @param symbol			Symbol to scan for (Linux).
 * @return				CallID, that's needed to call the function.
native Hacks_Find(const String:name[], const String:signature[], const String:symbol[]);

 * Calls a previously scanned function.
 * @param entity			Index of the entity.
 * @param callid			The returned callid from Hacks_Find.
 * @param calltype			Type to call, see Hacks_CallType.
 * @param returntype			Return type, see Hacks_ReturnType.
 * @param[x] argtype			Datatype of argument, see Hacks_Param.
 * @param[y] arg			Argument for function.
 * @return				If there was a failure in the function, it will return -1,
 *					 otherwise see Hacks_ReturnType.
native Hacks_Call(entity, callid, Hacks_CallType:calltype, Hacks_ReturnType:returntype, any:...);

 * Calls a virtual function by its offset.
 * @param entity			Index of the entity.
 * @param windows			Windows offset.
 * @param linux				Linux offset.
 * @param calltype			Type to call, see Hacks_CallType.
 * @param returntype			Return type, see  Hacks_ReturnType.
 * @param[x] argtype			Datatype of argument, see Hacks_Param.
 * @param[y] arg			Argument for function.
 * @return				If there was a failure in the function, it will return -1,
 *					 otherwise see Hacks_ReturnType.
native Hacks_Call_Offset(entity, windows, linux, Hacks_CallType:calltype, Hacks_ReturnType:returntype, any:...);

 * Calls a previously scanned function, but without an entity.
 * @param callid			The returned callid from Hacks_Find.
 * @param returntype			Return type, see Hacks_ReturnType.
 * @param[x] argtype			Datatype of argument, see Hacks_Param.
 * @param[y] arg			Argument for function.
 * @return				If there was a failure in the function, it will return -1,
 *					 otherwise see Hacks_ReturnType.
native Hacks_Call_NoEntity(callid, Hacks_ReturnType:returntype, any:...);

 * Adds a file to be force downloaded (cleared every map change).
 * @param ...				Each argument = One file that will be added.
 * @noreturn
native Hacks_AddDownload(const String:...);

 * Creates a patch that you can use with Hacks_Patch/Hacks_Unpatch
 * @param callid			The returned callid from Hacks_Find.
 * @param windows_bytes			New Bytes (eg "C2 08 00")
 * @param windows_offset		Offset (addr to patch = func_addr + offset)
 * @param linux_bytes
 * @param linux_offset
 * @return				PatchID, that's needed to patch/unpatch.
native Hacks_CreatePatch(callid, const String:windows_bytes[], windows_offset, const String:linux_bytes[], linux_offset);

 * Writes new bytes to a given address
 * @param patchid			The returned patchid from Hacks_CreatePatch.
 * @noreturn
native Hacks_Patch(patchid);

 * Writes the original bytes to a given address
 * @param patchid			The returned patchid from Hacks_CreatePatch.
 * @noreturn
native Hacks_Unpatch(patchid);
Functions to hook:
// Args: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: inflictor, attacker, damage, hitbox, hitgroup
TraceAttack(CTakeDamageInfo const&, Vector const&, CGameTrace*)
// Args: inflictor, attacker, damage, damagetype, ammotype
OnTakeDamage(CTakeDamageInfo const&)
// Args: inflictor, attacker, damage, damagetype, ammotype
Event_Killed(CTakeDamageInfo const&)
// Args: other, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: other, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: other, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: weapon, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: weapon, 0, 0, 0, 0
Weapon_Drop(CBaseCombatWeapon*, Vector const*, Vector const*)
// Args: weapon, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: impulse, 0, 0, 0, 0
// Args: buttons, weapon, forwardmove, sidemove, upmove
PlayerRunCommand(CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper)
#include <sourcemod>
#include <hacks>

new g_iCreateEntityByName;
new g_iHooks[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = { -1, ... };

public Plugin:myinfo =
	name = "Hacks Test",
	author = "Knagg0",
	description = "",
	version = "",
	url = ""

public OnPluginStart()
	// As a wildcard, you can use 2A in the signature
	g_iCreateEntityByName = Hacks_Find("CreateEntityByName", "56 8B 74 24 0C 83 FE FF 57 8B 7C 24 0C 74 25 8B", "_Z18CreateEntityByNamePKci");
	RegConsoleCmd("give_awp", GiveAWP, "", FCVAR_GAMEDLL);

public OnClientPutInServer(client)
	g_iHooks[client] = Hacks_Hook(client, HACKS_HTYPE_WEAPON_CANUSE, Weapon_CanUse, false);

public OnClientDisconnect(client)

public Action:GiveAWP(client, args)
	new iEntity = GiveNamedItem(client, "weapon_awp", 0);
	PrintToChat(client, "Entity index: %d", iEntity);
	return Plugin_Continue;

public Weapon_CanUse(client, weapon, dummy1, dummy2, dummy3, dummy4)
	new String:sBuffer[50];
	if(weapon != 0 && GetEdictClassname(weapon, sBuffer, sizeof(sBuffer)))
		// Can't pickup deagle
		if(StrEqual("weapon_deagle", sBuffer))
			return 0;
	return Hacks_Continue;

public SomeFunction(client, args)
	new iEntity = CreateEntityByName("prop_physics", -1);
	if(iEntity != -1)
		// Set origin, angles, model, collision...
		// Spawn...

public GiveNamedItem(client, String:name[], subtype)
	return Hacks_Call_Offset(client, 329, 330, HACKS_RTYPE_ENTITY, HACKS_PARAM_STRING, name, HACKS_PARAM_INT, subtype);

public CreateEntityByName(String:name[], forceindex)
	return Hacks_Call_NoEntity(g_iCreateEntityByName, HACKS_RTYPE_ENTITY, HACKS_PARAM_STRING, name, HACKS_PARAM_INT, forceindex);
Quote: (07/01/07)
  • Removed Hacks_FindSendPropOffs (FindSendPropOffs already searches recursive)
  • Added 3 new natives (Hacks_CreatePatch, Hacks_Patch & Hacks_Unpatch)
  • Added the ability to call CEventQueue & CGameRules functions (06/15/07)
  • Added 2 new functions that you can hook (ImpulseCommands & PlayerRunCommand)
  • Added 2 new natives (Hacks_AddDownload & Hacks_FindSendPropOffs)
  • Added 1 new paramter (Hacks_CallType) to Hacks_Call_Offset (so plugins needs to be edit to use this version)
  • Added IPhysicsObject support to Hacks_CallType & Hacks_Param
  • Changed the args of TraceAttack (06/14/07)
  • Added new natives to hook virtual functions
  • Changed some enums (06/11/07)
  • First release
Big thanks to PimpinJuice and his Signature Scan Extension.
It helps me a lot with handling the args
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Last edited by Knagg0; 07-01-2007 at 09:53.
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